Physical Sciences and Engineering

Inclusión escolar en el marco de la nueva normativa legal en chile

This paper investigates the role of Human Capital (HC) to inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Algeria and the ways to improve it and used annual time series secondary data over the period of 1998-2017. The literature determines the importance of HC, determinants of FDI and the relationship between HC and inward FDI in Algeria. A multiple regression model is employed to estimate the relationship between the role of HC and inward FDI in Algeria.

Effect of meal skipping on nutritional status of college students of kanpur

Breakfast, the first meal of the day, is considered the most important meal throughout the day. As nutritionist Adelle Davis famously put it back in the 1960s: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”. Breakfast is most commonly skipped meal more than lunch and dinner specifically in the young adult in the university study period and those who wake up late. Lack of time is the main reason behind skipping meals, in general, lack of appetite, inability to cook, fasting/religion, and not being hungry.

Tax policy, small and medium enterprises compliance perception and growth relationship in Ekiti state, Nigeria

The general belief that a complex tax policy puts enormous weight on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) and affects their growth level appeared to be a recent debate in Ekiti state and this constituted the motivation for this study. On this premise, this study was undertaken to examine tax policy, SMEs compliance perception and growth relationship in Ekiti state.

Role of foot wear as a predictive factor for flatfoot in children of urban and rural communities

Background: Flat foot deformity is frequently encountered in pediatric orthopedic and rehabilitation practices. The effects of footwear on the development of children's feet has been debated for many years and recent work from the developmental and biomechanical literature has challenged long-held views about footwear and the impact on foot development. This narrative review draws upon existing studies from developmental, biomechanical and clinical literature to explore the effects of footwear on the development of the foot.

The language of the comment in the press

In the article review genre was learned with the examples of industry newspapers of Karakalpakstan. Analyzing its genre differences were looked through the problems related to the skills of national journalists. And also in the materials in the printed review genre “Karakalpak literature” in the polygraphy and in the newspaper “Nukus pedagogical institute” the peculiarity of the use of the language of journalists was checked. Intrinsic requirements and tasks of materials were talked in the review genre.

The concept of soft computing

Soft computing also known Computational Intelligence is a term applied to a field within Computer Science which is characterized by the use of inexact solution. It is also deals with approximate models & gives solutions to complex real life problems. Soft computing is tolerant of impression, uncertainty, and partial truth. The basic role of soft computing is the human mind. Soft computing is totally based on techniques like Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms, Artificial Neural Network, Machine learning & Expert system, Evolutionary computation (EC), Probabilistic reasoning (PR).

Evaluación del estado nutricional del paciente pediátrico referente al índice de masa corporal posterior a una estancia hospitalaria de más de 3 días

Objetivo: Identificar alteraciones en el estado nutricional del paciente pediátrico en el servicio de Hospitalización pediatría con estancia de más de 3 días en el CEMENAV. Metodo de Estudio: Se evaluó el estado nutricional del paciente pediátrico que ingresaba al servicio de hospitalización del Centro Médico Naval, así como la alteración que sufría durante su estancia hospitalaria con el fin de determinar presencia o no de riesgo nutricional del paciente pediátrico por el proceso hospitalario. El método de estudio fue de tipo observacional prospectivo longitudinal.

Structural equation model on ways of coping of detainees spouses

The purpose of this study was to determine the best fit model of ways of coping of detainees’ spouses. Specifically, it explored the interrelationship among variables including level of social support, psychological well-being and distress tolerance on ways of coping on detainees’ spouses. This study utilized quantitative research design and structural equation modeling. Data were sourced from 400 detainees’ spouses in Misamis Occidental Region X. The questionnaire was divided into four sections including social support, psychological well-being, distress tolerance and ways of coping.

Días de ventilación mecánica como factor de riesgo para desarrollar neumonía en los pacientes con asistencia mecánica ventilatoria

Antecedentes: La Neumonía Asociada a la Ventilación Mecánica es una complicación pulmonar que se desarrolla después de 48 a 72 horas de iniciada la intubación endotraqueal y la Asistencia Mecánica Ventilatoria. Objetivo: Determinar el periodo de ventilación mecánica como factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de Neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica en el paciente adulto en estado crítico del Centro Médico Naval, México.