Physical Sciences and Engineering

Effets des changements climatiques sur la production du riz dans les départements du zou et des collines au centre du bénin, afrique de l’ouest

Les changements climatiques influent sur la production agricole. La présente recherche se propose d’analyser les effets des changements climatiques sur la production de riz dans les départements du Zou et des Collines. Pour ce faire, des données sont collectées au Météo-Bénin, au MAEP/DSA et de la CT-SAGSA couvrant la période de 1987-2016. Ensuite, il a été procédé à une analyse descriptive de ces données, à une modélisation économétrique suivant l’approche ARDL au moyen des logiciels Excel et E views.

Production, proximate composition and sensorial attributes of flour blend chin-chin from orange fleshed sweet potato and red bambara groundnut flours

Inadequate supply of vitamin A is among the most pressing challenges facing developing countries including Nigeria. This study was undertaken to develop an acceptable chin-chin from orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) and red bambara groundnut (RBG) flours. Orange fleshed sweet potato contain beta carotene which is a precursor of vitamin A. Red bambara groundnut have potential to supply high protein to food products. The OFSP and RBG flours were blended in ratios 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, and 30:70, respectively.

Experiencing the step-wells of Gujarat

The history of India spans over more than 2000 years. It has different states each with its own distinctive social and cultural character. The western regions of India have a hot and semi- arid climate with irregular rainfall. There was always a need to collect water of monsoon rains to utilize it during the dry months of the year. That is how the step-wells came into existence and India is a home to hundreds of them.

Teaching practice in preschool education

Teacher thought and action are variables that have been considered as explanatory of the teaching - learning in the classroom. At work the theories of action of educators about the personal and social development in preschool children are described and exposed the relationship between their theories and theories in use is analyzed. He was approached from a qualitative perspective, using the technique of case study. We worked with three educators two kindergartens in Mexico City.

Development of an automatic hand washing dispenser covid 19

The outbreak of coronavirus (COVID 19) has led to the death of over 400,000 all over globe and over 7 million of confirmed cases within five months and exact drug for immunization and cure has not been obtained but preventive measure can be taken. One of such preventive measures involved washing of hand regularly, especially in the public like schools, shopping centers, religion centers, offices, bankse.t.c need to have automatic hand washing dispenser. In this work a low cost automatic hand washing dispenser was developed.

Determinación de la aplicación de los cuidados perioperatorios de higiene venosa en pacientes del centro médico naval

Introducción: Los cuidados de higiene venosa son aquellos que son proporcionados para mejorar la salud de la circulación sanguínea en las personas que padecen alguna enfermedad venosa crónica o como medio de prevención de estas. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio es la determinar la prevalencia en la indicación y correcta aplicación de los cuidados de los cuidados perioperatorios de Higiene Venosa que se llevan a cabo y cual es de método de mayor empleo en el Centro Médico Naval (CEMENAV) en el periodo de septiembre de 2018- mayo de 2019.

Professional exposure to wood and cement dust on the ventilatory parameters of masons and carpenters

Dust has nowadays become one of the major problems which threaten the health of populations, undermine the stability of affected ecosystems and consequently the renewal of biological, even mineral, natural resources. The most common respiratory illnesses and almost all common conditions are linked to occupational dust exposure in humans. The study, conducted in Porto-Novo, Benin, aims to assess the influence of the exposure of wood dust and cement on the ventilatory parameters of carpenters and masons.

Efficacy of plants aqueous extracts for greenflies management on six cowpea cultivars in northwest of Benin

The present study allowed evaluating the efficacy of five plant water extracts on aphids and the yield of six cowpea’s cultivars in three villages of the northwest region of Benin. The five aqueous extracts made with Hyptis suaveolens, Azadirachta indica, Manihot esculenta, Thevetia neriifolia and Cymbopogon nardus have been compared to the control treatment without product with six producers in a scattered experimental randomized blocks. The number of aphids present on the cowpea plants at 27, 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 days after sowing, and the cowpea seeds yield was estimated.

Evaluation of surgical technique and identification of bacterial growth in the hands of the surgical staff of the naval medical

Introduction: The correct hand washing technique remains one of the important practices in the area of health, in the operating room this routine practice becomes essential because we avoid infections at the surgical site and the goal is to evaluate the staff health that performs the surgical hand washing technique in the area of operating rooms, through an observational instrument and the realization of taking hand cultures after performing this procedure.