Health Sciences

A Simple Effective Flexible Partial Denture For Kennedy's Class Ii Modificationi In Maxillary Arch And Class I Modification I In Mandibular Arch - A Case Report

Partially edentulous patients with challenging conditions like abused ridges, allergy to denture resins, undercuts due to angulated remaining teeth, cancerous lesions and cleft palate pose a great challenge for the fabrication of a successful removable partial denture. In such cases flexible dentures offer a comfortable and affordable option. It was a long thought that removable partial dentures had to be rigid but with innovation of flexible dentures, flexibility combined with strength and light weight provides total comfort and great looks.

Replacement Of Upper Central Incisor In A Diabetic Patient By Implant Supported Prosthesis And Follow Up - A Case Report

Esthetics in implantology is a topic which is currently gaining a lot of attention from dental implantologists all over the world. It includes both white and red esthetics. This was a case of missing maxillary anterior tooth that is left central incisor. Patient was wearing a removable partial denture and was not satisfied with the appearance of it and so wanted a fixed prosthesis with good esthetics which was compromised earlier. An ideal implant should have all the three dimensions stable that is mesio-distal, apicocoronal and orofacial for proper implant position in maxilla.

Purpura Fulminans In Infants - Case Report

Purpura Fulminans (PF) is a life-threatening thrombotic disorder of acute onset which is characterized by cutaneous hemorrhage due to severe bacterial, viral infections or may be idiopathic. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), antiphospholipid antibodies and acquired or congenital C and S protein deficiency play a role in its pathogenesis. Here we report two cases of purpura fulminans in infants due to viral infections (dengue hemorrhagic fever and disseminated varicella) complicated by DIC.

Study Of Role Of Serum Cardiac Markers In Myocardial Infarction

Background: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) has become one of the major causes of mortality in the world at present, and it is for this reason various researches are being done for its diagnosis and prognostic assessment. Serum enzyme estimation is an important tool for it. Aim: To study changes in serum cardiac markers, after acute attack of MI Before & 2 hours after reperfusion and to establish usefulness of enzymes in early diagnosis of AMI.

Effect Of Two Different Composites On Gingival Microleakage Of Class Ii Restoration Using Four Different Placement Techniques (An In Vitro Study)

Objective: To determine the effect of two different composite resins by using different filling techniques through measuring the gingival microleakage in class II cavity. Materials and methods: Standardized 80 class II cavities were prepared in the proximal surfaces of forty extracted non caries permanent molars and randomly were divided into two main groups (A and B) 40 cavities for each group.

Oculomotor Dysfunction In Migraine Is Recurrent Painful Oculomotor Neuropathy

Migraine is a paroxysmal disorder with accompanying neurological phenomenon. Oculomotor dysfunction is one of them. A prospective study was done to investigate the prevalence and features of oculomotor dysfunction in migraineurs. A questionnaire based on “International headache society” criteria were distributed among the persons coming with chief complaints of headache. Among 2200 persons, 200 were migraineurs and were followed up over a period of two years. Detailed neurological, psychiatric and ocular examinations including MR- angiography were done.

Prospective Analysis Of Postoperative Outcomes – Immediate / Delayed In Patients Undergoing Lichtenstein’s Open Inguinal Hernioplasty Using Vypro® Vs Prolene® Mesh

As we advance towards improving inguinal hernia repair our goals remain to decrease the immediate post-operative complications like pain and seroma formation; and at the same time preventing long term complications like chronic groin pain and hernia recurrence. We present in our study comparision of outcomes in the immediate and late post-operative phase of 50 patients [25 - prolene® and 25 - vypro®] who underwent lichtenstein’s inguinal hernia.

Single port laparoscopic orchidopexy in children using surgical glove port and conventional rigid instruments

Objectives: Using a review of the literature, we described our technique for laparoendoscopic single site surgery orchidopexy using glove port and rigid instruments and we assessed its feasibility and its outcomes. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the case records of all children who had undergone laparoendoscopic single site surgery orchidopexy for a nonpalpable intraabdominal testis between January 2013 and September 2014, using surgical glove port and conventional rigid instruments in children. Results: A total of 20 patients were collected. Mean age was 18 months.

Study of relation between organ weights and body weight in adult population of vadodara region, gujarat

Knowledge of normal organ weights gives the doctors idea about of whether the organ is normal or not. So, it is very important for autopsy surgeons to know the organ weights. But, Organ weights probably depend on part on body weight of the individual. So, current study was undertaken at Mortuary complex of S.S.G. Hospital, Baroda during 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2015. Total 200 cases based on inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected and subjected to statistical analysis. Results obtained were compared with earlier studies.