Social Sciences and Humanities

International approach in negotiation skills and relationship management

Perception throughout the negotiating process is influenced by culture. One element that is frequently disregarded in international commercial discussions is the complexity of human perception. We are aware that culture shapes perception and that each of us processes and interprets the world through a cultural lens. Perception affects how we communicate, and our views about ourselves and other people mirror these communication experiences. Our cultural experiences in daily encounters are the source of the social component of social cognitions.

Colored word order to facilitate l2 and l3 syntactic intuitions in basque: A longitudinal study

Research shows the use of learners’ L1 enables and channels the acquisition of L2/L3, for which Word Order serves as a canvas for learners to build the linguistic knowledge of any target language upon. This study tests the linguistic intuitions of participants in Basque with transitive constructions which involve full use of word order and morphological patterns necessary to test how participants elaborate their intuitions. Participants are newly-arrived migrants with no previous experience with Basque.

Reflection of entrepreneurship theory in Tanzania: A literature review

This paper examined the four most used theories of entrepreneurship and their reflection on Tanzania's economy. Entrepreneurship theories have remained the most researched issue in development economics. There are several theories of entrepreneurship, including economic, psychological, and sociological theories. The paper used a narrative design to review the empirical literature on entrepreneurship. During the review, the economic theory of entrepreneurship has many empirical works of literature compared to others.

Justice as fairness in action: evaluating the economic feasibility and critical perspectives on rawlsian principles

John Rawls's "A Theory of Justice" posits justice as a fair framework where free people with equal rights work together in an economic system that is equitable to all. The Liberty Principle and the Equality Principle are two cornerstones of Rawls's theory, which advocates for just equity and individual liberty. Rawls believes humans should not be seen as mere tools to achieve social goals but as rational beings capable of reasoned choice. He advocates for a more equitable society where everyone has the chance to achieve their dreams.

The role of leadership mediation in resolving workplace dispute: strategies for effective resolution

This study explores workplace disputes and how they generally harm organisational productivity and its employees. It identifies the causes of workplace conflicts, their havoc-wreaking consequences, and approaches for managing and resolving conflicts. This research also identified some of the causes of disputes in an organisation which include communication problems, competing goals, individual differences, task interdependence, differing common interests and goals, etc., which appear as major conflict roots.

Empirical evaluation, using the structural equation method, of the impact of the determinants of information technology capability on the organizational performance of the moroccan school education system

The aim of this article is to empirically validate and quantitatively test (using the structural equation method) the theoretical model communicated in an article ( Elhaddouchi & Elkharraz, 2020), and to strengthen the scientific framework of the results obtained (verification of research hypotheses).We have attempted to highlight the perceptions of the main players, belonging to a particular context (the Moroccan education system) concerning the question of the contribution of technology and IS capabilities to the organizational performance of the Moroccan school edu

Survey a model corresponded to main factors of in-store experience: mixed method approach

Customer experience is one of the most fundamental concepts in marketing literature which resultsin hedonic & memorial experience for customers. In-store experienceis an important phenomenon that increasingly attracts the professional marketing experts and academics around the world and can use them as a distinctive tool in the stores. The methodology of this study is based on descriptive and mixed method.

Les langues locales comme médium d’apprentissage : intégration et enjeux

Cet article examine l'impact et les avantages de l'utilisation des langues locales comme médium d'apprentissage dans le système éducatif. Il met en lumière les diverses dimensions socio-culturelles, linguistiques et pédagogiques liées à cette approche. L'article souligne comment l'intégration des langues locales favorise l'engagement des apprenants, renforce leur identité culturelle et améliore leurs performances académiques. De plus, il met en évidence les pratiques exemplaires et les défis potentiels liés à la mise en œuvre de ce modèle pédagogique.

Innovative technologies in modern education

In modern society, innovation technologies expand to almost every field of human activity, including in education and due to integrating innovation technologies into the educational process practice, the whole phenomenon gained special significance within improvement and modernization of the established at all educational system. Currently, the problem of active integration and wide application of innovation technologies in education is highly significant and the present study explores innovation technologies of learning in the modern education.

Analyzing the impact of distributed data and knowledge-based systems on knowledge management: A systematic mapping study

Knowledge management is a critical aspect of modern organizations seeking to harness their collective intelligence and remain competitive in a dynamic business environment. With the advent of distributed data and knowledge-based systems, the landscape of knowledge management is undergoing significant transformations.