Physical Sciences and Engineering

Validity and reliability of arabic version of victorian institute of sport assessment for patellar tendinopathy (visa-p)

Background: Patellar tendinopathy is characterized by progressive activity-related anterior knee pain and patellar tendon dysfunction. It is observed in sports involving running and jumping. The Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment–Patellar (VISA-P) is a questionnaire originally developed in English to assess the symptoms and repercussions of patellar tendinopathies on daily and physical activities.

Ciencia, tecnología, ingenieria y matematicas para un diseño completamente aleatorizado utilizando catapulta seis sigma

La educación del siglo XXI es un proceso de aprendizaje experimental de transformaciones dentro y fuera del aula, por lo que es fundamental conocer y entender acciones pedagógicas, que, a raíz de la pandemia, fue necesario desarrollar estrategias que permitan implementar conocimientos del aula a casos prácticos. La presente investigación pretende responder al cuestionamiento ¿Cómo asegurar el aprendizaje de los alumnos de estadística inferencial, mediante un experimento práctico?.

Acceptance and commitment therapy for a young adult female with borderline personality features: A case study

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is one of the novel approaches that claim to help people live a meaningful life while also learning to accept and cope with the inevitable suffering of existence. This is one of the finest treatment approaches for patients suffering with various internalized difficulties like depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders, Borderline personality disorders etc. This study presents a case of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with a 22 year old Hindu Bengali female student with Borderline Personality features.

Theory of types of sovereignty and degrees of sovereignty by prof. momchil dobrev and prof. mariola garibova-dobreva from 2009 and conquest of countries and nations by the deep mafia through their control and management

Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev and Prof. Mariola Garibova-Dobreva developed 2009 "Theory of types of sovereignty and degrees of sovereignty" based on a complete analysis of the types of sovereigns in a country in dependence on modern trends and the modern development of societies on planet Earth.

Valoración funcional en pacientes postoperados vía artroscópica de lesión completa de ligamento cruzado anterior de rodilla con el uso de injerto autólogo de tendones isquiotibiales sin desinserción distal y fijación tornillo-tornillo biodegradable

Background: ACL reconstruction Background: ACL reconstruction has evolved considerably in the last 30 years. This largely due to a better understanding of ACL anatomy. Objective: Assess functionality of the patient with a complete ACL lesion who underwent reconstruction with autologous graft of hamstrings without detachment in its distal portion using the Lysholm functional knee scale and Tegner.

Theory and practice of a system of indicators - profit margin norms by prof. momchildobrev - 2006 - a tool of any country for flexible management and dealing with inflations, recessions, crises and others in capitalism and the basis of prof. momchildobrev

Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev developed back in 2006 THEORY AND PRACTICE of a SYSTEM of INDICATORS - PROFIT MARGIN NORMS of Prof. Momtchil Dobrev - a tool of any country for flexible management and coping with inflations, recessions, crises and others in capitalism . This theory and practice is a part and basis of the socio-humanism of Prof. Momchil Dobrev and Prof. Mariola Garibova and Prof. Mariola Garibova-DObreva developed 2006.

Theory of types of sovereignty and degrees of sovereignty by prof. momchil dobrev and prof. mariola garibova-dobreva from 2009 and conquest of countries and nations by the deep mafia through their control and management

Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev and Prof. Mariola Garibova-Dobreva developed 2009 "Theory of types of sovereignty and degrees of sovereignty" based on a complete analysis of the types of sovereigns in a country in dependence on modern trends and the modern development of societies on planet Earth.

Analysis of technological modes of operation and justification of the methodology for forecasting development for gas condensate fields

The article analyzes in detail the issues of the technological mode of operation of wells of the Altyguyi gas condensate field. Increasing the technological regime, as well as providing conditions for better extraction of fluids (condensate and water) from the bottom of wells, as a result, will increase the economic indicators of development as a whole, which should correspond to the concept of reducing the duration of field development.