Health Sciences

Salivary substitutes in prosthodontics

Saliva constitutes an important role in maintaining the health of the oral cavity. It helps in lubrication, mastication, and has effective antimicrobial action. In prosthodontics, saliva plays a main role in retention of the denture. Hyposalivation is a main complication in diabetes, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, sjogren syndrome, certain systemic conditions and patients with maxillofacial defects. Pharmacotherapy is the initial management to increase the salivary flow. Cholinergic drugs are administrated systemically to increase the salivary flow.

A new protocol for obtaining platelet rich in growth factors (prp). a descriptive study in 15 patients and comparison with results published in literature

INTRODUCTION: The diversity of procedures for obtaining platelet and plasmatic growth factors, the absence of control in most of them and the growing field of clinical application, makes them necessary methods adequately structured, documented, controlled and tested, playable by any author.

Evaluation of validity of ulcerative colitis endoscopic index of severity (uceis)

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic relapsing and remitting inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that affects the large bowel. Currently, there is no single test that allows the diagnosis of UC with acceptable sensitivity and specificity. Clinical and laboratory parameters are helpful in monitoring disease activity. Aim of the work: Was to evaluate the validity of Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity (UCEIS) in the evaluation of Ulcerative Colitis.

Knowledge and perceived practices on oral hygiene among student nurses: a cross-sectional study

Oral health affects the general health, well-being, education and development of an individual and their families and diminishes the quality of life. This study was intended to identify dental hygiene related knowledge and perceived practices among student nurses, to correlate between knowledge and perceived practices and associate knowledge and perceived practices with selected socio-demographic variables.

Procalcitonin- a predictive marker of wound discharge and complications following orthopaedic surgery

Background: Early detection of wound discharge at operative site and its complications is very important to prevent morbidity associated with it. The aim of our research was to find out the important role of procalcitonin in predicting early wound complications at surgical site. We found out that at a cut off level of 30 pg/ml, serum procalcitonin can predict wound complication with sensitivity of 65.5% and specificity of 98.8%. Materials and Methods: Patients of all age groups who had undergone orthopaedic surgery were prospectively included in this study.

Study of physical fitness index using modified harvard step test in relation with body mass index in physiotherapy students

BACKGROUND and OBJECTIVES: The Physical Fitness index measures the physical fitness for Muscular work & the ability to recover from the work. The present study was undertaken to assess the physical fitness index using Modified Harvard Step Test in young adult in the age group of 17 to 24 years with varying degree of physical activities. METHOD: Cross sectional study was done on 105 physiotherapy students and Physical Fitness Index was measured using Modified Harvard step test. DATA ANALYSIS: Statistical analysis was done using discriptive analysis and Chi square test.

Thyroid dysfunction in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus in northwest rajasthan, india

Objective: The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in patients with type 1 diabetes is two to threefold higher than in the general population and occurrence of thyroid dysfunction is often diagnosed late in type 1diabetic population. Our aim is to determine the natural history of thyroid dysfunction in Indian patients with type 1 diabetes. Methods: Sixty type 1 diabetic patients were recruited in the study from the diabetic clinic attached with S.P. Medical College, Bikaner.

Management of pontic induced reactive hyperplastic gingival enlargement - a clinical report

Improper design involving the intaglio surfaces of the pontics can lead to food impaction, plaque accumulation and a subsequent severe inflammatory tissue response. Proper choice of pontic material and design is a crucial determinant ensuring clinical success of fixed partial dentures. This article elucidates restorative and comprehensive management of pontic induced hyperplastic gingival enlargement.

Effect of depression on gestational diabetes

Objective: To examine depression level of women diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and to compare these with glucose-tolerant (GT) women at similar stages of pregnancy. Research Design and Methods: Prospective longitudinal study conducted on 50 women with GDM and 50 NGDM women at 24 – 36 weeks of pregnancy. We are depended on Beck depression Scale the Arabic version. Results: Women with GDM, compared with GT women, depression scales, older,with low income, illiterate, and high BMI.

Study of the role of dynamic pelvic mri defecography in evaluation of patients with chronic constipation

Background: Patients with obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS) form an important subset of patients with chronic constipation. Evaluation of these patients has traditionally been difficult. Magnetic resonance defecography (MRD) is a very useful tool for the evaluation of these patients.