Physical Sciences and Engineering

Statistical modeling in agriculture for structural change

A statistical model is assumed for testing the structural change in agricultural data in different time periods (2000-2007 and 2008-2015) and in different regions (states) using G.C.Chow test (1960) and Damodar Gujarati dummy variable approach (1970) to analyze the data relating to India ,Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Chow test is general in nature, it merely tells whether the regressions are different or not without specifying whether the differences if any is due to difference in intercept terms or due to difference in the coefficients of particular explanatory variables.

Study on intelligent controllers

Intelligent Control emulates the human intelligence and achieves automation in various areas of Engineering.Intelligent Controls have been used mainly in the areas of Electrical Systems; Machine Intelligence based systems like Robotics. Intelligent Control has been active in various industrial and engineering applications. There is active research in applying Intelligent Controls in distributed computing systems like web based environments. The advent of internet has changed the business models for the service providers and consumers.

Optimal irrigation managementatmundoghatcanal command area ofhirakudcanalsystem using genetic algorithm

Optimization methods are designed to provide the ‘best’ values of system designand operating policy variables – values that will lead to the highest levels of system performance. These methods, combined with more detailed and accurate simulation methods, are the primary ways we have, short of actually building physical models, of estimating the likely impacts of particular water resources system designs and operating policies. Many of the optimization methods used in practice incorporates concepts from engineering economics.

An efficient search methods for multi relay based cooperative communications with minimal pricing and load sharing

The co-operative communication is a cellular network and it is used to reduce the energy consumption in Mobile Terminals. But it is difficult to implement, because it has some problem for paying incentives to the mobile terminals in co-operative communication. Here pricing mechanism is introduced to pay the credits for the helping mobile terminals to upload the data to the source mobile terminal with the help of co-operative communication.

Third party based security mechanism in nfc

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short range remote correspondence innovation, which works in the guideline of attractive acceptance. A little electric current is made by per user that thus makes an attractive field in the physical between the gadgets. A tag gets empowered from the field. NFC labels are fit for store information in it and are either perused just or rewriteable. Due to its protected nature used to store individual information, for example, plastic and Visa data, PINs and systems administration contacts.

Detection of drought pattern in sudan using standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (spei)

Recent climatic changes are posing great threat to natural resources and biodiversity worldwide and the threat is particularly eminent in Sub-Saharan Africa, urging for better adaptation interventions. In turn, in this study, we explored the drought pattern in Sudan and South Sudan for the period between 1961 and 2013. Consistent with several recent studies those characterized drought patterns; we used the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) of drought to explore possible drought events in two countries Sudan and South Sudan over the last 53 years.

Simulation of the ionospheric effect of intense geomagnetic storms of july and november 2004 using a low latitude 3d theoretical model

The performance of the Dibrugarh University low latitude 3D theoretical model at different geomagnetic activity levels and for intense geomagnetic storms has been investigated. In this model the continuity, momentum and energy balance equations of ion and electron flux along geomagnetic field lines from the Northern to the Southern hemisphere are solved simultaneously. The model is used to simulate electron density at different geomagnetic activity conditions Ap=5, 10, 20.

A novel remote user authentication scheme using euclidean geometry with smart card for wireless networks preserving user's anonymity

Remote user authentication is of concern in wireless communication networks. This paper proposes a novel remote user authentication scheme based on Euclidean geometry in conjunction with smart card. The proposed scheme preserves user's anonymity while withstanding the following security breaches: resistance to forgery attacks, resistance to replay attacks, resistance to password guessing attacks. In addition, a user can choose and change his password freely.

As ferramentas do coaching para o desenvolvimento de um líder de alto desempenho

Num mundo altamente globalizado, com cenário de rápidas mudanças, cheias de tomadas de decisões num ambiente nebuloso, a função do líder é singular. Um líder que queira ter uma equipe comprometida, com os objetivos e metas da organização, terá que utilizar de ferramentas práticas do coaching para engajar todos da equipe, com isso, estarão motivados para alavancar as ações da organização, podendo aumentar os lucros e perpetuar-se neste cenário altamente competitivo.