Health Sciences

Perception, training, and awareness of comprehensive emergency management (cem) among hospital staff

This research studies the perception, training and awareness of Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) among hospital staff. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information from 1060 healthcare professionals. This covered their demographics, how important they think CEM is, how familiar they are with emergency procedures, confidence levels in emergencies, and the challenges faced in introducing CEM. Results revealed that while a significant majority recognized the importance of CEM, familiarity, and training levels were inadequate.

Affection and ethical principles as factors of change in the personality traits of spouses in long-term relationships in the reality of cabinda women

Over the years, the woman'srole in society has stood out in the direction of upward progression. These highlights boosted his social, family and cultural position. On the other hand, the current situation presents spouses with ethical and moral challenges that interfere with their coexistence experiences and personality traits. This work aims to verify the implications of marital coexistence on affective changes, ethical principles and personality traits in a group of women in long-term relationships.

Caffeine citrate neuroprotection in preterm babies

Caffeine citrate has been implemented to some extent worldwide withinneonatal units for preterm baby’s obstructive sleep apnea management. Almost, preterm babies are prone to obstructive sleep apnea, plus elevated death risk or even disabilities. Up to date, caffeine citrate is addressed for preterm babies` apnea targeting to reduce bronchopulmonary dysplasia incidence, as well neurodevelopmental disability at 18-21 months. Caffeine citrate is recognized to havelong-term safety, particularlyrelating to motor, behavioral, and intelligence skills.

Health risk factors among pregnant women in the maman mboualé neighborhood in talangaï brazzaville (Congo)

This study The aim of this article is to determine the health risk factors favoring the contraction of infections and the loss of pregnancies among pregnant women coming for consultations at public or private health centers in the Maman Mboualé district. The survey took place from June 03 to October 17, 2023. We used data from the reports of the various health centers surveyed and a questionnaire survey of 46 women living in Talangaï.

Sulforaphane: a powerful bioactive compound with chemopreventive properties and remarkable therapeutic benefits

Cancer is a multifactorial disease, therefore it is difficult to identify the specific agents responsible for its progression and development, but lifestyle and nutrition have been shown to play an important role. Several natural compounds, especially plant extracts, are demonstrating efficacy in the development of new cancer therapies, among these compounds sulforaphane is the most studied. But one of the main challenges with sulforaphane treatment is its low solubility and oral bioavailability. Several carriers are being studied to overcome these difficulties.

Visual insights into gastric and hepatic mucormycosis: A pictorial overview

We report a case of a 51-year-old male with controlled hypertension and recent severe COVID-19 infection treated with high-dose steroids, Bevacizumab, and Remdesvir, presenting with black tarry stools, upper abdominal pain, and paleness, with laboratory findings showing severe anemia (hemoglobin 5.6 g/dL) and liver lesions, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a large excavating ulcer from the fundus to the antrum, aspirate culture confirmed Mucor spp., leading to a diagnosis of gastric mucormycosis, treated with intravenous liposomal amphotericin B followed by posaconazole, and a cons

Uncovering herbal beauty remedies: the green secret

Green Secret: Unveiling Herbal Beauty Remedies" digs into the potential of herbal cosmetics in today's beauty landscape. Rooted in ancient traditions yet adapted for contemporary needs herbal beauty remedies offer sustainable, eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic products. It examines the health benefits of plant-based ingredients, emphasizing efficacy, safety, and environmental advantages. The study also investigates the science behind commonly used herbs. It delves into their active components and their uses in skin care.

Prevalencia de segundos conductos mesiovestibulares en primeros molares superiores, evaluados mediante tomografía axial computarizada

Antecedentes: Una de las fuentes de infección persistente en los primeros molares superiores, es la dificultad de localizar y tratar todo el sistema radicular durante una endodoncia primaria. Cuando el conducto MV2 no se puede tratar adecuadamente, puede contribuir a que el paciente continúe con el dolor e incluso representar una causa de fracaso del primer tratamiento endodóntico.

E-portfolio and mooc for teacher training: techno pedagogical approach: a theoretical and methodological framework

The integration of digital technologies, particularly MOOCs and e-portfolios, has transformed teacher professional development. MOOCs offer scalable learning opportunities, giving teachers access to diverse resources, while e-portfolios provide personalized spaces for reflection and tracking progress. Combining these tools in teacher training creates a flexible, learner-centered approach that enhances accessibility and effectiveness.

Ectopia cordis with fetal hydrops and severe oligohydramnios: A case report

Ectopia cordis is a rare congenital anomaly where the heart is partially or completely extruded from the thorax. It can occur with other associated defects, especially as part of the Pentalogy of Cantrell (a collection of 5 congenital midline birth anomalies; involving the sternum, heart, pericardium, diaphragm, and abdominal wall).