With the famous quote of Leonardo Da Vinci, ‘Water is the driving force of all Nature’, water conservation is mandatory item of human being. Even though the India’s current water supply is 740 billion cubic meters, water demand will reach 1.5 trillion cubic meters in 2030. About forty percentages of the people in India may not get water to drink by 2030. Many of the states are rich in water resources and some states are struggling for fresh water. As per UNICEF, by 2040, roughly one in four children worldwide will be living in areas of extremely high water stress. Poor quality of water negatively affects ecosystems and human health, and makes water unfit for many purposes which results reduction of water resources availability. Information technology, especially Internet of water has tremendous role in water management. This paper is an eye opener to water resources and scarcity in India and role of IoT to solve the same for some extend