Hip replacement aims to alleviate hip pain due to the damaged joint and ensure smooth mobility to the extent possible. Physiotherapeutic support after the hip replacement helps inensuring proper rehabilitation and optimum quality of life. This was amply demonstrated in a single case of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in a 31-year-oldwoman. She had been suffering from pain and stiffness in the right hip joint for the last 20 years. She was referredtoa tertiary care hospital where the orthopedic surgeon conducted the hip replacement surgery. A multidisciplinary team including the surgeon, nurse practitioner, and physiotherapist handled the case resulting inan almost normal life for the sufferer.
November 2024
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5484
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Global warming and carbon dioxide emissions are critical global challenges that threaten environmental sustainability. This study examines the impact of natural resources, government expenditure, governance, economic growth, industry, population growth, and agricultural emissions on environmental sustainability in Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya in selected East African countries using data from the World Bank Indicators (1990–2023). Governance and environmental sustainability are represented by regulatory quality, the rule of law, and CO2 emissions, respectively. The study employs the Im, Pesaran and Shin and Fisher Panel unit root tests as well as the Kao panel cointegration test. Panel unit roots reveal that all variables are non-stationary at level and stationary at first difference. The study identifies long-run relationships among these variables. The system dynamic panel technique results indicate that CO2 emissions, government expenditure, industry, and population growth contribute to environmental degradation, while natural resources, governance, and economic growth enhance sustainability. These findings suggest that governments in East Africa should strengthen environmental policies, promote green energy adoption, and enhance governance quality to mitigate environmental harm.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5516 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The aim of this article is to empirically validate and quantitatively test (using the structural equation method) the theoretical model communicated in an article ( Elhaddouchi & Elkharraz, 2020), and to strengthen the scientific framework of the results obtained (verification of research hypotheses).We have attempted to highlight the perceptions of the main players, belonging to a particular context (the Moroccan education system) concerning the question of the contribution of technology and IS capabilities to the organizational performance of the Moroccan school education system (ES). Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out using SPSS V 24.0 as a first step in purifying the measures and estimating their validity. The results of this analysis were used as inputs for a test of the measurement models following the LISREL procedure, as well as an examination of the measurement scales through a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) under AMOS 24. We concluded our analysis with a test of the one-dimensionality of the variables retained in our research model. To improve the quality of our measures, a number of items were occasionally removed from the analysis, and both conceptual and statistical justifications were put forward to support our choices.Finally, the results of our hypothesis testing were presented and discussed, and proposals for improving the overall model were developed.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5469 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The term neurobiotics has been used with “magical” connotations, pertaining to areas similar as mind reading and amping insensible objects. There's also a connection to the idea that time is relative (in anon-Einsteinian sense) and that life (and jitters) can control time to some extent. These uses are non-standard and presumably not related to scientific use.
Pub. Date: November 08, 2024Paper No:5487 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: Drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are frequently prescribed to treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders, including erosive esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and duodenal and stomach ulcers. They are now the most effective medications that lower gastric hydrochloric acid output and have been in use for almost 30 years. Sometimes, in certain patient populations, prolonged use of a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) has been associated with decreased serum levels of vitamin B12 (cobalamin). According to reports, proton pump inhibitors can harm the intestines and alter the gut microbiota, which can impact a number of processes, such as malabsorption. Long-term PPI use can have a number of negative effects, but the most frequent ones are vitamin and mineral deficiencies, recurrent infections, cardiovascular problems, and bone fractures. Methods: Previously published articles relating to the topic Proton pump inhibitors and Vitamin B12 deficiency was collected and reviewed. Observations: Since continuous PPI medication raises the frequency of vitamin B12 deficiency, particularly in the elderly, the link with vitamin deficiencies has drawn more attention. Conflicting findings were found in a number of investigations that attempted to establish a link between vitamin B12 level and PPI. We thoroughly reviewed observational studies that looked at how long-term PPI side effects affect the absorption of vitamin B12 in this systematic review.
Pub. Date: November 08, 2024Paper No:5488 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This study explores the interconnections between green financing, financial development, technological innovation, and agricultural production in Tanzania, guided by Keynesian and endogenous growth theories. Using annual data from 1990 to 2023, the research employs the Phillips-Perron unit root test and the Bound cointegration test and the ARDL model evaluate the stationarity, cointegration and long-run equilibrium relationships respectively. The Phillips-Perron unit root test and the Bound cointegration test results reveal that variables have different order of integrations and exhibits long run relationship. Further, the ARDL results indicate that green financing, financial development, technology, and human capital have varying effects on agricultural production in long run. While in the short run, green financing, technological innovation, and human capital positively influence agricultural output, but financial development exerts a negative impact. The error correction term confirms a stable relationship between the variables. The findings suggest that policymakers should prioritise investment in green financing, technological advancements, and human capital development and directing more credit to the agricultural sector to boost agricultural productivity.
Pub. Date: November 08, 2024Paper No:5510 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition that affects the supporting structures of the teeth which eventually lead to bone loss, tooth mobility and tooth loss if left untreated.Bone loss in periodontal disease is a hall mark and the patterns of bone loss is based on the type of periodontal destruction present.A number of factors contribute to bone loss in periodontitis like bacterial derived factors, antigens that stimulate a local inflammatory response and activation of innate immune system.The present review gives us an overview of classification of bone defects, bone loss patterns specific to each periodontal condition and factors influencing bone loss.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5477 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Nursing education thrives towards training nurses to enable them play their role in the professional health team to provide high quality services to society. This study was aimed at comparing the effect of Interactive and Traditional teaching strategies on Student Nurse’s Academic performance at Nursing Schools, Zamfara state. Quasi-experimental design of non equivalent was adopted with total of One hundred and twenty-nine students (129) recruited for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used access the participants for both study and control groups. Self-administered Questionnaire and Assessment test were used to collect data and all ethical consideration ensured throughout the study. Three (3) hypotheses were stated to guide the study and Inferential statistics with SPSS software version 26 was used for testing the hypotheses. Null hypotheses stated at alpha value of 0.05 was greater than P- values of 0.000 and 0.033 were rejected; relationship between interactive teaching strategy and Academic Performance of the student nurses found that calculated p value of 0.015 was below the 0.05 alpha level of significance and the correlation index value of 0.822 is higher than the critical r value of 0.235 at df 74 were rejected , and there was significant Mean difference in the Academic Performance of student nurses from School of Nursing Gusau and their counterparts from School of Nursing Kaura Namoda, with the calculated p value of 0.000 is lower than the 0.05 alpha level of significance and the computed t value of 6.219 is greater than the 1.96 t critical at df 127.The research findings revealed the importance of interactive teaching strategies using Flipped Classroom and Fish bowl in increases students’ acquisition of skills, knowledge and developing them as holistic individuals. Use of flipped classroom and fish bowl resulted in better learning outcomes, students’ retention of knowledge and reflective practice, compared to the use of traditional learning method alone. Based on the findings of the study, It was recommended that there is need to emphasize and implement varying interactive teaching strategies and assessments, towards improved academic performance of students’ in Nursing institutions in Zamfara state.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5478 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Digital archiving is a replacement for the traditional paper archive as it serves the same purpose of preserving and protecting documents created in a digital format. In this study, we design and developed a manuscript online digital archiving management system for the Eastern Visayas State University Ormoc Campus. The system addresses the challenges related with traditional hardbound kept in a designated place by the department and library. The researcher develop a digital platform with the aim of providing an effective archival management system for student theses and capstone manuscripts projects. The researcher concede the need of efficient solutions of traditional archival thesis and capstone project manuscripts. We conducted a qualitative research study and was utilized through a case study approach with both interviews and observations as gathering information. We used a Agile concepts with the combination of Rapid Application Development (RAD) to maintain a adaptable and iterative approach throughout the development process of the system. The findings of this study indicate that existing archival systems lack of essential features to effectively manage thesis and capstone project manuscripts. The development of this web-based online digital archiving system is significant for Eastern Visayas State University - Ormoc Campus and the researcher, as it provides unlimited capacity for uploading documents, but it also imposing specific limits to the needs of thesis and capstone project manuscript within Eastern Visayas State University-Ormoc Campus.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5525 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Different art practices, the interpretation and understanding of the concept of art, different mediums and artists' forms/contents of objects can be compared. In this comparison, the relationship between aesthetic sensation and the subject perceiving the art object can be examined. In this regard, it is possible to examine it in the phenomenological philosophy of perception, in aesthetic perception, in the context of perceiving-receptive phenomena and perception. The purpose of this article is to examine these comments through photography and to provide a perspective on the effects of photography on architecture. It was carried out through literature review, which is one of the qualitative research methods.Hence, within the scope of the study, 4 examples are discussed on how images no longer remain only two-dimensional static and only visible structures, and the transformation of images into interactive structures with digitalization and the processes of responding to different movements of the human body. In the conclusion, Le Corbusier's approach to phenomenology is examined by taking a closer look at his interior photographs and how he manipulated them.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:47991 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This study focuses on building and developing a student handbook that will be essential for the Eastern Visayas State University Ormoc(EVSU-OC)Community using a mobile application. This paper aims to enhance the overall student experience at the university using modern technology. This study uses the Iterative Agile Model as the software development life cycle as well as a descriptive research method. The software Figma is used to design and prototype the system. The system is based on a mobile application that enables students to access the handbook on their mobile devices. The app can provide a more interactive and visually appealing platform, addressing the lack of student engagement and awareness of school rules. With the efforts and hard work of the proponents, this capstone project was created and has achieved its objectives through researching, testing, and conducting school surveys using today's technology.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5527 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: Diabetes is thought to carry the same risk as coronary heart disease.The higher chance of cardiac mortality and incident coronary heart disease (CHD) development are especially concerning in case of diabetes. The usefulness of statins in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD), including among people with type 2 diabetes, is well established. Across all cardiovascular risk groups, there is compelling evidence that statins reduce major vascular events. While statin therapy lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, there is debate regarding its link to the onset of diabetes. Trials of statin therapy have provided conflicting results regarding statin use and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Methods: Previously published articles relating to the topic Statins and Diabetes mellitus have been collected and reviewed. Observations: Using statins is linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Using statins is linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes (T2DM), which rises with continued usage and higher baseline BMI values. The ongoing researches regarding Statins and Diabetes development will certainly create an alarming sign among the physicians.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5454 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The participation of youths in agriculture in Kenya has been low leading to migration to urban areas where the youths expect to get better jobs in non-farm sector. They thus earn low incomes and experience increasing poverty, social and economic exclusion, and increased risk of political tensions. We carried out a study to identify the drivers of youth migration in densely populated areas of rural Kenya using panel data of 500 youths for the period 2007 to 2014 and an additional 115 sample cross sectional data of 2015 which was analyzed to describe he individual, household and community level variables using the probit model. The results established that 60 percent of youths migrated between 2007 and 2015 and about 40% of the migrants move out of the farms. The main drivers of migration from farming were gender, increasing age, population, production and village land rent. Migrating youths earned low incomes and had no incentives to rent land. Their production levels were low and had little asset based. To attract more youth to agriculture, requires a policy environment that promotes that development of land and labor markets in the rural areas, training on skills and increased investment for higher productivity.These will lead to increased access to land, education, gender, farm assets wages and productivity hampered migration. The study concluded that agriculture lack of an enabling investment environment drives the youths from agriculture. It is therefore recommended that, for farming to attract more youths and support the growth of the agricultural sector, policies should enable enhanced credit availability to catalyse access to production resources and increased productivity in the sector. These will stem out migration of youths from the rural areas address issues related to increased access to land, better education and increased returns on investment in the agriculture sector.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5426 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Over the past four decades, society has undergone a profound transformation, largely driven by the democratization of technology. This process has not only reshaped the technological infrastructure but has also significantly altered social, educational, and cultural landscapes. The introduction of personal computers (PCs) into homes and educational settings during the 1980s represents a key milestone in this evolution. By the late 1980s and early 1990s, the emergence of market players such as Commodore, Sinclair, and Apple, coupled with the widespread availability of clone computers, facilitated the penetration of computing technology into lower educational levels. This expansion was strongly supported by public policies, particularly in Europe and North America. The turn of the 21st century, marked by the rapid expansion of the Internet, further accelerated these shifts, fundamentally redefining the way societies engage with education and technology. However, while technological progress has opened new opportunities, it has also deepened the digital divide, creating new forms of social exclusion predicated on unequal access to and effective use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Addressing this growing digital divide remains a critical challenge for fostering equitable inclusion in the digital age, ensuring that technological advancements benefit all segments of the population rather than perpetuating or widening pre-existing inequalities.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5475 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Customer experience is one of the most fundamental concepts in marketing literature which resultsin hedonic & memorial experience for customers. In-store experienceis an important phenomenon that increasingly attracts the professional marketing experts and academics around the world and can use them as a distinctive tool in the stores. The methodology of this study is based on descriptive and mixed method. The qualitative part of this study which was based on phenomenological method began with protocol design on the basis of systematic studies & then through eighteen individual deep interviews. With multiple purposive sampling professional shoppers were selected and then three types of coding include open coding, axial coding and selective coding in ATLAS.ti software are used to determine the themes and categories. In quantitative part of this study, 298 shoppers were selected randomly and standardized questionnaires were distributed among them. Lisrel software was used for data analysis. The results convey that antecedents of in-store experiences have a positive relationship with consequences.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5498 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
El bloqueo de escalpe es una técnica de anestesia regional utilizada en neurocirugía para proporcionar analgesia durante procedimientos craneales, como la craneotomía despierta, mediante la infiltración de anestésicos locales en nervios específicos del cuero cabelludo. Estos nervios incluyen el occipital mayor y menor, auriculotemporal, cigomáticotemporal, supraorbitario y supratroclear. Su aplicación adecuada permite reducir las respuestas hemodinámicas adversas asociadas al estrés quirúrgico y disminuir la necesidad de opioides durante la cirugía, lo que mejora la estabilidad hemodinámica y acelera la recuperación postoperatoria. Aunque el bloqueo de escape se considera una técnica segura y efectiva, conlleva riesgos como toxicidad por anestésicos locales, lesiones nerviosas y reacciones alérgicas. Sin embargo, su integración con anestesia general ofrece beneficios significativos, como una menor estancia hospitalaria y menor dolor postoperatorio, lo que hace de esta técnica un recurso valioso.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5509 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Soft tissue injuries of hand and palm are common occurrence caused by trauma, infection, burns and various medical procedures. The criteria for selection of appropriate flap for volar defects is based on ability of the flap to provide glabrous skin, adequacy of length, adequate sensitivity and ability to allow free movement of joints. In the present study we intend to describe our experience of resurfacing of palmodigitovolar defects with glabrous skin. Study population comprised of 32 patients with palmodigitovolar defects from various causes. All routine basic investigations were carried out before the surgery. Healthy palmar defects with red granulation tissue were considered for reconstruction by different suitable approaches using glabrous skin flap/grafts above according to the requirement of the defect and feasibility of the procedure. Clinical photographs were taken. Quality of life assessment was made using Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ). Patient was discharged and follow up was done on 7th, 21st and 60th post op days and pictures were taken for each follow up. At final assessment flap/graft sensation and overall outcome was noted. It was rated at a 5-point scale where 1 indicated a good outcome and 5 indicated a poor outcome. Mean age of patients was 27.78±16.38 years. There was a perfect matching of flap texture with recipient site in all the cases. Majority of cases (65.6%) had substantial matching of flap/graft colour with recipient site. On day 60, there were 30 (93.8%) cases who did not have any complications. In the remaining 2 (6.3%) had delayed donor site healing was observed as a complication. Use of glabrous skin grafts for covering the palmodigitovolar defects has been reported to be a promising option that results in superior results, improved function and sensation, near normal appearance and high durability.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5518 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Aim: This study provides critical insights into the perception and awareness of Special Care Dentistry (SCD) among dental undergraduate students in India. Materials & Methodology: This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the awareness and perceptions of Special Care Dentistry (SCD) among dental undergraduate students in India. A total of 400 students from various dental colleges participated in the study, which was conducted by the Department of Public Health Dentistry at SGT University, Gurugram. Data were collected using a self-prepared, closed-ended, structured questionnaire distributed electronically via social media platforms. The questionnaire, hosted on Google Forms, consisted of 15 items, including demographic information and specific questions about SCD awareness. Only students who provided informed consent were included in the study. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests were performed using SPSS software to analyze the data, with a focus on understanding the influence of demographic factors on students' perceptions and awareness of SCD (p-value ≤0.05). The findings provide valuable insights into the current level of knowledge and attitudes towards SCD among dental students in India. Results: This study surveyed 400 dental students, finding that age and academic year significantly impact familiarity with Special Care Dentistry (SCD) and confidence in treating special needs patients. Gender had a less consistent influence. Results highlight the need for enhanced SCD education to improve students' competence and awareness. Conclusion: This study identifies gaps in Special Care Dentistry (SCD) awareness among Indian dental students, emphasizing the need for enhanced SCD training in dental curricula. Improved education and infrastructure are essential to better prepare future dentists to provide equitable oral healthcare to patients with special needs.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2024Paper No:5490