Neck pain is very common in the general population. Every individual would have experienced neck pain at some point in their life. Some might have had acute and some with chronic. Chronic neck pain affects range of motion and limits the functional capacity of neck. Because of chronic neck pain, neck muscles undergo spasm and gets fatigue soon. This leads to altered head and neck posture. Hence there is a need to find what trait or feature in the chronic neck pain lead to altered posture. Study group consisted of 30 subjects with chronic neck pain and control group with 30 pain free persons in the age group between 20 to 30 years. Spearman correlation revealed that there was a high level of significance between ROM & pain with significance level of 0.05 and between posture & ROM with significance level of 0.01Findings from this study showed that there was a significant difference between chronic neck pain patients and pain free subjects in frontal plane alignment, upper and lower cervical angle. There was a correlation between ROM, posture and pain. Postural changes in the neck need to be considered during therapeutic intervention of patients with chronic neck pain.