September 2023

  1. Harmanveer singh, Navdeep singh and Gurdeep singh

    The present investigation entitled “Evaluation of Genetic Variability for Growth and Yield characters in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.).” involving forty three genotypes including one check varieties of tomato was carried out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications during 2022-2023 at Faculty of Agriculture Farm, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo. The observations were recorded for growth, quality and yield characters. The maximum plant height was recorded in the genotype F-2 IDH-1 (207.67cm), days to first flowering (32.80). Maximum value of primary branches was recorded in S-25-1 (17.33), days to last fruit harvest (168.00) and number of fruits per cluster (7.67). Maximum value of days to first fruit set was observed in S-38-1 (57.33) and number of fruits per plant (90.67). Maximum value of days to first fruit harvest was observed in S-31-1 (121.67), and total soluble solids (7.23°Brix). Maximum value for pH was recorded in Sel Marmade-1 (5.17) and equatorial diameter (6.33cm). Maximum value of polar diameter (6.43cm) was observed in S-22-1. Maximum value of pericarp thickness was observed in Punjab Upma (8.00 mm). Maximum value of number of locules was found in S9-2 Cherry-1 (9.67). Maximum value of average fruit weight was recorded in S-17-1 (65.45g) and total yield per plant was recorded in S-17-1 (5.69kg). The genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficients showed that total yield per plant had positive and significant association with number of fruits per plant, number of fruits per cluster, plant height, days to first fruit harvest, number of primary branches, equatorial diameter and number of locules. The path analysis estimates indicated that plant height has highest positive direct effect on total yield per plant followed by number of primary branches, number of fruits per plant, TSS, average fruit weight, equatorial diameter, number of fruits per cluster, number of locules, pericarp thickness, polar diameter, pH, days to first flowering, days to last fruit harvest, days to first fruit harvest and days to first fruit set.

    Pub. Date: September 19, 2023
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  2. Nisaath Begum, Sujith, S., Devu B Nair and Nisha, A.R.
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    The first step in drug discovery is, in many cases is to test compounds in cell culture to find out the activity in terms of pharmacological actions. In vitro cell culturebasedstudies in the non-clinical laboratory serve various functions along the path from the discovery of new molecular entities to approval and marketing of a therapeutic. Various techniques have been developed to study many aspects of drug disposition including absorption, metabolic stability, elucidation of elimination pathways, potential for inhibition and induction of CYP450 enzymes, metabolite profiling in various model species and humans. Typically, this means that the drug product must undergo a series of robust tests and experiments using in vitro, in vivo, ex vivo, and in silico models as per the needs of the focused indication and regulatory guidelines. A thorough understanding of the metabolic profile in various species and man is crucial in successful evaluation of potential of new therapeutics. This is also particularly important as it will assist in minimizing dosing levels in toxicology studies which are chosen on the basis multiples of the pharmacologically effective doses. For pharmacokinetic in vitro absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) studies, various models of cell lines grown in 2D are generally used. Human colon carcinoma cells (Caco-2) are used for absorption analyses, and canine kidney cells (MDCKII-MDR1) are generally employed in distribution studies, while hepatocytes are utilized in metabolism and excretion investigation. The pharmaceutical industry presently relies on several widely used in vitro models, including two-dimensional and three-dimensional cell culture models.

    Pub. Date: September 23, 2023
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  3. Piyushika Sharma and Dr. Shrinidhi Kumar, K.
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    Behavioural issues are frequently widespread on a global scale. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial since untreated psychiatric diseases increase the chance of developing. The goal of the current review is to provide Ayurvedic rules in the form of a code of conduct, ethical standards, and a few other things. Ayurvedic therapies correlated with recently identified psychological interventions that could be useful in prevention and treatment of children's behavioural issues. Materials and Method On data, this review is based. Compiled from old Ayurvedic texts, studies that have been published in a number of journals, and counselling experiences. Results and Observations: Behavioural issues typically have multiple root causes and develop as a result of clash between a child's personality, their parents', teachers', or their friends' opinions. counselling for family members, Adopting Ayurvedic principles helps control and stop the progression of children's behavioural issues. Achar Rasayana, Sadvritta, and SatvavjayChikitsa-SC are Ayurvedic methods to balance Satva (positive qualities of mind), Tama (laziness, lack of attention), and Vata (bad qualities of mind), which are useful for prevention of behavioural difficulties. The finest non-pharmacological modalities needed for the early detection and prevention of behavioural issues are ayurvedic principles like AR, Sadvritta, and SC. Adopting Ayurvedic principles helps control and stop the progression of children's behavioural issues. Achar Rasayana and Satvavjay Chikitsa-SC (non-drug psychotherapy) and Ayurvedic techniques for balancing include Sadvritta and Yog. Satva (excellent characteristics of mind), (Passionate, agitated), Tama (Laziness, lack of attention) applicable in preventive of behavioural difficulties. The finest non-pharmacological modalities needed for the early detection and prevention of behavioural issues are ayurvedic principles like AR, Sadvritta, and SC. Education, appropriate expressions of morality, decorum, and Ayurvedic therapies including the usage of Panchkarma procedures and Medhya (nervine tonic/nootropic) medications may show to be an effective therapeutic method for fight against behavioural problems.The usage of Panchkarma pre-procedures and Medhya (nervine tonic/nootropic) medications may show to be an effective therapeutic method for fight against behavioural problems. Key Words: Achar Rasayan, Ayurveda interventions, Behavioral problems in children, Sadvritta, SatvavjayChikitsa.

    Pub. Date: September 29, 2023
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  4. Aruleba, Joseph Olusegun, Oyeleke Oyeyemi Rapheal and Aduramigba-Modupe Vincent
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    Environmental degradation is a process which lowers the current and/ or the potential capability of land to produce goods or services in terms of qualitatively. Soil degradation and deterioration of the physical chemical and biological characteristic of soil is one facet of environmental degradation since soil is an integral component of environment. The rate at which environmental degradation occur differs from a climatic zone to another in terms of its causes, short and long term consequences. The northern states of Nigeria (11 states) which is 43% of Nigeria land mass are the most vulnerable for environmental and soil degradation. Some environmental degradation indicators identified in Northern Nigeria includes wind erosion, drought, deforestation, desertification, alkalinisation, salinization on the degradation of the environment, deterioration of vegetation cover and its biodiversity, soil crusting, sealing, salinization and hydrological degradation. The country is losing over 350,000 ha of the land yearly to desertification as a result of degradation. The main driving forces of these process includes scarcity or insufficient of rainfall and wind erosion. These effects can be overcome by increasing the number of adequately equipped metrological stations, irrigation, comprehensive ecological survey on soils, water and vegetation, scale afforestation projects, Shelter belt construction, Biochar amendment, green walling etc

    Pub. Date: September 29, 2023
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  5. Prof. Rapuru Bhargavi

    The Triage system is an emergency care unit during disasters. It ensures medical resources are allocated efficiently and providing timely. Student nurses are being part of Triage medical team can assist casualties, assess them quickly and categorize their conditions by the use of color coding in triage system. The study approached through quantitative research by Quasi experimental design. Future research is recommended to conduct comparative study between urban area and rural area on nursing students with large samples.

    Pub. Date: September 29, 2023
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  6. ANIECHE, John E., EMOLE, Oluchi M., OKEDO Henrietta A. and Osuchukwu, E.C.
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    Self medication is the use of medication for self treatment without consulting a physician either for diagnosis, prescription or surveillance of treatment. This study is a descriptive study that determined the psychosocial factors that influence the involvement in self medication and the perceived health implications among students of College of Health Sciences of Tertiary Institution in Anambra State, Nigeria. Structured questionnaire developed by the researchers which was validated and pilot-tested for internal consistency using Cronbach’s Alpha with reliability index of 0.839, was used for data collection. Data were collected from the three academic faculties in the College with 340 respondents. Descriptive and inferential statistics analyses were applied in data analysis using SPSS version 21. Study revealed that psychological factors influence the students’ involvement in self medication. Such factors include but not limited to: need for quick relief from pain (78.5%), bad experiences with health personnel (71 .5%) and previous experiences with symptoms of disease (66.2%). The socio-economic factors such as high cost of medical consultation (77.9%) and peer influence (68.5%). The students also showed positive perception of the health implications of self medication with average mean score of 3.08. Study also revealed that is correlation between socio-economic and psychological factors in self medication practices (Rho- 0.721,p< 0.001) and perceived health implications of self medication is correlated to psychological factors.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  7. Bianca CĂȘERIU and Petruța BLAGA

    At least 40% of the world's population spends their time in places where levels of noise and vibration harmful to health prevail, also the study on the interior of vehicles indicates a significant value of specific descriptors of discomfort induced by noise and vibration. These parameters must comply with the regulations in force, and which appeal to the concept of reliability in systems that ensure the living conditions of passengers. The present paper aims to analyze the specific descriptive factors of vibrations and noise in vehicles with the aim of preliminary cumulative estimation of the global impact due to them on the human body, together with the selection of the best available techniques, with the aim of making contributions to the further mitigation of the impact of noise and potential vibrations on passengers, as well as the implementation of a strategy to improve the level of comfort.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  8. Nurudeen Owolabi, Oyeleke Oyeyemi Raphael and Aruleba Joseph Olusegun

    Several attempts have been made to relate soil properties to slope position for many landscapes essentially due to the realization of the role toposequence plays in influencing runoff, soil erosion and hence soil formation. However, information remains fragmentary on the relationship between toposequence and changes in the properties of soils of Ekiti State. In this study, selected physical, hydraulic and chemical properties of the soils along a toposequence in Ado Ekiti were evaluated. Textural class of the soils changed from loamy sand at the upper slope to sandy loam at the middle down to lower slope with sand content varying from 81.3, 73.4 to 72.3% respectively. Bulk density was highest at the upper slope with 1.72g/cm3 and lowest (1.61g/cm3) at lower slope. Total porosity and particle density of the soils followed similar trend as they decreased down the slope. However, hydraulic properties followed a different pattern. For instance, while water content values increased down the slope as follows: 9.6, 10.5, and 13.5%; Ksat ranged from 45, 30 to 20 cm/hr down the slope. In addition, infiltration rates also varied from 90, 70 to 55 cm/hr down the slope. The soils at the different slope sections were slightly acidic with pH of between 5.6 and 5.8 and they had low soil organic carbon (SOC)) content, generally below 2%; the highest being 1.9%. These findings demonstrated that soils deposited at the upper slope were more fertile and less prone to water erosion because of higher OM and greater permeability. Bush fallowing and appropriate tillage practices could assist in achieving sustainable crop production on these soils.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  9. Gajender Singh

    Behavioural issues are International community has been advocating for elimination of nuclear weapons since 1946. The United Nations General Assembly at its very first session has discussed on need of nuclear disarmament. Nuclear trajectory remains hot topic throughout the nuclear history. In nuclear debate South Asia played significant role on both the fronts, nuclear disarmament as well as in nuclear proliferation. India remains outcast in nuclear commerce community till India –U.S. civil nuclear deal- 2008. This deal made possible for India for nuclear commerce. Even though India and Pakistan took birth as de- facto nuclear weapon states in 1998. But Indo- U.S. civil nuclear deal legitimized India as “Responsible Nuclear weapon State”, whereas Pakistan remains outcast in nuclear commerce. In other words, this deal has put existing mechanism in debate, especially the NPT. In this backdrop of nuclear politics and policies, this paper analyses implications on regional security and stability in South Asia under existing incentives and constraints. To do this, it examines nuclear triangle between India, Pakistan and China, Indo-US strategic partnership, and India’s commitment for nuclear disarmament. Based on this analysis, this article suggests that these countries should cooperate a civil nuclear program which would arrest the pursuit of weapons. This cooperation would facilitate in curbing nuclear arms race in the region. Civil nuclear cooperation is best way forward for controlling further growth of the nuclear we aponprogramme. It can lead toward creating favourable environment for nuclear disarmament in Southern Asia. However, discriminatory policies of extra-regional players may intensify arms race.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  10. KOUASSI Konan, KONAN Yannick and SREU Éric

    The fight against HIV/AIDS is based on screening, treatment and biological examination. Access to antiretroviral (ARV) treatment, the second component of the fight against HIV/AIDS, is effective in the Sakassou Health District. Despite these efforts, the Sakassou Health District remains a high-risk area. The aim of this study is to analyze the determinants of access to antiretroviral drugs for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the Sakassou Health District. The study revealed that 91.5% of PLHIV are over 18 years of age. In terms of gender structure, 80% of PLWHA are women and 20% men. In terms of geographical accessibility, 63.5% of PLWHA are more than 5 km from a health center. The remoteness of the majority of PLHIV from health centers is an obstacle to access to antiretroviral treatment. Some 96.8% of PLHIV are regularly taking their antiretroviral treatment. However, 3.2% have experienced interruptions in their antiretroviral treatment. Interruption of antiretroviral treatment among PLWHA is significantly associated with excessive alcohol consumption, recourse to prayer camps, food insecurity, denial of HIV status and stigmatization. This study leads to the conclusion that improving access to antiretrovirals is a guarantee of health security for PLWHA.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  11. Kirti Sharma, Anil Kanaujia, Vivek Kumar, Mohan Ji Saxena and Anup Kalra
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    National Food security can be ensured by strengthening the agricultural sector with improved farm practices, increased production yields, and better access to market opportunities as it plays a vital role in economic development, poverty alleviation, and the population’s security by supplying nutritional sustenance and improving the livelihoods of vulnerable people in India. In 2015, WHO stressed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, to address global challenges like hunger, poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, justice, etc. Violent conflict between Russia & Ukraine is another major cause of acute food crises worldwide. As both countries are major wheat exporters, this will aggravate the already precarious food security situation in many developing countries by disrupting wheat production. Maximizing the production of traditional agricultural produce has various limitations. Therefore, this is a challenge to transform the food system into a sustainable strategy which necessitates the propagation of crops like Millets which is climate resilient and less requiring of water, pest control, and chemical fertilizers.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  12. Ofir Rodríguez- Aguilera, Reyes Javier Cervantes- Ortiz and Verónica Torres- Medina
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    Background: Acute appendicitis is one of the main causes of abdominal pain that requires surgical treatment, it occurs at any stage of life with a lifetime risk of 7% in general population; clinical findings are usually sufficient to make diagnosis, but definitive diagnosis is made at the moment of surgery; there isn´t a reliable marker of acute apendicitis but it has been hypothesized that serum bilirrubin levels increase in complicated appendicitis cases and that it can be measured before appendectomy to predict severity levels. Objective: To determine if the increase in serum bilirrubin levels has a positive predictive value of severity in patients with acute appendicitis. Material and methods: Observational, prospective and analytical cross-sectional study in patients diagnosed with acute appendicitis, who attended the Emergency Department to identify the positive predictive value of bilirubin. Bilirubin levels were determined by obtaining a cut-off point greater than 1.0 mg/dl for total bilirubin, >0.8 mg/dl for indirect bilirubin and >0.2 for direct bilirubin; considering the standard Gold the diagnosis with the intraoperative macroscopic findings. Sampling was random and the sample size was probabilistic. It was analyzed with descriptive statistics in addition to diagnostic tests with 95% CI, using the statistical package SPSS. Results: 59 patients with acute appendicitis were selected, mean age 34.4 ± 14.3 years, 34 (58%) were female, 20 (33.9%) were overweight, 4 (6.8%) had arterial hypertension. Of the complications corresponded to abscess and perforation in 9 (31%), perforation with 8 (27.6%). The severity of the episodes of acute appendicitis occurred in 41 (69%). The effectiveness of bilirubins to detect severity, showed in the total with 82% (95% CI 64-92), the direct 73% (95% CI 58-84), indirect in 62% (95% CI 31-83) . The discriminative capacity of indirect bilirubin with 0.52, the direct one with 0.44 and total with 0.35. Conclusions: total bilirubin has a higher positive predictive value of severity in patients with acute appendicitis and the indirect higher discriminative value.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  13. Pylo, M.A., Dr. Venkatesh P.R. and Naseerahusen Yatageeri

    Exhaust system design has become a tricky job when analyzing the structural integrity of a marketable vehicle where its hot end components like catalytic converters are the most popular exhaust emission control devices. The T6 hot end exhaust model is modelled in FEM process where Hypermesh is used as a pre-processor, Abaqus as a solver. Shell and solid elements were utilized to provide better results in the modal frequency domain. The 3-point and 6-point engine excitation is considered towards the COG of the engine. Both Engine and gearbox control groups are coupled to the end of the roll axis nodes by RBE2 rigid elements, creating a boundary condition where the middle node of the roll axis is confined in all degrees of freedom, along with the input of Flex which is fixed in 3 degrees of freedom. The frequency response is determined for engine order 2 by the vibration amplitude of the exhaust system (displacement vs. frequency graph) for different locations on the hot end of the exhaust system to determine the peak frequencies of the base and optimized model. Further experimental tests were set up using an FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analyzer. The accelerometers were installed to recognize the excitation and the response points. The maximum displacement occurred at two peaks 187Hz and 211Hz at an amplitude of 0.19mm. Here MAC criteria and slope of displacement plots were 16% varying with that of the simulation data. Furthermore, tuning was performed to match the respective frequency and displacement values.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  14. Ojaswini Yadav and Amrita Rao
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    A 31 year old primigravida with previous history of myomectomy, had a scan done at 28 weeks period of gestation showing vascular lakes and lacunae in the placenta. During elective lower segment cesarean section, placenta was found to be adherent. It was left in-situ and was managed conservatively by methotrexate and suction and evacuation.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  15. Bamnjo Herman Yenika (PhD)

    The Ukraine-Russia conflict has garnered global attention due to its geopolitical implications. It is perceived to be the superpower rivalry that has a spillover effect on Africa with some African countries gradually going back to the old doctrine of non-alignment that was observed by most African States during the Cold War. This paper aims to address this gap by assessing the policy of African States towards the Ukraine-Russia war. Utilizing a qualitative and exploratory design, this study analyses official statements, speeches, and media coverage from African States on the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The study is carried out within the ambit of the Constructivism. It is a theoretical approach in international relations that emphasizes the role of social norms, beliefs, and ideas in shaping state behavior. In the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, a constructivist analysis of African states' positions would consider the ways in which their beliefs about sovereignty, international law, and regional stability influenced their responses to the conflict. The study found out that the majority of African States adopted a neutral stance towards the conflict, with a few countries expressing support for either Russia or Ukraine this is because Africa wants to take its responsibility and not always work under the influence of the West to make a particular decision. Moreover, African states’ policy towards the Ukraine-Russia conflict is primarily driven by economic interests, regional alliances, and ideological principles.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  16. Dr. Madhu Kumari, Dr. Shankhanila Mazumdar, Dr. (Prof.) Punam Prasad Bhadani, Dr. Surabhi and 5Dr. Sangam Jha

    Unclassified mixed germ cell and sex cord stromal tumor with yolk sac and dysgerminoma component is an infrequent ovarian neoplasm. Mixed germ cell and sex cord stromal tumors are categorized into two subtypes - gonadoblastoma and unclassified mixed germ cell and sex cord stromal cell tumor (UMGSCT) . The subtype unclassified mixed germ cell and sex cord stromal tumor is rareand usually occur in females less than 10 years of age. Here we report an uncommon case of unclassified mixed germ cell and sex cord cell stromal tumor in a 22 year old female patient. CECT lower abdomen showed a multiloculated cystic left adnexal mass. Germ cell tumour marker like alpha feto protein (AFP) level was elevated. Serum testosterone and, DHEAS were also raised. Combining histomorphological and immunohistochemical findings a definitive diagnosis of unclassified mixed germ cell and sex cord stromal tumor was made. Conservative surgical removal is treatment of choice considering age of patient. During follow up after 6 months patient is found asymptomatic.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  17. Dr. Vandana Chaubey and Arshdeep Kaur Bhatti

    The term Kathak is derived from the Vedic Sanskrit word ‘Katha’ which means "story", and Kathakar which means "the one who tells a story". Wandering Kathakars or the traveling bards conveyed tales, inspired by our ancient epics and mythologies, through dance, songs, and music. Kathak performers exhibit stories through graceful hand movements, extensive footwork, flexible body movements, and most importantly intense facial expressions capable of evoking a range of emotions.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  18. Dr. Sikhasree Ray, Ms. Jeenapriyanka Jethi and Rajendra Patra

    The transition from Neolithic to the Early Medieval period covers a vast span of time and witnessed significant cultural, social and technological changes across different regions. It's important to note that the transition from the Neolithic to the Early Medieval period was not a uniform process, and different regions experienced these changes at different times. The present paper in intending for a comprehensive overview of an archaeological site in Balasore district of Odisha, which has given the surface findings ranging from Neolithic to Early Medieval period, highlighting key findings, methodologies and significance of the total findings. Beginning with Neolithic period, characterized by the shift from hunting-gathering to agriculture, this prominent site has provided insights into early human settlements. The site has evidenced fortification, Eolithic tools and other materials and several pottery belonging to Chalcolithic to early medieval period shedding light on the emergence of settled communities. This archeological site spanning from Neolithic to early Medieval period offer invaluable insights into diverse aspects of human History. The study enables us to comprehend the evolution of social structure, technological advancements, artistic expressions and cultural exchanges across different regions of Odisha. Systematic excavation and analysis of this site will unravel the mysteries of our ancestors, illuminating the tapestry of human existence throughout the ages.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  19. Ekta Rani, Navdeep Singh and Arshpreet Kaur
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    The present investigation was carried out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications during 2022-2023 at vegetable farm of Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo. The different nitrogen level ( control, N2: 65Kg/acre, N2:75 kg/acre, N3: 85kg/acre) as basal dose was used for studying the growth and yield parameters of spinach. The result revealed that N3 (75 Kg/acre) is showing maximum plant height (32.38 cm) followed by N2 (65kg/acre). Whereas the N1: control is showing minimum 20.12 cm plant height. Maximum stem girth is recorded in N3 (1.85) followed by N2 (1.78) and N4 (1.73). Whereas the N1: Control is showing minimum stem girth. The number of leaves are maximum in N3 (12.33) followed by N2 (11.33) and N4 (10.33). Whereas the N1: control is showing 8.33 numbers of leaves. The leaf area is maximum in N3 (546.63) followed by N2 (527.40) and N4 (422.10). The fresh plant weight (g) is maximum in N3 (15.98) followed by N2 (14.62) and N4 (13.39). The maximum yield per plot is recorded in N3 (1.61 kg) followed by N2 (1.47) and N4 (1.38). Whereas the N1: control is showing minimum (0.82kg) yield per plot. Therefore the use of nitrogen-75kg/acre can able to increase the plant height, number of leaves, stem girth, leaf area, plant weight (fresh and dry) and yield.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  20. Prof. Dr. Amir Mohamed Saleh, Shady Abdelsattar Refaat Zaki, Ass.Prof. Dr. Ghada Abd el Moneam Abdullah and Ass. Prof. Dr. Islam M. Alazab
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    Background: Cervical spondylosis is a generalized disease process affecting all levels of the cervical spine. Cupping Therapy (CT) is an ancient method and currently used in the treatment of a broad range of medical conditions such as cervical spondylosis. Nitric Oxide (NO) is a signaling gas molecule that mediates vasodilation and regulates blood flow and several lines of evidence have indicated that NO plays a complex and diverse role in the modulation of pain. Purpose of Study was to investigate the effect of cupping therapy on pain intensity, cervical range of motion, neck function and nitric oxide level in patients with cervical spondylosis. Subjects and Methods: Sixty Patients with cervical spondylosis from both sexes referred from the orthopedic clinics for this study. They received 3 sessions of cupping once per month and each patient was evaluated for Pain intensity by the numerical analogue scale, cervical ROM by Cervical Range of Motion goniometer, Function by neck disability index and NO levels by the spectrophotometer, just before the treatment and after the three sessions. Results There was a significant decrease of pain level, cervical ROM, and function in addition there wasa significant increase in NO level and a direct correlation between NO level and NDI score improvement (p=0.037*) (r= 0.270). Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrate that there is a direct effect of cupping therapy on reducing pain, improving cervical ROM and function, and increasing NO level in treating patients with cervical spondylosis.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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  21. Asmaa Ramadan H.A.SC, Azza B. Nashed, PhD and Hossam El-Din Hussein PhD
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    Background: forward head position is characterized by a dorso extension of the head together with the upper cervical spine (Cl-C3), accompanied by a flexion of the lower cervical spine (C4-C7), where the cervical curvature is increased, a condition called hyper lordosis, it is one of the most common problems occurred in pregnant women especially in 3rd trimester of pregnancy as a result of increasing abdominal weight, shifting of COG, breast enlargement, hyper laxity of ligaments. Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the photogrammetric quantification of the forward head posture in pregnant women. Method: sixty women (Thirty non pregnant women and thirty pregnant women) at 3rd trimester of pregnancy from (24 to 36 weeks) of gestation were selected from the outpatient clinic of obstetrics at Mostorod Medical Center, Cairo, Egypt, their age ranged from 20 to 35 years and their BMI<30Kg/m2, they were divided randomly into 2 groups equal in number, group(A)(n=30) (control group) and group B (n=30) (study group). Assessment of forward head posture was done through measuring cranio-vertbral angle (CVA) and gaze angle (GA), for all participants in both groups (A&B). Measurement was done for one shot using the photogrammetry method. Result: Showen that there was a statistical significant decrease in the mean value of CVA and GA at group B than group A (p=0.001) and (p=0.007) respectively, Also the results of the current study revealed that there wasa statistical significant positive correlation between CVA and GA in the control group (A), and there was high statistical significant positive correlation between CVA and GA in the study group (B).conclusion: forward head posture measured through photographic method is greatly affected during 3rd trimester of pregnancy compared to non -pregnant state.

    Pub. Date: September 30, 2023
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