Health Sciences

Halting of functional decline in a case of duchenne muscular dystrophy after cellular therapy

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked genetic myopathy characterized by progressive skeletal muscle degeneration and weakness. Recent studies have shown that stem cell derived exosomes promote angiogenic and cardioprotective function of cellular therapy. With no known cure, cellular therapy has shown some promise in altering the disease process. We report a case of DMD treated with autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell (BMMNC) transplantation followed by long term multidisciplinary rehabilitation.

Use of near infrared spectroscopy monitor and its relationship in the early detection of postoperative delirium in elective surgeries of geriatric patients in hosgenaes

Introduction: Postoperative delirium is a complication that frequently occurs in post-operative patients, both in cardiac and non-cardiac surgery, with the most affected being the elderly. Diagnostic criteria for delirium or cognitive impairment are documented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). The incidence reported on this entity varies between 25-80%, and its diagnosis will depend on its definitions, forms of presentation, type of surgery and time of its evaluation in the postoperative period.

MDR1 mRNA Expression by real time - pcr and relationship with clinical response before and after giving neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimen cyclophosphamid-doxorubicin-5fu cdf) in local advanced breast cancer labc)

Background: Chemoresistanceinvolving P-gp / MDR1 as uncertain factors affect the clinical response after the administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy NAC) regimen Cyclophosphamid-Doxorubicin-5FU CDF). Response to chemotherapy can be assessed by changes in mRNA expression of MDR1 gene due to DNA damage in the cancer cell DNA synthesis by examination of quantitative Real Time PCR qRT-PCR). Objective: Knowing the direction of change in MDR1 mRNA expression before and after administration of NAC regimen CDF on Local advanced breast cancer LABC) based clinical response.

An effective facilitation of semantic to syntax development in children with autism spectrum disorder by using aac-case studies

A wide range of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices are used to meet the diverse needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) who have difficulty using natural speech to meet their daily communication needs. Need of the study: Most of the systems mainly focus on semantics and Research has shown evidence significant difficulties specifically in the area of syntactical structures. Aim of the study: To show the effective facilitation from semantics to syntactical structures development of children with ASD by using simple low technology Aided AAC.

Relationship of the bony cortex thickness with the characteristics of the thoracic extremity fractures, evaluated in patients attended in the general hospital naval of high specialty

OBJECTIVE: To identify the distribution and topographic frequency of thoracic extremity fractures and its association with bone cortex thickness, mechanism of injury, age and gender. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was performed in patients older than 18 years old treated at the Traumatology and Orthopedics Service of the Hospital General Naval de Alta Especialidad with diagnosis of fracture of the thoracic limb. RESULTS: 99 patients with a diagnosis of upper limb fracture were studied. 54.4% of the cases were female.

Review article on utilization of antenatal care services

Antenatal care (ANC) is the care of a woman throughout her pregnancy. Almost 90% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries and over half a million women die each year due to pregnancy and childbirth related causes. Many women in developing countries do not receive such care. The reasons for high MMR in India are inadequate access and underutilization of health services. Other common reasons are high illiteracy among females, early marriages, ignorance, malnutrition, social factors etc. So utilization of these services by the beneficiaries remain unsatisfactory.

Association of the alvarado criteria with tomographic findings for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in patients with abdominal pain attended at the emergency department

Background: In acute appendicitis, abdominal computerized tomography (abdominal CT) has increased diagnostic certainty. The clinical criteria of Alvarado show some utility in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Objective: To determine the correlation between the Alvarado Clinical Scale and the radiological finding by abdominal CT in relation to the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in patients with acute abdominal pain. Material and methods: We included 62 patients with suspected acute appendicitis treated in the emergency room.

Enhancement of physical performance in medical students of rural india- the role of caffeine

Caffeine (1, 3, 7-Trimethylxanthine) is a habitual substance present in a wide variety of beverages and in choclate based foods. It is also used as adjuvants in some drugs. There have been numerous reports that caffeine is an ergogenic aid, ingestion of the drug has been shown to increase endurance, particularly in prolonged exercise lasting 30 -120 minutes. The present study was undertaken to study the effects of caffeine in coffee on endurance exercise in young healthy adult males. Twenty young males participated in this single blind study.