Health Sciences

Influence of training in special needs education in implementing inclusive education in lower grades primary schools in awendo migoriy county, Kenya

This study focused on the Influence of training in special needs education in implementing inclusive education in lower grades primary schools. The study adopted a descriptive survey design to gather data. The location of the study was Awendo, Migori County, Kenya. The target population was lower grades primary teachers in the mainstream schools which have special units. Respondents were 37 in number that included one education officer, nine school heads, and twenty-seven lower grades primary teachers.

Trombosis venosa mesentérica segmentaria. reporte de caso.

Paciente masculino de 69años con cuadro de abdomen agudo, debido ano contar con recursos de imagen apropiado (tomografía de abdomen, angiotomografía) se realiza laparotomía exploradora donde se identifica la presencia de porción de asas de intestino con zonas de necrosis. Se realiza resección e ileostomía. Reporte de patología confirma la presencia de trombosis venosa mesentérica segmentaria como causa de isquemia intestinal.

Sea-urchin envenomation and near-drowning in a snorkel diver case report

Sea urchin belongs to the echinoderm family, with globular or flat, calcified spines covered bodies. There are more than 1000 species of sea-urchins and about 80 poisonous potentially to human. Sea-urchin poisoning symptoms comprise systemic and local effects such as severe pain, syncope, respiratory distress and paralysis. We report a snorkel diver case with near-drowning accident and sea-urchin stung.

Meningitis post-bloqueo neuroaxial reporte decaso

Paciente femenina de 25 años con diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda, a quien se le realizó apendicectomía abierta bajo anestesia neuroaxial (bloqueo mixto). Posterior al procedimiento quirúrgico presentó déficit neurológicoy signos meningeos, se confirmó el diagnóstico de meningitis tras examen de líquido cefalorraquideo. Se inicio tratamiento empírico con antibioticoterapia, presentó adecuada evolución y fue dada de alta a domicilio con vigilancia mensual por servicio de medicina interna.

Introduction to graph theory an approach methodology from the problem of origin perspective, its applications to problem solving, at the higher institute polytechnic of cabinda – Ispcab

The present research consists of proposing methodologies that aim to work on graph theory making use of problematic methods and heuristic principles of teaching-learning of Mathematics. It aims to develop a methodological proposal that contributes to the improvement of the teaching-learning process of Graph Theory and its applications in Higher Education, that is, in ISPCAB, based on the mental schemes presented by Biembengut and Hein.

Hipospadias antecedentes históricos y revisión de la literatura

La hipospadias es una patología común en todo el mundo que se presenta en recién nacidos masculinos, se tiene estimado una incidencia de 1 en cada 250 , aproximadamente; cabe destacar que no todos son diagnosticados a temprana edad y que su tratamiento es únicamente quirúrgico, según algunas fuentes, antes de los 18 meses mayormente recomendado. Esta patología puede afectar la salud del paciente durante su edad adulta con complicaciones como infecciones de vías urinarias recurrentes, infecciones locales así como disfunción psicosocial relacionada a la vida sexual.

Effect of aerobic exercise versus yoga on depression among women with breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial

Introduction: To compare between the effect of aerobic exercise and yoga on depression in breast cancer women. Methods: Overall, 40 breast cancer women suffering from depression, aged 25-45 years, were divided randomly into two groups equal in number. Group A (n=20) received aerobic exercise, while group B (n=20) received yoga. Both groups received 24 sessions over an eight weeks’ period. Depression was evaluated pre and 8 weeks post intervention for all participants with Zung Self-Rating depression Scale.

Preparation and characterization of tb, n co-doped titania nanocomposites

In this paper, Tb-N-TiO2 nanocomposites with different calcined temperature were synthesized through a facile step by sol-gel method. Besides, structural characteristics, morphology and photochemical properties of the nanocomposites were characterizedby X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS), UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that the Tb-N-TiO2 composites were existed in the form of anatase.

Effect of paranyama exercises on functional capacity in patient with interstitial lung disease

Background: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by a common presentation of cough (mostly dry), breathlessness, and related symptoms with a systemic disorder when present. ILD is also recognized as diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD) and is divided into two categories: idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) and other than IIP. Interstitial lung disease and pulmonary fibrosis are two types of lung diseases that involve inflammation and fibrosis of the lung parenchyma.