Ecological ethics in the face of the risks of shifting agriculture practices by women in rural areas of cabinda province

Hortência De Fátima Zinga

Ecological ethics serves as a tool to raise human awareness about the real meaning of preserving and conserving nature. This article is part of environmental concern and the desire to bring proposals for solutions to change the behavior and habits of Farmers regarding the use of natural resources in Cabinda. In recent years, the Province has been recording a wave of deforestation resulting from the process of removing or cutting down sections of virgin forest for economic purposes. So, it was from this perspective that the research was carried out among women who practice shifting cultivation in rural areas, to understand whether they really know about the irreversible environmental damage caused by this agricultural production system. However, it was found that they lack any information and knowledge regarding the subject. This led to the following question: what are the factors behind the lack of information and knowledge regarding the risks of shifting cultivation practiced by Women in Rural Areas? And How can ecological ethics influence the acquisition of information and knowledge about these risks? The answers to these questions were associated with factors such as level of education, lack of time to follow the newspaper and lack of public actions or policies aimed at rural education. Materials and methods: the questionnaire was applied to a sample of 126 Peasant Women, whose opinions were processed in the SPSS software, allowing statistical processing of the data. Results: of the 126 respondents, 39.95% are between 48 and 58 years old, around 63.49% are married, 68.25% have primary education, 19.05% have secondary education and only 12.70% have high school education, 99.99% stated that they cut down and burn vegetables and use the ashes as nutrients for the soil, and 99.99% stated that they do not watch the news to get information about the consequences and dangers of this practice, 98.41 % have a level of environmental education considered terrible. Conclusion: after the study carried out, it is concluded that it is necessary to promote actions that make Women aware of the importance of conserving the environment, starting with the construction of field schools and holding an environmental forum in rural areas.

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