Physical Sciences and Engineering

Origination of public finance management in modern marketing strategy and its effect (at a glance)

In the modern market situation, the role of finance management is very vital because it directly related with the present and future growth of the nation. The main purpose of this paper is to review recent studies on small and medium sized companies in order to concentrate on the main critical issues which are arising in financial management. If we classify the problem then the major components of financial management can be analyzed into three segments: a) The question of liquidity management and cash flow management. Cash is company’s most precious nonhuman asset.

Prediction using social media

Social media consists of lot of user generated data. It contains opportunity for creation, publication and transfer of ideas and thoughts which is considered as user generated data. The past few years have laid to large amount of growth in social media. Social networks are affecting the way how human interact with each other and share different perceptions. The data generated by user contains large amount of unprocessed information related to the perception and feelings of user towards a particular entity.

Robust product design: a modern view of quality engineering in manufacturing systems

One of the main technological and economic challenges for an engineer is designing high-quality products in manufacturing processes. Most of these processes involve a large number of variables included the setting of controllable (design) and uncontrollable (noise) variables. Robust Design (RD) method uses a collection of mathematical and statistical tools to study a large number of variables in the process with a minimum value of computational cost. Robust design method tries to make high-quality products according to customers’ viewpoints with anacceptable profit margin.

Spare parts demand forecasting system

Reordering spare parts for the purposes of stock replenishment is an important function of the parts manager in the typical dealership. Meaningful reordering requires a reliable forecast of the future demand for items. A Variety of alternative forecasting techniques were evaluated for this purpose with the aim of selecting one optimal technique to be implemented in an automatic reorder in module of a real time computerized inventory management system.

Application of icts in an indonesian islamic boarding school

This research aimed to provide vivid descriptions of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) application in an Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) in Narmada, West Lombok, Indonesia. This descriptive qualitative research design employed participative observation, interview, and documentation as the data collection techniques, in which the data were subsequently analyzed through data display, reduction for categorization, synthesis, and hypothesis.

Bonemodeling using the morton space-filling curve

We introduce an algorithm for obtaining a geometric bone model suitable for the analysis of bone mechanical properties. In the bone model construction, we use new patterns of the familiar Morton curve, a class of Space Filling Curves. By extending a previous idea for the Hilbert curve, we derive new curve patterns used two construct the space filling curve in the bone model. We show the utility in bone modeling by means of an algorithm that generates the Morton curve and efficiently compute the bone properties such as density, Young’s modulus and Poisson's ratio.

Details of self driving cars

Our objective is to analyze the movement of the self-driving vehicle based on the source and destination given by the user and the challenges faced during the motion of the self-driving vehicle. The movement is based on camera angles and the path determined by the path outlining algorithm used. Movement is based on the trajectory motion captured from the dynamic environment of the desired path. Challenges faced during the motion of the vehicle include object intrusion, pedestrian detection, cyber-attacks and efficient car parking.

Socio economic impacts of clay mining on local livilyhoods: a case study from velichikkala, nedumpana panchayat, kollam district, kerala

Man’s use of environment many times can create several problems. Expanding human requirement and socio economic developments imposes ever increasing pressure on our resource base. English India clay Ltd worked at Velichikkala, kollam district engaged in mining and processing of china clay. Total reserves of clay both sedimentary and residual are 7.4 million tonnes. The Company produced different grades of kaolin.

Hybrid mobile application based on ionic framework technologies

The proliferation of mobile technologies has brought about a unified communication sphere along with verse and modern experiences. These emerging technologies have intensified competition within the mobile communication industry. This competition has further led to some problems for the users as well as application developers. Developers are not able to access and modify mobile applications codes that operate on other platforms i.e. Native platform incompatibilities. In this study, we advance the academic notion of developing a hybrid mobile application into a practical perspective.