Physical Sciences and Engineering

Socio economic impacts of clay mining on local livilyhoods: a case study from velichikkala, nedumpana panchayat, kollam district, kerala

Man’s use of environment many times can create several problems. Expanding human requirement and socio economic developments imposes ever increasing pressure on our resource base. English India clay Ltd worked at Velichikkala, kollam district engaged in mining and processing of china clay. Total reserves of clay both sedimentary and residual are 7.4 million tonnes. The Company produced different grades of kaolin.

Spare parts demand forecasting system

Reordering spare parts for the purposes of stock replenishment is an important function of the parts manager in the typical dealership. Meaningful reordering requires a reliable forecast of the future demand for items. A Variety of alternative forecasting techniques were evaluated for this purpose with the aim of selecting one optimal technique to be implemented in an automatic reorder in module of a real time computerized inventory management system.

Details of self driving cars

Our objective is to analyze the movement of the self-driving vehicle based on the source and destination given by the user and the challenges faced during the motion of the self-driving vehicle. The movement is based on camera angles and the path determined by the path outlining algorithm used. Movement is based on the trajectory motion captured from the dynamic environment of the desired path. Challenges faced during the motion of the vehicle include object intrusion, pedestrian detection, cyber-attacks and efficient car parking.

Robust product design: a modern view of quality engineering in manufacturing systems

One of the main technological and economic challenges for an engineer is designing high-quality products in manufacturing processes. Most of these processes involve a large number of variables included the setting of controllable (design) and uncontrollable (noise) variables. Robust Design (RD) method uses a collection of mathematical and statistical tools to study a large number of variables in the process with a minimum value of computational cost. Robust design method tries to make high-quality products according to customers’ viewpoints with anacceptable profit margin.

Head and neck posture in young adults with chronic neck pain

Neck pain is very common in the general population. Every individual would have experienced neck pain at some point in their life. Some might have had acute and some with chronic. Chronic neck pain affects range of motion and limits the functional capacity of neck. Because of chronic neck pain, neck muscles undergo spasm and gets fatigue soon. This leads to altered head and neck posture. Hence there is a need to find what trait or feature in the chronic neck pain lead to altered posture.

tudies on majoon aarad khurma and its granules prepared with stevia, with reference to the standardization and toxicity evaluation

There is a huge treasure of Compound drugs described in various pharmacopoeias that have developed as a result of painstaking and cumulative efforts of elite scholars of Unani medicine. However, there has always been scope for inclusion of new compound drugs whose safety and efficacy has been proved scientifically. Majoon Aarad Khurma which is widely used as an effective aphrodisiac is prepared with sugar as base. It is contraindicated in diabetic patients who are suffering from sexual dysfunctions.

A new solution for checkersusing minimax and alpha betapruning

In this paper, the sport of checkers has been selected to know the pattern of game development with comparison to alternative games like twitching Tac Toe, chess, four Queens and plenty of a lot of. Since there are numerous prospects to adapt the technique to play this game, we have a tendency to set to travel beside Alpha – Beta pruning. This approach is that the desired one since it saves time and provides house in doing therefore thatarea unit each nice benefits for any game.

Efficient and dynamic proof of storage for multi-user cloud environment

The Dynamic Proof of Storage is a very useful cryptographic scheme which enables a user to update the file or check for the integrity of the data in a cloud server. There exists dynamic schemes in the single user environment but for the multiuser environment, the algorithm is still not been analysed yet. For a multi user cloud storage system, a secure multi user deduplication technique is needed which would enable the user to skip the file upload and gain the instant automated ownership when the other owner of the file have uploaded the file on the server.

Experimental analysis based on optical model and electromagnetic properties of multilayer absorbers

This research aims to contribute with the design optimization of multilayer absorber material applicable in stealth technologies. This study involves a pre-analysis of the electromagnetic properties of five individual plates (absorbing layers), considering the reflection and transmission coefficients. From these characteristics was established the best combinations of the individual layers in sets of three layers. For this, five plates based on styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) matrix loaded with carbon black (2-50 phr) were processed.

Analysis of women’s participation on Turkish publicly traded company boards

In 2012, Turkish Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMBT) took the first step about increasing women’s participation on Turkish publicly traded company boards with a soft law. However, under the framework of the Corporate Governance Principles of CMBT, the regulation did not have the intended impact and had very limited application. In order to draw attention to the issue and extend the influence of the regulation, supportive projects were launched in Turkey.