Physical Sciences and Engineering

Statistical estimation with gene frequencies in a b o blood group systems

Statistics is one of the major tools to study the quantitative aspects of Biological theories. In the literature about Biostatistics, many statisticians have applied basic biometric methods for medicinal applications where as a few statisticians have applied those for genetic applications. In the present study, an attempt has been made by estimating gene frequencies in ABO blood group system in human beings through the Maximum Likelihood method.

Task scheduling algorithms for parallel processing

In computing, Scheduling refers to a set of policies which define the order of execution of processes. The scheduling for the processor is done to keep it as busy as possible. Parallel computing includes scheduling of multiple processors, and managing the resources for all the processors. The scheduling in multiprocessors is more difficult than scheduling in a single processor unit. In scheduling of multiple processors it should be ensured that any processor should not be overloaded and any processor should not be under loaded. So the overall system should be balanced.

Smart garbage monitoring system

Garbage bins are found at all the places in a particular collage, school, hospital, bank, shopping malls etc. Every time it is not possible to check whether the bin is full or empty, so in this paper we come up with a solution to monitor the status of every bin inside the campus area of any school, collage or any other place. Here we actually use arduino board connected to an ultrasonic sensor and a Wi-Fi module and this entire system is connected to every single bin inside the campus area.

Automatic questions generating system

All the educational information can be accessible through the Internet sites (e.g., Wikipedia, news administrations). Learning the information by searching through random website is difficult, one of the main difficulties is to frame the questions for famous people who have a Wikipedia page. Here, we address some portion of this test via mechanizing the formation of a particular kind of useful inquiries that can improve the learning background. In particular, we focused consequently producing true questions from the text or keywords provided.

Detection of malignant melanoma usingartificial neural networks trained with particle swarm optimization algorithm

Malignant Melanoma is a type of cancerous cell which occurs in the skin and it is known as the deadliest form of all skin cancers. They sometimes develop from a mole with increase in size, irregular edges,change in color, itchiness or skin breakdown. If detected early, malignant melanoma can be treated successfully. In this paper, detection of the malignant melanoma is done by artificial neural network trained with particle swarm optimization algorithm. The features of the image are extracted using SIFT (Scale invariant feature transform) and SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) techniques.

Efficient and dynamic proof of storage for multi-user cloud environment

The Dynamic Proof of Storage is a very useful cryptographic scheme which enables a user to update the file or check for the integrity of the data in a cloud server. There exists dynamic schemes in the single user environment but for the multiuser environment, the algorithm is still not been analysed yet. For a multi user cloud storage system, a secure multi user deduplication technique is needed which would enable the user to skip the file upload and gain the instant automated ownership when the other owner of the file have uploaded the file on the server.

A new solution for checkersusing minimax and alpha betapruning

In this paper, the sport of checkers has been selected to know the pattern of game development with comparison to alternative games like twitching Tac Toe, chess, four Queens and plenty of a lot of. Since there are numerous prospects to adapt the technique to play this game, we have a tendency to set to travel beside Alpha – Beta pruning. This approach is that the desired one since it saves time and provides house in doing therefore thatarea unit each nice benefits for any game.

Software configuration management techniques and principles

Software Configuration Management (or Software Change Management) is defined as the task of tracking and controlling changes in software. It is a part of a larger field of configuration management. It helps in identifying individual elements and configurations, tracking changes, and version selection, control, and baselining. Software products are very complex to develop and are even more difficult to maintain. There are various problems faced in SCM such as balancing the costs of productions with benefits from increased sales of software products.

Iot system security: challenges and prospective solutions

The increasing demand and use of IoT systems has no doubt made our lives very easy and comfortable. With day by day growth of technology, new kinds of attacks and threats are occurring each day. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the security of our networks and data. This paper tries to look at a variety of security problems that can be faced in the IoT Systems and their prospective solutions given by various authors. In the end, a comparative study of the problems addressed and the solutions given in each of the paper is done.

The analysis of human development levels via multi-criteria decision making methods with different weighting techniques: the case of European Union members, candidates and potential candidates

The measurement of countries’ human development levels goes beyond measuring gross domestic product in recent years. There is not a general concern about the structural expression of human development. United Nations Programme makes researches to measure development with human development index (HDI) based upon the perspective of “enlarging people’s choices”. On the other side, European Union (EU) analysis how to measure human development in European context. There is ahuge necessity of alternative data and methods for the analysis.