Physical Sciences and Engineering

Valitidy and reliability of the arabic version of lysholm knee scalein knee osteoarthritis

Background: Lysholm Knee Scale is a knee- is an instrument used to assess the results of rehabilitation from knee injuries, especially those requiring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. it measures recovery of knee joint function based on activities of daily living. Objective :The purpose of this study will be to test the face validity, the content validity, the feasibility, the internal consistency reliability and the test retest reliability of Arabic-language version of Lysholm knee scale to measure the PF level in knee osteoarthritic patients.

Interlinkages between geographical competencies and value education: implications in the classrooms

The current century can be easily marked by dichotomies where on the one hand humanity is experiencing dense connectivity through advance technology and on the other feeling isolated and alone at the individual level. Due to all these, our value system is on hold. Many disciplines are addressing these issues according to their expertise and nature but no discipline can help us better than the geography which over the two centuries has tried to understand the intricacies of the physical and human relation through different approaches in a scientific manner.

A review on the effect of sulphur mustard on gene expression alterations, finding the most important molecular functions using gene set functional enrichment analysis

Background: Sulphur mustard (SM) is a very reactive agent and causes severe chemical burns. In addition to various cellular and molecular damages, SM affects the expression of several genes. The main aim of this study was to review SM-induced gene expression alterations. Furthermore, using enrichment analysis, we tried to identify the most important molecular functions involved in the occurrence of SM injury, based on the found gene sets. Methods: With the aim of finding genes associated with SM-induced injuries, the literature was reviewed and data were collected manually.

A study on the thermal properties of 100% Tencel fabric

A knitted fabric consist of forming yarn(s) into loops, each of which is typically only released after a succeeding loop has been formed and intermeshed with it so that a secure ground loop structure is achieved. In the knitted fabric, bamboo has different loop structure (single jersey, cross tuck, cross miss, twill weave). These fabrics are subjected to the testing air permeability, wicking test, thermal conductivity, water vapor permeability. Bamboo Knit Fabric is naturally bacteria and odor resistant, and is the practical, yet eco-friendly choice.

Adaptive approach for transmission strategieonhigh capacity over heterogeneous wireless networks

To provide support for both data and voice is essential requirement of present mobile networks both LTE and UMTS networks. In this work, we studied the heterogeneous wireless communication, as a joint collaborative orientation of different Radio Access Technology through which network produce can fulfill as possible as a large variety of user service difficulties in a more efficacious modality by) UMTS/LTE( is also increasing. The Proposed Model assumes that (HWN) based on two different (RATs) these technologies coexist, namely [UMTS, LTE].

Isokinetic measurements of shoulder muscles performance in notebook computer users

Background: The use of notebook computers has increasedand become very popular among computer users due to their light weight, small size, portability, and battery power optionand become the main cause of increased muscle activities in the neck and shoulder region between computer users. Purposes: To investigate the isokinetic measurements of shoulder muscle performance in notebook computer users. Design: Two groups post-test design. Materials and Methods: Thirty healthy subjects were be selected from students and employees of the Faculty of Physical Therapy Cairo university.

Margin effect on crack propagation of cold-worked hole under fatigue loading

A fatigue test program was carried out with the aim to study the effect of the cold working process on the fatigue crack propagation life. Plate specimens of 7475-T7351 aluminium alloy containing a pre-cracked fastener hole with different edge margins have been subjected to cyclic loading of constant amplitude. During a test, the fatigue crack length was monitored using a video-camera system; the results permitted to establish the evolution of the crack along the bore and across the short ligament of the specimen.

Interrelation of attributes of occupant’s comfort, ventilation system and indoor air quality in residential buildings

Indoor environmental conditions, attributes of indoor air quality, their mutual correlation and SBS effect studied for non-air-conditioned residential areas of composite climate. As in residential areas like other buildings, toilets are most neglected areas as far as light and ventilation is concern. Author focused on this issue to improve IAQ and reduce SBS effect.