February 2025

  1. Tushar Tiwari and Shreya Dubey

    This research article explores the development and impact of a gamified platform aimed at increasing legal literacy and awareness about children’s rights among children. Despite significant legal frameworks established to protect and promote children’s rights, awareness and understanding of these rights among children still need to be improved. The gamified platform seeks to bridge this gap by making legal education accessible, engaging, and age-appropriate through interactive games and storytelling. This study assesses the platform’s effectiveness in improving knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding children’s rights.

    Pub. Date: February 28, 2025
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  2. Dr. Daniel Shorkend

    In this essay, I develop the concept of background and foreground. This may alternatively be understood as the post structural demarcation of presence and absence. Based on this, I argue initially theoretically and then as applied to apparent grand narratives: mathematics and science; art; philosophy; politics; psychology and briefly religion. arguing that no grand narrative (ultimate paradigm) is forthcoming and what appears to be a foreground may recede into the background depending on the focus. I conclude that perhaps mysticism or some form thereof is the only solution for both arguing for the concept of a grand narrative and for access to such an “entity”, the cause.

    Pub. Date: February 28, 2025
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  3. Oscar Daniel Guerrero Ortiz and Alejandro Obregón Corona

    Neurogenic shock results from acute spinal cord injury, affecting both sensory and motor conduction at the cervical and upper thoracic levels. This leads to hemodynamic alterations characterized by hypotension, bradycardia, and other autonomic dysreflexias due to the loss of sympathetic tone. This condition is associated with high morbidity and often necessitates surgical intervention, requiring a multidisciplinary approach and posing a challenge for anesthesiologists in perioperative management. The primary treatment goals are neuroprotection, neuroregeneration, and the prevention of secondary injury. Management begins with a thorough preoperative evaluation, including airway management planning, induction strategies that preserve hemodynamic stability, fluid resuscitation, anticipation of potential bleeding risks, and the administration of vasopressor agents and blood products.

    Pub. Date: February 28, 2025
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  4. Maria Pascoalina Faria de Oliveira, Maria do Rosário Sona Faria Simbo and Rosária de Fátima Beua Pau
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    Over the years, the woman'srole in society has stood out in the direction of upward progression. These highlights boosted his social, family and cultural position. On the other hand, the current situation presents spouses with ethical and moral challenges that interfere with their coexistence experiences and personality traits. This work aims to verify the implications of marital coexistence on affective changes, ethical principles and personality traits in a group of women in long-term relationships. The study was carried out from February to March 2023 on women in a relationship of 5 years or more, by filling out a questionnaire that assessed affectivity, ethical principles and personality traits taking into account the experiences of coexistence conjugal. Data were collected through conventional sampling and analyzed using SPSS statistical software. 110 womens from different social strata participated in this study, aged between 38 and 42, the majority of whom had been together for more than 20 years. The results demonstrate that variables such as affectivity, ethical principles and personality traits are among the factors with the greatest weight in the Component Matrix. It was also found that there is a statistically significant association between affection, ethical principles and personality traits of the spouses. Fidelity behavior is correlated with marital satisfaction. Changes in personality patterns are related to emotional expression and ethical principles. Most of the women interviewed state that in long-term relationships, ethical principles and affection can produce significant changes in the spouses' personality traits and increase marital satisfaction.

    Pub. Date: February 28, 2025
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  5. Adeeb Omar Bukhari , Sami Omar Baarimah, Mohammed Hussein Bamaroof, Moayed Alamri4, Mona Ali Baarimah and Amal Omar Baarimah
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    This research studies the perception, training and awareness of Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) among hospital staff. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information from 1060 healthcare professionals. This covered their demographics, how important they think CEM is, how familiar they are with emergency procedures, confidence levels in emergencies, and the challenges faced in introducing CEM. Results revealed that while a significant majority recognized the importance of CEM, familiarity, and training levels were inadequate. The research shows that there are large gaps in the knowledge and training used. Therefore, other people will need to do extra education to enhance emergency preparedness and patient safety in hospitals.

    Pub. Date: February 28, 2025
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  6. Kishorebabu Tenneti, Susmitha Pandula, Praveen Chundi and Prashanth Krotha

    Modern data processing has brought data streaming architecture to become a vital element that processes data in real-time, which the traditional batch processing approach cannot. With the amount of data that businesses, especially businesses in the healthcare sector, produce, real time processing and analysis of it is necessary. In this work, we investigate the advantages and disadvantages of data streaming architecture under consideration of healthcare applications. This study focuses on the implementation and effectiveness of data streaming architecture in healthcare settings as the major goal of the work. More specifically, its objective is to understand how the use of data processing could contribute to patient care to save costs and improve operational efficiency. It then hypothesizes that real-time insight, cost of use, and scalability make data streaming architecture so superior to traditional batch processing. Using case studies in two areas of healthcare, real time monitoring of patient vital signs and predictive maintenance of medical equipment and real time mode of wearable physiologic data from chronic disease cases, this study investigates the application of a data streaming architecture. The study design is a qualitative analysis of the challenges the planners faced during implementations, lessons learned, and outcomes realized. Quantitative methods are applied to the quantification of operational efficiency cost savings improvements, and patient outcomes. The study shows that data streaming architecture provides a significant advantage in the case of healthcare applications. Take as an example, it could enable nearly real-time monitoring of patient vital signs, enabling prompt medical intervention and resulting in a great improvement in patient outcomes. Medical equipment was predicted to be maintained, which led to cost savings and reduced the downtimes of the equipment. Wearable device data analysis in real time is conducted to come up with personalized patient recommendations that improve the management of the chronic disease. Statistical data presented the support of these findings in the improvements in operational efficiency and cost reductions. The study concludes that the data streaming architecture technology has the potential to transform healthcare in a real time, cost-effective and scalable manner. The results presented here have relevance to both enhanced patient care, operational cost savings, and increased efficiency in the case studies. Finally, future research should aim at addressing these unresolved challenges in privacy, accuracy, and scalability so that the power of the data streaming architecture could be fully utilized in other data-intensive industries including healthcare.

    Pub. Date: February 28, 2025
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  7. Aiza L. Sango and Jocelyn B. Bacasmot, PhD

    This study was conducted to find out the significance of school climate, teacher resilience, and interpersonal skills: A mediation test of teachers among public schools in Baganga North and South District, Division of Davao Oriental, Region XI, Philippines. The study used quantitative, non-experimental research design using correlational technique and mediation analysis. Moreover, 128 junior high school teachers were surveyed using the universal sampling using an adapted, 5-point Likert-type questionnaires a survey questionnaire. Weighted,mean, Pearson r, and multiple regression were used as statistical tools. The result shows that the level of interpersonal skills of junior high school teachers was high, the level of school climate was high, and the level of resilience of teachers was very high. Moreover, data show that there was significant relationship between school climate and resilience of teachers, there was a significant relationship betweeninterpersonal skillsand school climate of teachers. Similarly, data revealed a significant relationship between the interpersonal skills and resilience of teachers. Further, there is very strong, positive and statistically significant direct effect of school climate on resilience of teachers. However, data shows that there is no significant mediating effect of interpersonal skills of teachers on the relationship of school climate and resilience of teachers.

    Pub. Date: February 28, 2025
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  8. Ivy E. Atucal and Jocelyn B. Bacasmot, PhD

    The purpose of this study was to determine the mediating effect of science learning environment on the relationship between student academic motivation and self-efficacy of senior high school student of Baganga North District Division of Davao Oriental, Region XI, Philippines. The study utilized a quantitative, non-experimental design via correlational technique and mediation analysis.Futhermore,204 senior high students respondents were survey using universal sampling an adapted 5 point likert scale survey questionnaires. Weighted, mean, Pearson r, and multiple regression were used as statistical tools. Moreover, all of the three variables obtained a high level and revealed a significant relationship between student academic motivation and self-efficacy, there was a significant relationship between science learning environment and student academic motivation and a significant relationship between science academic motivation and self-efficacy of senior high school students, three variables. Furthermore, science learning environment has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between student academic motivation and self-efficacy of students in science. This means that the science learning environment influences the strength of the relationship between the student academic motivation and self-efficacy.

    Pub. Date: February 28, 2025
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  9. Muarrah Nisar
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    This study explores the principles of rehabilitation in Islamic criminal justice, examining their application in contemporary legal systems. By comparing Islamic and Western approaches to rehabilitation, the research highlights the unique aspects and effectiveness of each system. Through secondary data analysis, the study provides insights into how Islamic rehabilitation principles can be integrated into modern practices to enhance the effectiveness of criminal justice interventions.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  10. Ehab M. Sedeek, Doha Magdy Emam, Adnan A. Atwaa
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    Caffeine citrate has been implemented to some extent worldwide withinneonatal units for preterm baby’s obstructive sleep apnea management. Almost, preterm babies are prone to obstructive sleep apnea, plus elevated death risk or even disabilities. Up to date, caffeine citrate is addressed for preterm babies` apnea targeting to reduce bronchopulmonary dysplasia incidence, as well neurodevelopmental disability at 18-21 months. Caffeine citrate is recognized to havelong-term safety, particularlyrelating to motor, behavioral, and intelligence skills. Prenatal caffeine predisposes to intrauterine growth restriction and small growth for gestational age at birth. Caffeine citratehas a cost-effective pharmacotherapy benefit, in terms of safety, and efficacy for preterm babies’ apnea, and modulating rates of bronchopulmonary dysplasia within neonatal intensive care units.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  11. TAKPE Kouami Auguste

    The broom is a means of cleaning the yard, the bedroom, the environment, the human space and so on. It is used for many purposes, both ordinary and mystical. The aim of this research is to understand the different functions of this domestic cleaning tool. The reasoned choice technique was used. Empirical data was collected from 53 individuals who were interviewed. The sample consisted of ten dignitaries of the endogenous cult, housekeepers, fathers of families and resource persons. Qualitative in nature, the tools used were direct observation, documentary research and semi-structured interviews. It emerged that the Fon communities are firmly attached to their culture. The broom is used for a number of functions: purification, therapy, reconciliation, conjuration and prospirology. The broom represents power and a magical symbol. It can be beneficial or malefic. The broom is the source of many legends.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  12. Hortência De Fátima Zinga

    Ecological ethics serves as a tool to raise human awareness about the real meaning of preserving and conserving nature. This article is part of environmental concern and the desire to bring proposals for solutions to change the behavior and habits of Farmers regarding the use of natural resources in Cabinda. In recent years, the Province has been recording a wave of deforestation resulting from the process of removing or cutting down sections of virgin forest for economic purposes. So, it was from this perspective that the research was carried out among women who practice shifting cultivation in rural areas, to understand whether they really know about the irreversible environmental damage caused by this agricultural production system. However, it was found that they lack any information and knowledge regarding the subject. This led to the following question: what are the factors behind the lack of information and knowledge regarding the risks of shifting cultivation practiced by Women in Rural Areas? And How can ecological ethics influence the acquisition of information and knowledge about these risks? The answers to these questions were associated with factors such as level of education, lack of time to follow the newspaper and lack of public actions or policies aimed at rural education. Materials and methods: the questionnaire was applied to a sample of 126 Peasant Women, whose opinions were processed in the SPSS software, allowing statistical processing of the data. Results: of the 126 respondents, 39.95% are between 48 and 58 years old, around 63.49% are married, 68.25% have primary education, 19.05% have secondary education and only 12.70% have high school education, 99.99% stated that they cut down and burn vegetables and use the ashes as nutrients for the soil, and 99.99% stated that they do not watch the news to get information about the consequences and dangers of this practice, 98.41 % have a level of environmental education considered terrible. Conclusion: after the study carried out, it is concluded that it is necessary to promote actions that make Women aware of the importance of conserving the environment, starting with the construction of field schools and holding an environmental forum in rural areas.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  13. April Joy A. Palmares, MIT and Patrick D. Cerna, DIT

    Sugarcane pest and disease detection consider techniques in precision agriculture that would not only be expected to maintain the crops' health but even improve their yields. This research proposes assessing the various detection algorithms for their efficiency in detecting and classifying sugarcane diseases, including Deep Learning (CNN, ResNet, YOLO), Machine Learning (SVM, Random Forest, K-NN), Image Processing, and Hybrid Approaches. A trend study examining 2020 to 2024 shows that the response to research between these years will sharply increase; deep learning is the methodology because of its high accuracy and real-time detection measures. However, machine learning and hybrid models contribute to good classification and predictive modeling levels. Performance evaluation is based on accuracy, precision, Recall, F1-score, computation time, and Robustness, showing a trade-off in model accuracy and computational efficiency. Dataset size vs. accuracy shows that while increasing data size improves performance in early measures, the returns will diminish beyond a threshold effect and further emphasize the quality and diversity of the dataset. In compliance with the above, such systems ought to be developed in consideration of better model architecture for improved database standardization and optimizations in computation, paving the way for much-enhanced precision farming.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  14. Sonali Sanghavi, Meenakshi Satpute, Nilima Telang, Prashant Agrawal, Saher Khan and Monjori Mitra
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    Background: It is essential to investigate the effectiveness of antibiotics in the present-day scenario, especially because of the increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance. Cefuroxime, a second-generation cephalosporin, has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. However, there is a dearth of data on the current susceptibility of pathogenic bacteria to cefuroxime or its combinations. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro susceptibility of clinical isolates to cefuroxime in combination with β-lactamase inhibitor, clavulanic acid, as there are no clinical breakpoints for interpretation of antimicrobial susceptibility. Methods: Bacterial isolates were cultured from non-repetitive clinical samples from January to February 2024 at a single center in India. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of cefuroxime + clavulanic acid was evaluated using Epsilometer test (E-test). The MIC values thus obtained were used to assess susceptibility of isolates. Results: Among 100 clinical isolates tested, 78% were gram negative and 22% were gram positive. Escherichia coli was the most prevalent pathogen (38%), followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (24%) and Staphylococcus aureus (16%). Since breakpoints for cefuroxime + clavulanic acid are not available, the corresponding values for cefuroxime provided in EUCAST and/or CLSI were used to deduce conclusions about susceptibility. Accordingly, susceptibility/intermediate susceptibility to cefuroxime + clavulanic acid was displayed by 68.42% of E. coli, 41.67% of K. pneumoniae, and 12.50% of S. aureus isolates. Other less-prevalent bacteria such as Enterobacter cloacae, Serratia marcescens, Proteus mirabilis, Citrobacter koseri, Salmonella enterica, Proteus vulgaris, and Pantoea spp. were also found to be susceptible/intermediately susceptible to cefuroxime + clavulanic acid. Conclusions: A fixed-dose combination (FDC) of cefuroxime and clavulanic acid was effective against pathogens like E. coli, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, and others. Given these broad spectra of activity, this FDC appear well-suited for use in the treatment of a variety of healthcare-associated infections, such as pneumonia, surgical sepsis and/or bacteremia, UTIs, etc.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  15. Batool Dahham Al-Ali

    The whole world was taken in by surprise with the Covid 19 pandemic, Iraq and its educational institutions are no exception. During that period most institutions closed and tried to implement some kind of Distant Learning, Online Learning or Blended Learning to avoid the spread of the pandemic. This study tries to explore the impact online teaching had on the learners’ outcome by comparing the overall results of students in the first official exam (Intermediate) before Online Learning and after online learning during the pandemic. It also explores the problems the learners and the teachers faced in the pandemic year (2019-20) in implementing “Blended Learning”, which is a mix of Distance Education (DE) and classroom teaching. This study proposes Online Learning as a foreseen solution to problems, especially like the ones we faced during the pandemic. Proper DE programs should be prepared, and teachers and learners have to be trained to use this type of education. It is now time to step back and examine how we might integrate the potential of online learning with the traditional strengths of face-to-face learning if we want to modernize our education. In a questionnaire administered to both the learners and the teachers, we will explore the problems they faced during the pandemic period in the hope that we can be aware of them in the future. Problems such as lack of training, electricity, internet, etc.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  16. Sergio Resta and Giacomo Resta
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    The long struggle to combat and definitively eradicate the various forms of cancer that affect millions of patients worldwide is constantly being enriched with new therapeutic tools. In this challenge, many substances extracted from plants are gaining much attention, which, compared to traditional synthetic chemotherapeutics, have the advantage of a lower incidence of side effects, with the same antitumor efficacy. Among the substances of plant origin there are the Quinazolinones, from which many chemical derivatives have been synthesized, which have demonstrated a broad spectrum of therapeutic efficacy. In this work, we will review the therapeutic properties of the main Quinazolinone derivatives, and their supposed mechanism of action. They are very promising substances with positive developments in the fight against neoplastic pathology.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  17. Rogelio C. Palanog, JR. and Nestor C. Nabe, PhD

    This paper utilized Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in order to identify the best model for Criminal Justice Practitioners’ employee engagement in relation to moral foundation, self-esteem and quality of work life. The study used a descriptive-predictive, quantitative, non-experimental research strategy. Using a stratified sampling procedure, 400 participants made up the sample size. Instruments that were adapted and standardized were used to survey these subjects. A range of statistical techniques, including the mean, multiple regression, Pearson product moment correlation, and structural equation model, were then used to assess the data. The study's outcomes disclosed that the level of self-esteem and level of moral foundation were all at a moderate level, and the level of quality of work life were rated as high, while the level of employee engagement were rank as very high. Additionally, it was shown that the participation of criminal justice practitioners was significantly correlated with all three exogenous variables. Regression analysis, however, revealed that moral foundation had no discernible impact on employee engagement, although self-esteem and work-life balance did. In terms of model fit comparison, the final model shows a significant enhancement in all fit measures. and out of the generated models it is considered the best-fit model of employee engagement of the criminal justice practitioners of region 12 and this was best anchored in direct relationship of the exogenous variable quality of work-life on the endogenous variable after model re-specification.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  18. Obiakor, Casmir Uchenna, PhD, Ikegbunam, Peter Chierike, Ph.D and Nnaemeka, Perpetual Ozioma

    The Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) while addressing delegates of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) in Rivers State said that those who wanted to protest against bad governance in the country could go ahead while he and his colleagues would be eating. This video went viral and caused outrage among Nigerians. This research investigates audience perception of Senator Akpabio’s “Let them protest while we eat” comment which went viral on social media and how this statement influenced people’s perception of the current Administration in Nigeria. The Survey research method was used to study 384 respondents derived using the Cozby’s table. The study was anchored on the Perception theory. The objectives of study are to ascertain the frequency of exposure to “Let them protest while we eat” comment on Facebook by COOU students, to ascertain their perception of the comment, to ascertain whether respondents reposted the comment to their friends and to ascertain whether exposure to the comment on Facebook influenced them to support the End Bad Governance protest in the country. The result showed that respondents were very highly exposed to Akpabio’s “Let them protest while we eat” comment on Facebook and they had negative perception of the comment as they saw it as a mockery of the plight of Nigerians and insensitivity to the suffering of people in the country. The study recommended among others that Senator Akpabio and other elected officials should use the social media to promptly correct wrong impressions and apologize for insensitive comments as damage control in order not to incite the public into more protests. It is also recommended that Public Relations strategies should be effectively utilized by the current Administration so as to calm the nerves of the suffering Nigerians.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  19. Sangeetha N. M.Sc., M.Phil and Sandhiya, K.T., II M.Sc

    Foot-related ailments, such as microbial infections and discomfort due to prolonged use of footwear, have necessitated the development of functional insoles with therapeutic properties. This study focuses on the development of a medicated bamboo insole infused with Ipomoea staphylina extract, known for its potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Bamboo fiber was selected as the base material due to its breathability, moisture-wicking ability, and eco-friendliness. The insole was evaluated for antimicrobial activity, comfort, durability, and moisture absorption properties. Microbial inhibition tests confirmed significant antibacterial and antifungal activity, particularly against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Additionally, wear trials indicated improved user comfort, reduced odor, and enhanced foot hygiene. The results suggest that this herbal-infused bamboo insole can serve as an innovative, sustainable, and effective solution for foot health, particularly for individuals prone to infections and excessive sweating.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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  20. Tsoumou A., Mikia M., Olabi Obath B.R.C. and Mady-Goma Dirat I.

    The study focused on the weight-length relationship and condition factor of three species of fish in this river's collection. The biometric characterisation of three species (Enteromius holotaenia, Doumea typica and Chiloglanis cameronensis) from the river loulali was carried out. The standard length of E. holotaenia varied between 22.02 and 98.75 mm, with a mean of 61.46 ± 15.62 mm. The correlation coefficient r = 0.99, showing a strong correlation between the two parameters studied. The coefficient b equal to 3.21 indicates that this species has a major allometric growth. The standard length of Doumea typica specimens ranged from 64.57 mm to 171 mm, with an average of 106.28 ± 29.80 mm. The correlation coefficient r = 0.99, showing a very strong correlation between the two parameters studied. The b coefficient was 3.08, indicating isometric growth. The standard length of Chiloglanis cameronensis varies between 22.48mm and 101.07mm, the correlation coefficient r is equal to 0.99, the correlation between weight and standard length is strong. The b coefficient is equal to 3.26, proof of allometric growth, and the size structure is unimodal.

    Pub. Date: February 18, 2025
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