December 2020

  1. Prashant Kumar and Roy John, P.
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    Congenital anomaly of a great vessel is rare. The presence of Duplicated Inferior vena cava has an incidence of 0.3-3%. Kidney transplantation is one of the mainstay treatment of chronic kidney disease. We herein report a left laparoscopic nephrectomy performed in a donor with duplicated inferior vena cava. Preoperative planning with CT Angiography is a must to accurately delineate anatomy. Duplicated inferior vena cava was clipped and divided just below the confluence with renal vein. The donor made an uneventful recovery. Duplicated inferior vena cava is not a contraindication for left laparoscopic donor nephrectomy.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  2. Gaafar K. Nogod, Hagir M. Omer, Fathia A. Adam, Abdelmonem M. Abdellah, Hythem S.A. Saeed Abdel Rouf A. Abbas, Abdel-Raheem H. Ali and Fatima A. B. Abdalla
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    Hematology analysis is a swift test of blood to help monitoring health condition of fish in natural fisheries of suspected polluted rivers. To evaluate health status of fish in the White Nile River at southern Khartoum City, a total of 120 different fish species were collected from both the targeted upstream polluted area and from the non-polluted upstream area. According to routine clinical methods, the hematological parameters of PCV, Hb, WBC, RBC, MCV, MCH and MCHC were investigated. All of these parameters were found to be insignificant different (p > 0.05) comparing with control, with exception of PCV%, which found to be significantly different (p < 0.05) comparing with control in all types of fish species, as well, MCV level was found to be significantly different in Oreochromis niloticus fish species, whereas MCH was significantly different in Bagrus bayad and the MCHC test was found to be significantly different in Clarias lazera fish species. It could be concluded that, in spite of being insignificantly different comparing to control, most of these hematological analysis found to be not compliance to the suggested hematology level of healthy fish.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  3. Rajaa Jabbouri, Dounia Tahiri, Rita Filali Aniq and Alaoui Fatima Zahra
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    Le psoriasis est une maladie auto-immune dont la physiopathologie est mal élucidée. Il s’agit d’une dermatose érythémato squameuse chronique fréquente le plus souvent bénigne. Néanmoins, La forme pustuleuse généralisée reste rare mais grave et peut engager le pronostic vital. L’association à une hypocalcémie est peu fréquente. Cette dernière peut être un facteur déclenchant les poussées cutanées généralisées. Nous rapportant le cas d’un patient suivi depuis 8 ans pour psoriasis et qui fait, suite à un stress professionnel, une forme pustuleuse généralisée, associée à une hypocalcémie sévère symptomatique, révélée par des spasmes laryngés et des crises convulsives et dont la correction par supplémentation en calcium et vitamine D a permis la régression des lésions cutanées.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  4. Gilberto Ortega Sagardi and Filiberta Orozco Chino
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    Antecedentes: Actualmente el uso de la mnemotecnia FAST HUGS BID ha demostrado que permite abordar al paciente en estado crítico de una manera integral y rápida enfocándose en intervenciones que mejoran la seguridad de atención en este tipo de pacientes, permitiendo no dejar a un lado u olvidar actividades en su cuidado que afecten de forma directa en su atención y con esto disminuir el riesgo de complicaciones o mortalidad. La participación del personal de enfermería en el desarrollo de estas actividades es relevante ya que son este personal es la parte ejecutiva de muchos de los cuidados realizados en los pacientes hospitalizados en áreas criticas. Objetivos: Conocer el nivel de cumplimiento que tiene el personal de enfermería en las intervenciones descritas por esta mnemotecnia al realizar los cuidados al paciente en estado crítico ya que estos por su condición de gravedad se encuentran con mayor susceptibilidad y en un estado de dependencia total de la atención del personal de enfermería para la provisión de sus cuidados. Métodos: Se realizo una evaluación de las actividades registradas por parte del personal de enfermería con base en la mnemotecnia FAST HUGS BID en los expedientes que correspondían a los pacientes hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos para adultos en el Centro Médico Naval comprendidos en el periodo de mayo a julio del 2018. Se tomo 1 hoja de enfermería de manera aleatorizada de cada expediente buscando así los registros realizados correspondientes a la mnemotecnia antes mencionada, las intervenciones que tienen mayor o menor participación por parte del personal de enfermería, así como, cuáles son las actividades con mayor fortaleza y áreas de mejora para la mejorar la seguridad en la atención. Se obtuvo a través de los registros un total de 50 expedientes de los cuales se tuvo que descartar 8 expedientes ya que estaban incompletos quedando una muestra total de 42 expedientes. Resultados: Con relación a las intervenciones F, S (sedación), D, G, el personal de enfermería cumple entre un 88% a 95% con el cumplimiento y o registro de estas actividades. Las intervenciones con menor registro corresponden a las letras A, H, S (respiración espontanea) tenían un nivel incumplimiento que va desde 90% hasta un 100 % a falta de registros por parte del personal de enfermería. Por último, se observó que en relación con la letra B los pacientes en promedio tienen estreñimiento con un promedio de 10 días sin registros de evacuaciones.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  5. María Guadalupe Hernández Blanco and Filiberta Orozco Chino
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    La condición del cuidado en el escenario de las unidades críticas, a partir de la percepción del paciente hospitalizado en una UCIA, está siendo analizado como objeto de estudio por cuanto representa una situación de crisis situacional para el paciente, ocasionado por la condición crítica de su salud, en un ambiente con tecnología avanzada en donde coincide el profesional de enfermería y el paciente. De tal manera que se rompe la conexión de paciente con el entorno, lo que implica a que dependa de un cuidado humanizado. El objetivo de presente estudio fue determinar la percepción del paciente sobre el cuidado humanizado de enfermería durante su estancia en la UCIA en el Centro Médico Naval, ante esto se realizó un estudio Descriptivo y Transversal (Observacional), se utilizó el instrumento “Percepción de comportamientos de cuidado humanizado de enfermería 3ª versión”. Se aplicó a 30 pacientes Hospitalizado a su egreso de la UCIA entre octubre y noviembre 2020. Para ello consideramos variables como el sexo, edad, días de estancia hospitalaria. Se elaboró análisis estadístico correspondientes para determinar la distribución de los datos de manera paramétrico o no paramétrica, así como realizar pruebas de correlación de Pearson o Spearman según corresponda entre el nivel de satisfacción del servicio de enfermería y las diferentes variables medidas, con el apoyo del software GraphPadPrism 7. Obteniendo los siguientes resultados: Se observó un 50% de los pacientes se sentían “siempre” con las medidas de cuidado humanizado descritas en la encuesta realizada. El promedio de percepción de cuidado humanizado para los 30 pacientes encuestados fue de 3.97 sobre una máxima de 4 puntos, lo que equivale a un 99.25 en porcentaje. Por lo que podríamos aseverar que la manera en que los servicios de enfermería ejercen su trabajo es altamente profesional. El rango de edad de los pacientes fue mayoritariamente mayores a 40 años con un 53%, posteriormente pacientes entre 31-40 años equivalente a un 37% y solo con un 10% pacientes entre 26 a 30 años. Un 37% de personas de sexo masculino (37%, n=11) y mayoritariamente femenino con un 63% n=19). Se llego a la conclusión La percepción de los pacientes sobre el cuidado humanizado fue altamente satisfactoria en todos los pacientes encuestados en el Centro Médico Naval. No se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre los días de estancia intrahospitalaria y los cuidados humanizados del paciente.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  6. Dayany García Pérez, Betsabé Molina Herrera and Juan Manuel Ake Gutiérrez
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    Background: Biosafety conditions in the surgical field are a current and constantly evolving problem. The risks and accidents that occur in hospitals in the presence of protection measures reveal an inadequate application of biosafety regulations by the nursing personnel. Based on this observation, the following research question was formulated: What is the level of application of biosecurity measures for the management of body fluids of patients during the perioperative period by the nursing staff of the operating room service at the Naval Medical Center?. Objective: To evaluate the level of compliance of biosafety measures for the management of body fluids of patients during the perioperative period by the nursing staff of the operating room service at the Naval Medical Center, through the collection and analysis of information that contributes to the improvement of medical practice and the avoidance of complications that endanger the life and integrity of surgical personnel. Method: A prospective study was conducted on a population composed by nurses of the operating room service at the Naval Medical Center. Given the health emergency caused by COVID-19, this evaluation was carried out remotely by electronic media. Through these channels, a link was sent in order to capture the questionnaire online on the Google Forms platform. Attempts were made to always preserve the confidentiality of the participant and to attend to ethical considerations. Results: The population under study consisted of 43 (74.1%) women and 15 (25.9%) men. The age group with the greatest presence was the one ranging from 30 to 39 years old, with 30 participants included (51.7%), followed by the range from 40 to 49 years old, with 19 cases (32.8%), and the one from 40 to 59 years, with only three cases (5.2%). General nurses represented 37.9% of the sample (n = 22); in contrast to the 36 specialists (62.1%). Compliancewithbiosecuritymeasureswas 88.7%. Conclusions: The hypothesis was confirmed by observing that the occurrence of the application of biosafety measures for the management of body fluids carried out by the nursing staff was greater than 73%. Some measures in which almost 100% compliance was achieved were hand washing (99.2%) and use of gloves (99.7%). In contrast, the measures with the lowest application frequency were handling of sharp material and / or waste (78.4%) and use of aprons (71.2%). The latter was the only item that did not exceed the percentage expected in the hypothesis.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  7. Alvaro Niño Lopez Sabino and Luis Miguel Pérez del Ángel
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    Objetivo: Comparar la eficacia de las escalas Cubbin-Jackson y Braden para la evaluación de riesgo de ulceras por presión en pacientes hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Adultos del Centro Médico Naval. Antecedentes: Existen evidencias, que de 3 - 34% de los pacientes hospitalizados en salas generales desarrollan úlceras durante su estancia. Los pacientes que ingresan en las Unidades de Cuidaos Intensivo tienen un riesgo elevado de desarrollar UPP, con una incidencia que oscila entre el 3,3 y el 52,9%(1). En promedio, 7- 23% de los pacientes hospitalizados en Europa y América del Norte presentan UPP. En Irán, se ha estimado que el 19% de los pacientes hospitalizados desarrollan UPP(2). Material y métodos: Para el estudio se recolectaron los datos en una fase, con una duración de 20 días, y con una ventana de tiempo de 4 meses. Los datos fueron extraídos de las hojas de enfermería, previa autorización del comité de ética de investigacion. Se tomaron en cuenta los expedientes clínicos completos. Posteriormente se verificó que el paciente haya permanecido hospitalizado por un tiempo igual o mayor a 24 horas, sin presencia de úlceras por presión a su ingreso. Durante la recolección de datos, estuvieron involucradas personas ajenas al presente estudio, a fin de evitar sesgos por interés. Al finalizar el periodo de recolección de datos, éstos se tabularon en una hoja de cálculo Excel y se trasladaron a SPSS para correr el análisis estadístico respectivo.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  8. Dr. Imran Memon, Dr Tahur Shaikh, Idris Khan, Surjeet Samanta, Romil Dagha and Komal Kumari
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    Antimicrobial disinfectants are widely used in different food processing industry across the world. In attention to extent uses of disinfectants, it is necessary to evaluate and validate the efficacy of disinfectants and employing the minimum effective dosages. In this research the antibacterial influences of a common disinfectant solution used in food industry, quaternary ammonium compound were evaluated on six important food borne pathogens including two Gram positive (Staphylococcusaureus and Bacillus subtilis), two Gram negative bacteria (Escherichiacoli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and two fungus (Candida albican to Candida albicans). According to the obtained results, Bacillus subtilis was most resilient whereas the other entire test organisms were susceptible. In attention to obtained results, the used disinfectant has good antibacterial and anti fungal effects.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  9. Nawaf Khan, Pamela McCauley and Haitham Bahaitham

    Saudi Arabia is among the countries that have very high prevalence rates of diabetes and hypertension, with prevalence rates of almost 18% and 25%, respectively. The majority of patients with diabetes and hypertension fail to manage their diseases and to show up for their follow up appointments. Mhealth technology is among the interventions that have been recently adopted to overcome these issues and improve the quality of healthcare services. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a mobile phone application named diabetes and hypertension application (DHA Tracking) to promote adherence for patients with diabetes and hypertension in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The proposed intervention was designed to promote adherence via two features, namely, refill medication reminder (RMR) and doctor appointment reminder (DAR). The third feature, which is managing the number of unnecessary visits, was covered by the cumulative blood sugar test (Hemoglobin A1c) for patients with their doctors. The study examined the difference in adherence level before the intervention and after the intervention with samples of n = 199 and n = 165 for diabetes and hypertension, respectively. The mhealth intervention was found to have significant effects on both the refill medication reminder and the doctor's appointment reminder. Also, it was found that the intervention was efficient in reducing the number of unnecessary follow-up visits to around 20%. This study supports the evidence in the literature on the effectiveness of mhealth in promoting adherence to medication for patients with chronic diseases in the developing countries and specifically in Saudi Arabia. Positive social change that may result from this study is for better management of chronic disease symptoms and increase the awareness of using mhealth applications. This would improve the quality of life for patients, their families, and the community.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  10. Ilvana Hasanbegovic, Lejla Dervisevic, Amela Dervisevic, Aida Sarac Hadzihalilovic, Miralem Music, Esad Cosovic, Asija Zaciragic and Suada Hasanovic
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    Introduction: Main goal of nerve blockade is to provide analgesia that will outlast duration of pain as long as possible. Deficiency of currently available local aneasthetics is relatively short duration of action. The aim of this study was to compare sensory and motor blockade after perineural application of liposomal bupivacaine, ropivacaine or lidocaine with addition of dexamethasone during peripheral nerve blockade in Wistar rats. Materials and methods: A rat sciatic nerve block model was used. The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of laboratory animal care and was approved by the Laboratory Animal Care and Use Committee. Thirty adult Wistar rats both sexes were studied. After induction of general anesthesia, and sciatic nerve was exposed unilaterally. Sciatic nerves were randomly assigned by the method of sealed envelopes to recive: 2 mL perineurally 1.33% liposomal bupivacaine, 1% ropivacaine or a solution of 2% lidocaine with addition of 4mg / ml of dexamethasone. Neurologic examination protocol was followed to determine motor function by extensor postural thrust and nociception by withdrawal reflex. Results: The rate of recovery of motor and sensory function after perineural administration of liposomal bupivacaine is statistically slower compared (<0.001) with perineural administration of ropivacaine or lidocaine with addition of dexamethasone. Liposomal bupivacaine significantly prolonged analgesic effect when used as a single – injection perineural sciatic block. Conclusion: Liposomal bupivacaine has a favorable profile when it comes to the duration of ation compared with lidocaine in combination with dexamethasone and ropivacaine.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  11. Dr. Bhargav G. Tappe, Dr. Premadevi Kalmegh and Prajakta Joshi
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    Kala Sharir is an important part of Ayurved anatomy but not explained clearly in text. Kala is supposed to be situated between Dhatu and concerning Ashaya. It is formed with layers or membranes of our body and correlated with mucous, serous, fibrous membrane. There are many layers or membranes in the body which form an envelope over the organs. They provide support and protections to the organs. Kala are seven in number and Pittadhara Kala is sixth one present in between Amashya and Pakwashaya that is Grahani correlated as small intestine. Pittadhara Kala is correlated with the lining membranes of small intestine which plays vital role in digestion and absorption of all nutritive substances like Vit B12, Folic acid and iron which are the main factors for the process of formation and maturation of R.B.C. Acharya Dalhan had stated Pittadhara Kala as Majjadhara Kala. Majja Dhatu is present in the cavity of long bones which is correlated with bone marrow where R.B.C production takes place by Erythropoisis. Erythropoiesis is the process of the origin, development and maturation of erythrocytes. Impaired Pittadhara Kala causes malabsorption of Vit B12 and iron and leads to anemia.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  12. Lamyaa Ahmed Neyazi, Prof. Dr. Nadia Abdelzim Fayaz, Dr. Samah Saad Almoogy Zahran and Dr. Ahmed Hamdi Azzam
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    Background: Cervicogenic headache is a major problem in many people suffering from upper cervical dysfunction with a great conflict in its physical therapy management. Objective: To determine the effect ofAdding Kinesio Tape To Mulligan's Mobilization In Patients With A Cervicogenic Headache. Methods: Fifty four patients with cervicogenic headache included in the study; from outpatient clinic of Faculty of physical therapy, Cairo University, Kasr El Aliniy Clinics. were randomly assigned into two equal groups ; group A ( Kinesiotaping and mulligan techniques ), Group B ( mulligan techniques). Their mean ± SD age, weight, height and BMI were 37.74 ± 5.55 years, 80.62 ± 6.27 kg, 170.11 ± 5.5 cm and 27.48 ± 2.73 kg/m². The Visual analogue scale (VAS) is used for measuring intensity of cervicogenic headache. frequency and duration of cervicogenic headache are collected from subjective data of patients. Correlations between the examined parameters were also measured. Kinesiotaping application with mulligan SNAGs were compained in group A and mulligan SNAGs done only in group B. Results: There was significant improvement of VAS outcome scores and frequency and duration of cervicogenic headache in Group (A) more than Group (B).Conclusion: Adding kinesio tape to mulligan's mobilization in patients with a cervicogenic headache is found to be an effective in treatment of cervicogenic headache.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  13. Samar Ahmed Ibrahim Abou Zahra, Prof. Dr. Wafaa Hussein Borhan, Prof. Dr. Said Sayed Ahmed Khamis and Dr. Zizi Mohamed Ibrahim Ali
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    Background: Itch (Latin pruritus) is been defined as unpleasant sensation that elicits the desire to scratch pruritus has been well recognized as a common and sometimes unbearable complication in patients who undergo hemodialysis uremia is well known as the most common cause of pruritus in chronic hemodialysis patients uremic pruritus has significant impact on mental and physical capacity of patients, contributing to day time fatigue, agitation, sleep disturbance and depression. Many metabolic factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of itching in hemodialysis patients for examples, hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, secondary hyper-parathyroidism and hypermagnesemia which considered one of causes of uremic pruritus which also includes: anemia, increase of mast cells in dermis of hemodialysis patients, xerosis and renal toxins. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is an inexpensive form of analgesia that could also ameliorate itching, NB UVB phototherapy has efficacy in alleviating uremic pruritus with minimal adverse effect so both therapy consider safe for most of cases suffering from uremic pruritus. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of TENS with that of NBUVB on pruritus hemodialysis patients. Methods: Thirty hemodialysis patients were randomly assigned into two group of equal number,15 patients for each group aged between 30-50 years old, all patients was assessed by physician carefully before starting of the study procedures, all patients had diagnosed with chronic renal failure stage 5, subjects of female was included, all patients was received the same physical care, medications and diet, area of maximum intensity of pruritus was back area and all participants was informed about the nature and the effect of the treatment and measurements device, the patients was instructed to reported any side effects during the treatment sessions. Group A (TENS group) received treatment with convetional TENS three times per weeks while group B (NBUVB group) received treatment with ultra violet B for , three times per weeks and duration of treatment session depended on erythema1 for each patient. Duration of treatment was two months for both groups. All groups received the same medical therapy (anti histaminic drugs, topical emollients) , assessment of patients was done pre and after 4,8 weeks of treatment For subjective measurements we used: The visual analogue scale (VAS) and 10 point pruritus questionaire. Results: there was statistically insignificant difference between both groups regarding mean value of VAS after 4,8 weeks of treatment (p-value 0.512 and 0.624 respectively), at the end of study 2 patients (13.3%) from each group showed complete responde to treatment, (53.3% of TENS group and 66.7% in NBUVB showed partial response) while (33.4% in TENS group and 20% in NBUVB were resistant to treatment. Conclusion: from the finding of this study there was no significant statistical difference between response to TENS or NBUVB after end duration of study which continued for 2 months. TENS and NBUVB therapy holds promise as a palliative, alternative, safe and inexpensive treatment for patients with chronic pruritic conditions.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  14. Mahmoud Adel Mahmoud, Maher Ahmed El Keblawy, Ahmed Salah El-Dein and Ahmed Ebrahem El Erian
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    Background: neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders that affect quality of life. According to a lot of studies people which complain of non-specific neck pain reporting upper limb disabilities including hands. Objective: the main objective of the study was to find the correlation between non-specific neck pain and hand function. Methodology: 60 participants suffered from non-specific neck pain from both gender and 30 normal participants as a control group their ages ranged from 18 to 40 years old and their body mass index less than 30. Pain, Hand grip strength, endurance and pinch grip strength hand function were measured for both groups. Results: There was a significant effect of non-specific neck pain on the hand grip strength, endurance and pinch grip strength (p = 0.03).There was a negative significant correlation between short form McGill questionnaire and hand grip strength, endurance and pinch grip strength on both hands (p=0.02,0.0001and 0.0001) respectively. There was a positive significant correlation between brief Michigan hand outcomes questionnaire and hand grip strength and pinch grip strength on both hands (p=0.0001, 0.01) respectively. Conclusion: There is a correlation between NSNP and hand function. The proportional between hand grip strength, pinch grip strength, hand grip endurance with SF-MPQ was inverse and with brief MHQ was direct.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  15. Reem K. Alqurashi and Emad Alsuwat

    Cyber insurance is an influential means for educating Internet security. Cyber insurance has progressed from outmoded insurance rules to primary cyber risk insurance rules to contemporary compete cyber insurance products. E-insurance rules are attractive more complete as insurance corporations better comprehend the sight of dangers and detailed commercial requirements. More precisely, cyber-operators discourse what remained measured insuperable difficulties (e.g., asymmetric data, moral threat, negative collection, etc.). Many weaknesses incline to misrepresent web and contemporary submissions in the physical world, permitting attackers to recuperate delicate info and use it as a stage for malware actions. Adding technologies necessity be industrialized from big desktop computer systems to devices such as smartphones, and glasses, smart watches. As there is a necessity for security manufacturing on operator information so that no operator is allowable unauthorized access to the data.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  16. Abdul Qadir Jalali

    This study investigates the impact of CGTN documentary story telling techniqueon educated foreigners in China guided by the narrative theory. Foreign postgraduate students from 14 nations answer questions regarding the content packaging and presentation of CGTN and how it frames their perception of China. They have previously been exposed to western and local media content in their countries about China. The findings of this research indicate that although use of cultural properties and people’s interviews appeal to the audiences emotions, there are other factors that contribute significantly to the foreigner’s perception of China. The study also affirms documentary use, as a powerful perception change tool however, there is need for CGTN to find more ways to engage foreigners since a significant number prefer other channels.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  17. Julia Mariela Sanluis Garcia and Oscar Iván Flores Rivera

    Antecedentes: Los trastornos neurológicos que requieren de tratamiento quirúrgico de acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) representan la segunda causa de mortalidad en el mundo. En México se presentan cerca de 170 mil infartos cerebrales, hasta octubre del 2018, ocasionando así lesiones cerebrales primarias incrementando los ingresos a la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Los diagnósticos postoperatorios de trastornos neurológicos no tratados correctamente pueden provocar lesiones cerebrales secundarias y por consiguiente incapacidades permanentes. Los cuidados especializados de enfermería en pacientes neurocriticos, son una pauta fundamental para que el paciente tenga una evolución clínica favorable ya que al brindar cuidados específicos se reducen las lesiones cerebrales secundarias. Objetivos: Analizar la evolución clínica de los pacientes postoperados por trastornos neurológicos que ingresaron a la unidad de cuidados intensivos del centro médico naval en el periodo: del de 1 marzo del 2019 al 28 de febrero del 2020, para conocer las características clínicas descritas en la literatura de la evolución de los pacientes postoperados por trastornos neurológicos, determinar la importancia de las intervenciones de enfermería para la evolución de los pacientes postoperados por trastornos neurológicos, describir las características sociodemográficas de los pacientes postoperados por trastornos neurológicos e Identificar la prevalencia de egresos que se presentaron en la UCI (unidad de cuidados intensivos) del CEMENAV (centro médico naval)de los pacientes postoperados por trastornos neurológicos. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudioretrospectivo observacional, descriptivode tipo longitudinal; la población de estudio quedo constituida por 39 pacientes que ingresaron a la unidad de cuidados intensivos con diagnostico post operatorio de un trastorno neurológico (quirúrgico o endovascular) en el periodo del 1 de marzo del 2019 al 28 de febrero del 2020. Se obtuvo información necesaria del expediente clínico del paciente para aplicar los instrumentos de medición que fueron tres escalas APACHE II, SOFA SCORE Y TISS-28, en dos mediciones al ingreso del paciente a la UCI y al egreso de la misma. Resultados: se obtuvo como resultados que existió una evolución clínica favorable de los pacientes sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico por trastornos neurológicos, en la escala apache 13% de los pacientes posoperados, ingresaron con un puntaje de ≥ 68 puntos, lo que disminuyo en un 10% al egresar siendo solo el 3%. En la escala sofá score de la misma forma fue significativa la evolución favorable que se demostró al demostrar que los pacientes que egresaron el 100% tuvieron una puntuación de cero. Con la escala TISS-28,el resultado arrojado también indico una evolución favorable ya que la demanda de cuidados especializados que al inicio eran del 64%, al egreso solo fue del 5%. Conclusión: la evolución clínica de los pacientes es favorable, según lo referido a la literatura, cuando un paciente no presenta lesiones cerebrales secundarias que condicionen su egreso y que esto les pueda provocar secuelas permanentes teniendo como base la puntuación que obtuvo cada paciente en cada escala.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  18. Herbet Jesus Castillo Tec

    El bruxismo se define como una actividad repetitiva de los músculos de la masticación, caracterizada por apriete y rechinamiento de los dientes, que puede presentar atrapamiento o deslizamiento de la mandibula. es considerado un fenómeno regulado por el sistema nervioso central, principalmente, e influido por factores periféricos. Tiene dos manifestaciones circadianas distintas: puede ocurrir durante el sueño -indicado como bruxismo nocturno- o durante la vigilia -indicado como bruxismo diurno. Las calidad del sueño del personal de sanidad naval en el activo de la secretaría de Marina-Armada de México, que se encuentra realizando la residencia en el centro médico naval, se ve afectada debido a que en esta etapa de formación se ven en la necesidad de dormir menos de seis horas al día para poder cumplir con sus obligaciones académica. El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la relación que existe entre el bruxismo y la calidad del sueño en los residentes de las diversas especialidades médicas del Centro Médico Naval. Se espera encontrar una asociación entre el bruxismo autoinformado y la calidad del sueño en los residentes del CEMENAV, por medio de los cuestionarios autoinformados digitales tipo likers; cuestionario de bruxismo autoinformado e índice de calidad de sueño de Pittsburgh. La muestra estuvo constituida por 104 residentes de 25 a 44 años de edad; 64 hombres y 40 mujeres. Este estudio es de tipo transversal, prospectivo y observacional. Las variables que se incluyeron en este estudio fueron el bruxismo y la calidad del sueño. El análisis estadístico se realizó aplicando la prueba de exacta de Fisher para determinar la distribución de la muestra seempleó la prueba de Kolmogorov- Smirnov, se realizó la descripción de la poblaciónutilizando tablas de frecuencias, medidas de tendencia y medidas de dispersión, asícomo una asociación entre las variables principales. Los datos se analizaron en elsoftware graphpad prism. Se encentran que los hallazgos son estadísticamente significativos, confirmándose la hipótesis y se analizaran estrategias a seguir paramejorar esta situación.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  19. DZAMBLE Bi Zamblé Boris, MLAN Konan Séverin and YAO Kouassi Ernest
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    This study explores the question of the reintegration of migrants into the land game of their native region, and therefore attempts to highlight the social issues linked to their reintegration. The recent political crisis of 2010 in Ivory Coast has indeed affected migratory flows in some regions of the country. We have therefore seen the massive return of some populations to their regions of origin. The objective of this study is to understand the strategies developed by resident populations and migrants in the latter's quest to integrate the land arena of their families of origin. At the end of the field investigations which mobilized both the investigation, the interview and the observation, in the constituency of Zoukougbeu and Gregbeu (Western Ivory Coast), the study shows that the final or partial return of migrant reflects a repositioning challenge, both for them and for residents. There is real paradox with the returning migrants. Although they are frustrated by land scarcity, their contributions in the social, economic, and political governance are very important. In short, this study is an advocacy for modernizing rural’s agriculture so that the hope of the returning migrants leads to a successful integration, with productive investments.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
    Paper No:
  20. Siriman SOUARE, Omar Ngor THIAM, Oumar DRAME, Abou NDIAYE Joseph SARR and Momodou Lamine SOW

    In this paper we have done the numerical study of the magneto thermal convection of air in a rectangular enclosure. We use the finite volume method to solve numerically the dimensionless Navier-Stokes equations that govern our flow. This resolution goes through the sequences of the SIMPLER algorithm which summarizes the different calculation steps. An essential part of the literature in the field is in agreement with the results of our numerical simulation. Indeed, it is shown that the longer the calculation time, the more the effects were visible on the velocity profile as well as those of the isotherms in the fluid domain. Similarly, the parallel orientation of the magnetic field with respect to the flow favored an increase in the velocity in the direction of flow due to the presence of the magnetic force. The representation of variations in the Nusselt number shows that it varies in opposite directions with the increase in temperature near heated walls.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
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  21. Dr. Roxana Morales Cruz, Dr. Idalia Azucena Ibarias Enciso and Dr. Luis Gerardo Motta Amezquita
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    Purpose: To determine the relationship of collapsibility of the jugular vein as a predictor of fluid response in patients during the transoperative period at the Naval Medical Center. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 75 patients who underwent surgery at the Naval Medical Center. The internal jugular vein distensibility was measured by ultrasonography. Correlations, logistic regression analysis, ANOVA or Kruskall-Wallis and chi-square tests were used to determine differences (P ≤ 0.05) between initial compliance and final compliance during the transoperative period. Results: The distensibility of the internal jugular vein is positively related to the fluid load during the transoperative period. In the asa III and IV patients the difference was significant unlike the patients with asa I and II. Conclusions: The determination of the distensibility of the internal jugular vein in patients who will undergo surgery represents an important parameter to determine the response to fluids during the transoperative period.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
    Paper No:
  22. Dr. K. Sanjay Kumar and Koppolu Sashi Kiran

    Artificial intelligence, which already has a significant impact on our world in many different ways, is playing a larger and larger role in our lives and economy. The US and Asia have emerged as the world's leaders in the heated struggle to enjoy its benefits. Many people believe that AI will boost productivity and the economy. By analysing a lot of data, it can greatly improve the decision-making process and boost the efficiency with which things are done. It can also lead to the development of new markets, industries, products, and services, which will increase consumer demand and open up new sources of income. While these worries are still valid, there is disagreement over whether and how much the associated hazards will come to pass. They are not a given, and thoughtful policy would be possible to promote the growth of AI while restraining the unfavourable impacts. The nation has the opportunity to advance in the global race and steer AI in the direction of its people and economy. To do this, it must first come to an agreement on a shared strategy that would play to its advantages and allow for the most efficient use of the resources of the member states. This essay focuses on the crucial role artificial intelligence has played in the age of digitalization. In this study, the literature on managing company diversity and globalisation is qualitatively evaluated. It is purely conceptual because it relies on books, journal articles, conference proceedings, and websites for secondary data. The next sections cover a variety of subjects, including the idea of diversity, its advantages and disadvantages, the idea of business diversity, and globalisation. Final thoughts on the studies under consideration are offered at the end, along with suggestions for future research possibilities.

    Pub. Date: December 30, 2020
    Paper No: