Physical Sciences and Engineering

Safety and efficacy of early supervised mobilization after recent decompensation of heart failure

Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome in which structural or functional cardiac disorders result in an impaired cardiac function causing symptoms that vary according to the underlying pathology of heart failure. Patients with heart failure are often challenged by the loss of independence and compromised functional abilities associated with the symptoms. This is why comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation including supervised exercise is advised.

Overwintering performance of six bougainvillea varieties in jianghan plain

In order to introduce the planting and cultivation of Bougainvillea spectabilis in Jianghan area, domesticate the varieties that can adapt to the climate of Jianghan plain, improve the market competitiveness of B. spectabilis and make it more widely popularized. A comparative experiment on overwintering cold resistance was carried out with six Bougainvillea varieties introduced from Yunnan, China. By comparing the freezing injury degree of B.

Production et analyse de la qualité nutritionnelle et microbiologique de la spiruline à la ferme de dogondoutchi au niger

Objectif: L’objectif général de cette étude, est de contribuer à documenter précisément le déroulement de la culture de spiruline à Doutchi et l’analyse de ses qualités nutritionnelles et hygiéniques. Objectifs spécifiques: Suivre la production de la spiruline dans trois bassins de 100 m2 pendant 10 jours et analyser les qualités nutritionnelles et microbiologiques de la spiruline.

Relación entre el antígeno prostático preoperatorio, tacto rectal y escala de clasificación histológica de la pieza quirúrgica

Introducción: La sospecha de cáncer de próstata se da por alguna alteración en la consistencia de la próstata, al realizar el tacto rectal o por elevación de las cifras del antígeno prostático específico (APE), o ambas, ante lo cual deberá realizarse una biopsia transrectal guiada por ultrasonido (BTRUS)de próstata, con el fin de enviar las muestras a patología y recibir un reporte histopatológico que clasifique a cada uno de los pacientes en los diferentes grados de riesgo, de acuerdo a la escala de Gleason y por consiguiente iniciar un tratamiento de manera oportuna.

Relación histopatológica entre el pirads y el grado grupo de pacientes con diagnostico de cáncer de prostata, sometidos a prostatectomía radical asistida por robot en el centro médico naval

Introducción: El cáncer de próstata (CaP) es la proliferación descontrolada de las células epiteliales (secretoras luminales, células basales o células neuroendocrinas) de la glándula prostática, maligno y con pronóstico heterogéneo relacionado principalmente a la edad, grado grupo, nivel de Antígeno prostático especifico (APE), tipo de cáncer, duplicación del APE, hallazgos quirúrgicos, entre otros.

Sudden loss of evocated potentials in lumbar spine surgery case report

Sinus bradycardia is established as a heart rate less than 60 bpm. This can be normal in young, healthy adults or in patients taking blocking agents. It is considered pathological if it produces a decrease in cardiac output and presents symptoms. The conduction abnormality can occur at the level of the sinus node, atrioventricular node tissue, or the specialized His-Purkinje conduction system.

Methodological alternative for the teaching-learning process of indefinite integrals with the use of maple mathematical assistant in the 1styear of mathematics teaching course at isced-cabinda

This article was developed with the purpose of presenting a methodological alternative for the teaching-learning process of indefinite integrals using Maple mathematical assistant at the 1st year of Mathematics Teaching course at ISCED-Cabinda, in order to minimize the difficulties found at this level such as students’ lack of motivation in relation to the mathematical content taught in the traditional classroom, the failure to achieve satisfactory results intended in the teaching of indefinite integrals, incomprehension of the concept of indefinite integrals, the lack of mention about the

Effect of composts based on sewage sludge and market gardening waste on the growth and yield of tomato

In urban and peri-urban areas, wastewater and sewage sludge are used without prior treatment to fertilise vegetable soils. To this end, sewage sludge treated with market garden waste was tested to evaluate the morphological performance and yield of tomatoes. Thus, the composts based on faecal sludge and market garden waste are T0, T1 and T2 (for respectively T0: composted faecal sludge alone, T1: compost with 2/3 faecal sludge and 1/3 market garden waste and T2: compost with ½ sewage sludge and ½ vegetable waste).

Mainstreaming person with disabilities in progress – Bangladesh context

Disability is a prevalent phenomenon. Disability issues in Bangladesh remain at the backside of the development agenda for a variety of reasons. People in general, view incapacity as a curse and a cause of embarrassment to the family. These forget bars Person with disabilities (PWDs) from participating in ordinary economic, social and political things to do in their families, communities, vital offerings and education, etc. The present study documented economic and social factors that impeded their access to health care, education, leisure activities, future life chances etc.

Impact of underwriting risk net claims and premium on the profitability of insurance companies in Nigeria

Background: The Insurance sector is ladened with the sole responsibility of risk bearing and management. This is very important to any economy especially the developing economies like Nigeria where there is absence or little presence of enabling environment for businesses, low life-expectancy and wavering government policies. It is also important for the Insurance sector to stay alive to perform the duty of rescuing the economy from peril. For the sake of sustainability, Insurance companies must decide on what processes to focus on to drive profitability.