Soil salinity is one of the major constraints to rice production and constitutes a real challenge for the State of Senegal to meet the population's rice consumption needs and to achieve food self-sufficiency. Thus, a subject was made available to us whose objective of the study is to evaluate the agro-morphological performances of thirteen (13) new varieties of rice tolerant to the salinity under the conditions of culture of the delta of the valley of the Senegal River. The trial was carried out at Ndiol's Serigne Moustapha Bassirou MBACKE station under salt stress conditions of five decis siemens per meter (5ds / m) during the hot off-season with sowing in mid-March. The experimental device chosen was of the "Apha-Lattice" type or incomplete block device with 3 repetitions. Saline stress as well as agro-morphological characteristics such as the number of days at 50% heading, the number of days of sowing at physiological maturity, the number of tillers at harvest, the number of panicules per m2 and the yield have have been analyzed. Agronomically, the analysis of variance reveals that there is a significant difference in the studied traits of yield components with the exception of the weight of 1000 grains and the yield at 14% moisture. However, the two varieties HHZSALT 10, D33-NDIOL-3-LON-1 and the FL 478 tolerant control gave the best yields with respectively 3.532, 3.064 and 3.607T/ha.
October 2023
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4584
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This article makes use of a model of differential equations that simulates, in a simplified way, the transmission of diseases from people to people; making use of a data table, the coefficients that characterize the model are identified and from this a graph of the system trajectories is made. Here, a period of transmission of COVID 19 in the state of Amazonas is used as data and compared with a period of transmission in the province of Santiago de Cuba. In both cases, it predicts what may happen in a period later than that studied.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4594 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Antecedentes: La hipotensión durante la anestesia neuroaxial para la cirugía cesárea es aún un problema clínico común, en particular en la anestesia espinal. Existen estudios sobre la presencia de la hipotensión al utilizar Ropivacaína intratecal en pacientes a quienes se les realizó cesárea, obteniendo una prevalencia variable. Existen estudios con reportes de hipotensión que va desde un 3% hasta reportes de un 30%, dando como resultado una menor prevalencia de hipotensión arterial en comparación con otros anestésicos locales. En el presente estudio se evaluará la prevalencia de hipotensión arterial en pacientes sometidas a cesárea posterior a la administración de ropivacaína isobárica intratecal en el Hospital General de México “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”. Objetivos: Observar la prevalencia de hipotensión arterial posterior a la administración de espinal de ropivacaína en pacientes sometidas a cesárea realizadas en el Hospital General de México “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” Metodología: Estudio transversal, retrospectivo, descriptivo, observacional. El estudio se realizará con base a la revisión de expedientes clínicos y hojas transanestésicas de pacientes obstétricas sometidas a cirugía cesárea a quienes se les administro ropivacaína isobárica en bloqueo neuroaxial subaracnoideo,basado en revisión de expedientes clínicos del servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia en el Hospital General de México, tomando en cuenta desde el de marzo del 2021 hasta marzo del 2022. Resultados: La prevalencia de hipotensión arterial en pacientes que fueron sometidas a cesárea a quienes se les administro ropivacaína isobárica en el espacio subaracnoideo fue de 5 de 18 pacientes presentado un un porcentaje de 27.77%. Conclusiones: El porcentaje de pacientes a quienes se les administro éste anestésico local fue mínimo, mientras que la presentación de hipotensión arterial fue relativamente baja, similar a la descrita en la literatura, sin embargo, hubo una taza alta de uso de medicación de rescate en las pacientes quienes presentaron hipotensión.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4699 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Antecedentes: Los pacientes en estado de estrés por trauma, sepsis, o enfermedad crítica, exhiben un acelerado catabolismo de las proteínas, e incremento en la degradación y la transaminación de los aminoácidos de cadena ramificada en el músculo esquelético. En el estado crítico la demanda energética es mayor por los aminoácidos endógenos provenientes de la degradación de la proteína estructural, visceral y circulante, y por la oxidación de sus esqueletos de carbono.1 Las guías ESPEN, recomiendan para una dieta hiperproteica un promedio de 1.46 ± 0.29 g/kg por día, donde se ha observado una mortalidad menor. Objetivo: Comparar nutrición hiperproteica contra la normoproteica y su impacto en la mortalidad y función renal en el enfermo crítico. Metodología: en el periodo de tiempo del 1 de julio de 2021 al 31 de julio de la Terapia Médica Intensiva Central Unidad 310, del Hospital General de México ”Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”, que cumplan con los criterios de inclusión. A todos los pacientes que se les inició dieta de forma temprana (en las primeras 48 a 72 horas) el soporte nutricional vía enteral o parenteral. El grupo A un aporte proteico de 1-1.3 g/kg/día, y el grupo B un aporte proteico de 1.5-2g/kg/día. Se evaluó el objetivo principal la mortalidad a 28 días. Resultados: No se encontró diferencia significativa entre los pacientes con dieta normoproteica versus dieta hiperproteica en cuanto a la mortalidad no se encontró una asociación significativa entre las dietas y el estado del paciente tras 28 días de hospitalización (χ2 = 0.419, g.l. = 1, p = 0.517). Por lo tanto, la administración de la dieta proteica no tiene efecto sobre la mortalidad de los pacientes. Conclusiones: No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la estancia en terapia intensiva según la administración de dietas normoproteicas versus. hiperproteicas (U = 699, p = 0.884). En cuanto a días libres de ventilación mecánica en ambos grupos no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los días libres de las dietas normoproteicas e hiperproteicas (U = 654.5, p = 0.539).
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4725 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
With this subject who am I to speak? Was it not said: "Not to swim against the current?" Why then am I ignoring sound advice? Mainly because I have little choice, I was brought forth to teach, and I abhor falsehood. Since then I have brought forth the parts of nature to their nomenclature, I ought to complete upon it, if only to the welfare of future mankind.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4748 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Social media advertisements have offered customers plenty of opportunities to adapt to various facets of life. At the same time, prospective students use a range of knowledge sources to go through search of private higher educational institutes in their decision-making and selection process. In fact, it was evident that traditional sources of information, such as print and broadcast media, higher educational fairs and websites of private higher educational institutes were thoroughly influential until the emergence of social media. The prevalence and perseverance of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, as many students interact, network and participate in these online communities, now provides an alternate source of knowledge in their selection of private higher educational institutes. This research seeks to investigate the influence of social media advertising on selection of private higher educational institutes and explains why customers are more impacted by social media advertisements, and why consumers are tempted to select a private higher educational institutes based on social media advertising. The method of data collection was conducted via an online survey questionnaire. Of the sample population of sixty-five (65) students and employees of American International Campus, Colombo, Sri Lanka, fifty (50) of them replied to the online survey questionnaire and expressed their views. The results show active involvement of the respondents in social media and the role of social media advertisements in influencing their decisions on the selection of private higher education institutions and meeting their knowledge needs. Overall, because of the influence of the use of social media advertisements, this study contributes to the awareness of the selection of higher educational institutions among the survey respondents. The importance of this study also offers feedback for managers of private higher education institutions to devise plans for active involvement in social media.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4668 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The study's objective was to identify and assess unique cybersecurity challenges in academic institutions, including vulnerabilities in interconnected networks and the diverse user base. This study targeted students, faculty members, administration, and IT staff. The study showed that 68% expressed a high or concerned level of cybersecurity worry. The key challenges highlighted were phishing attacks (68%), lack of awareness and training (63%), unauthorized access (61%), weak passwords (59%), malware/ransomware (39%), lack of resources (37%), and inadequate network protection (34%). Cybersecurity measures were deemed ineffective (39%), moderately effective (22%), or highly effective (14.6%). Notable vulnerabilities within interconnected networks included outdated software/systems (58.5%), insider threats (56.1%), weak encryption (56.1%), third-party vulnerabilities (41.5%), and misconfigured devices (31.7%). Network vulnerability assessments were infrequent (65.4%). The major obstacles to the implementation of effective cybersecurity measures were lack of budget/resources (65.9%), limited awareness (63.4%), insufficient staff expertise (53.7%), and resistance to new tech (51.2%). The study revealed reported cybersecurity incidents or breaches (48.8%), underscoring the importance of preventive measures and incident response strategies to safeguard sensitive data and institutional integrity. The study recommended the Implementation of mandatory annual cybersecurity training and establishment of clear incident response protocols; Conducting of regular network vulnerability assessments and promote collaboration and ongoing training and lastly; Launch cybersecurity awareness campaigns and encourage two-factor authentication for academic accounts.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4685 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Child labour compounds social inequality and discrimination. Unlike activities that help children develop, such as contributing to light housework or taking on a job during school holidays, child labour limits access to education and harms a child’s physical, mental and social growth. Trafficked children are often subjected to violence, abuse and other human rights violations. For girls, the threat of sexual exploitation looms large, while boys may be exploited by armed forces or groups child labour compounds social inequality and discrimination
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4730 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: smartphones this days became very important in our life for communication, work, learning, gaming. It is irreplaceable But it also has many of disadvantages , people using it for a very long time which called smartphone overuse and Unfortunately, all this time people spend using the smartphone is in a faulty posture for neck and shoulders. Which cause muscle imbalance around the neck and shoulders and itconsequently affect muscles of respiration. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of smart phone over use on posture and flow meter among asthmatic patients..
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4737 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Stock market prediction is a challenging task, as stock prices are influenced by a variety of factors. However, deep learning has emerged as a promising tool for stock market prediction. Deep learning models can learn complex patterns from large amounts of data, which can be used to predict future stock prices. In this paper, we review the application of deep learning in stock market prediction. We discuss the different deep learning models that have been used for stock market prediction, and we evaluate their performance. We also discuss the challenges of using deep learning for stock market prediction, and we propose some directions for future research. Stock market prediction is a multidisciplinary problem that concerns economists, statisticians, and computer scientists. The proliferation of machine learning methodologies, especially deep learning techniques, has led to the adoption of these techniques in time-series forecasting, such as stock prices. A systematic literature review (SLR) of 12 papers was conducted to identify primary studies that deal with the prediction of stock markets in the European Union (EU) using deep learning techniques. The SLR indicates that there is not yet intense activity in this field, which thus appears open for further research.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4739 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: The Rohingya refugee crisis has resulted in a significant population of displaced individuals who are currently seeking refuge in refugee camps located in Bangladesh. These individuals are confronted with a multitude of health-related obstacles. In densely populated and resource-constrained environments, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including but not limited to diarrhea, tuberculosis (TB), dengue, and malaria, presents substantial hazards. Aim of the study: The purpose of this study is to assess association of the Socio-Demographic factors with different communicable and non-communicable diseases among the Rohingya refugee population. Methods: a prospective, cross-sectional study of the Rohingya population (N=3060) in Bangladeshi refugee camps. After receiving voluntary consent, information was gathered through in-person interviews utilizing a language-validated, pretested questionnaire on knowledge, attitude and behavioral practices. Prospectively obtained trial registration and ethical approval randomized, non probability and purposivesampling methods were followed. Results: A total of 3060 individual refugee people from different refugee camps where water borne diseases, tuberculosis, mosquito borne diseases, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and iron deficiency anemia had 504, 523, 511, 504, 517 and 501 respondents respectively. Socio-Demographic variables had found significant association on different diseases knowledge and practice part. Age groups had significantly associated with practice part “Do you wash your hands after defecation with soap?” variables (p<.05). Gender had significantly associated with practice part “Do you cook your foods properly?” variable (p<.001).Age groups had significant association with “Do you know what TB is?” variable (p<.05). Age groups had found significant association with “Do you know about Mosquito-borne disease?” variable (p<.001) and with “Do you know the causes of Mosquito-borne disease?” variable (p<.001). Monthly family income had found significant association with “Do you take sufficient fruits and vegetables regularly?” variable (p<.05), and with “Do you have regular meals daily?” variable (p<.05). Discussions & Conclusion: The results of the study highlight the significance of various factors, including age, gender, educational attainment, and job title, in influencing refugees' perceptions of illnesses and health-related behaviors. The findings of this study hold considerable implications for health intervention strategies pertaining to refugees. In order to enhance awareness and prevention of illnesses, it is imperative to design health education initiatives that are customized to cater to the unique requirements of diverse age cohorts, genders, and educational levels. The study has significant ramifications for refugee-related health intervention techniques. To improve illness awareness and prevention, health education programs must be specifically tailored to the needs of various age groups, genders, and educational backgrounds. The Rohingya refugee population can benefit from improved health outcomes and a decrease in the burden of infectious and non-communicable diseases through promoting hygiene habits, disease-specific knowledge, and lifestyle changes.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4743 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The goal of this study is to investigate and evaluate various learning approaches in order to comprehend how they affect academic results. Education professionals can modify their instructional strategies to suit diverse learners and enhance the learning process by determining the advantages and disadvantages of various learning modalities. The effectiveness of auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and multimodal learning methods in terms of knowledge retention, engagement, and total learning performance is assessed in this study using a comparative analytic methodology. The research supports the creation of individualized learning strategies and supports the use of evidence-based teaching practices. Rationale: Learners nowadays come from a variety of backgrounds, and their preferences, cognitive styles, and capabilities reflect that. Traditional, one-size-fits-all teaching strategies frequently fall short of meeting the unique needs of each student, leading to less-than-ideal learning outcomes. The efficiency of instructional strategies can be greatly increased by understanding and recognizing the various learning styles, which also contributes to better educational experiences. In order to offer educators evidence-based insights and guide the creation of individualized learning strategies, this research study intends to analyze and compare the efficacy of various learning styles, including auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and multimodal approaches. Objectives: • To determine how different learning styles affect academic performance: This purpose is to investigate how different learning preferences, including visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read-and-write, affect students' academic performance in various educational contexts. • To examine the connection between preferred learning styles and student engagement: This aim looks into whether or not students who are taught using instructional strategies that are in line with their preferred learning preferences show higher levels of engagement in the learning process than those who are exposed to strategies that are not in line. • To determine whether customized educational tactics are effective: This objective is to assess how well instructional tactics that are tailored to a particular learner's learning preferences improve student learning outcomes, including comprehension and knowledge retention. • To investigate how students view instruction based on learning styles: With a focus on individual preferences, satisfaction, and perceived benefits, this objective entails gathering qualitative data through surveys or interviews to understand how students perceive and experience instructional approaches adapted to their learning types.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4747 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Awareness of the prevalence Effective Human Resource Management practices such as training and development, reward management, employee recognition as well and health and safety are regarded as key components for any organisation/s employee retention success. The purpose of this research was to uncover how employees place significance in these said Human Resources practices on their retention. Data was collected using interviews which were done to the sample of 100 individuals. Through critical analysis of the data, the researcher brought to light that training and development, reward management, employee recognition, and health and safety are all significant for employee retention. Based on the results it was discovered that training and development, health and safety, and employee recognition were very crucial to employee retention, while reward management was significant but only when it was fair and understandable to everyone. This could be attributed to the phase in which the research was conducted where everyone considered the salaries to be not significant to warrant one's retention. The study recommended several interventions that organizations may use to strengthen their retention strategies, these among others included ensuring that an organization's reward system takes into consideration employees' qualifications, skills, expertise, and industry standards so that employees feel that they are being properly rewarded.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4760 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Antecedentes: Una adecuada reanimación hídrica en el paciente neuroquirúrgico, ha demostrado ser un factor relacionado directamente con el desenlace. Existen diferentes métodos y herramientas para guiar la administración de líquidos basado en metas u objetivos, derivado de lo anterior es necesario medir la eficacia y seguridad de la administración de líquidos guiada por Delta CO2 (∆CO2). Estudios reportan que ∆CO2 <6mmHg se correlaciona con mejores resultados. Objetivo. Medir la respuesta a la reanimación hídrica guiada por∆CO2 en comparación con esquema INNN, en pacientes sometidos a cirugía con alto riesgo de sangrado, tales como resección de meningioma, malformación arteriovenosa,lesión selar con invasión a carótidas y seno cavernosoo clipaje de aneurisma y correlacionarla con la aparición de complicaciones asociadas a la reanimación inadecuada de líquidos, tales como mortalidad, falla renal, edema agudo pulmonar, uso de vasopresores y mayor estancia en recuperación. Metodología: Los pacientes se incluyeron en dos grupos, en el grupo INNN se administró líquidos en el transanestésico con el objetivo de obtener un balance hídrico neutro y hemoglobina mayor a 9mg/dl. En el grupo ∆CO2 se administró líquidos mediante reposición isovolumétrica. Cada hora tomando gasometría arterial y venosa en ambos grupos, y en caso de obtener CO2 <6mmHg en el grupo ΔCO2 se administró coloide. El ∆CO2 se obtiene con la presión venosa de CO2 menos presión arterial de CO2, (∆CO2 = PvCO2 – PaCO2) y ante un estado de normovolemia el valor de esta diferencia es <6mmHg. Resultados: Se analizaron 30 pacientes, cuyo principal diagnóstico fue meningioma. Durante el transanestésicola acidemia metabólica fue más frecuente en el grupo INNN, mostrando el grupo ∆CO2 un mejor comportamiento respecto al pH y bicarbonato. En el postanestésico ambos grupos presentaron acidemia, la cual tuvo mejor recuperación en el grupo ΔCO2.Un mayor porcentaje de pacientes del grupo INNN necesitaron aminas en el postanestésico (12.5%). Los valores de azoados no mostraron cambios relevantes entre ambos grupos, de igual forma no se presentaron casos de sobrecarga hídrica, y la mortalidad fue nula en ambos grupos. Conclusión: La reanimación hídrica guiada por CO2 presenta mejores resultados en la microcirculación evaluado mediante el análisis gasométrico.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4766 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The study ascertained the best fit model for the attitude toward guns and violence of police officers in Region XII in relation to aggression, organizational control, and conflict management. This quantitative non-experimental research used the descriptive-causal design. Structural equation model (SEM) was employed in this study with 400 police officers as respondents selected through stratified sampling technique. Data were collected using structured, standardized instruments which were tested for content validity and reliability. The tools used included the mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation and structural equation model (SEM). Results disclosed that the level of aggression among police officers was low; the level of organizational control was very high; the level of conflict management was very high; and the level of attitude toward guns and violence of police officers was very low. Moreover, the three exogenous variables posted significant relationship with attitude toward guns and violence. In addition, aggression, organizational control, and conflict management significantly influenced attitude toward guns and violence. Of the five generated models, Model 5 was found to be the most parsimonious model for attitude toward guns and violence.
Pub. Date: October 31, 2023Paper No:4771 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Pharmaceutical analysis plays a vital role in the Quality Assurance and Quality control of bulk drugs. A rapid and precise reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the validated of benserazide and levodopa, in its pure form as well as in tablet dosage form. Chromatography was carried out on an Altima C18 (4.6 x 150mm, 5µm) column using a mixture of methanol: TEA buffer pH 4.5: acetonitrile (50:25:25) as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0ml/min, the detection was carried out at 225nm. The retention time of the benserazide and levodopa was 2.102, 3.537±0.02min respectively. The method produces linear responses in the concentration range of 5-25mg/ml of benserazide and 12.5-62.5mg/ml of levodopa. The method precision for the determination of assay was below 2.0 %RSD. The method is useful in the quality control of bulk and pharmaceutical formulations. The validated method was successfully applied to quantify levodopa and benserazide simultaneously in a pharmaceutical formulation. The method was found to be precise, sensitive and accurate for the simultaneous determination levodopa and benserazide in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4723 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The most prevalent benign tumour originating from fat cells is a lipoma. It is frequently referred to as a universal tumour or a widespread tumour. Modern science has described several different forms of lipomas, including the uncommon pedunculated lipoma, which is often treated by excision. In Ayurveda, lipoma can be compared with the Medaj Granthi. Ksharasutra ,which has a low recurrence rate, is the least invasive and established treatment of Ayurveda. In this present study a 55year old male patient consulted in the Shalya OPD of GAM, Puri, complaining of large swelling and lump like structure on his back of the left thigh since 5 years & gradually increasing in size. He also complained of mild itching and discomfort. Clinical findings, revealed it has pedunculated of lipoma. This case is managed by transfixation and ligation with Apamarga Ksharsutra.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4753 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The covid 19 pandemic drastically drives changes in the different field of work and it doesn’t exempt the academe. Thriving is a necessity. To thrive means to stay relevant. Staying relevant is to remain useful, innovative, and responsive to trends. This study evaluates the performances of Bachelor of Elementary Education graduates (BEED) and the trend of the performances of BEED graduates in the LET over 11 years. This quantitative longitudinal study utilizes a descriptive-correlational approach and regression analysis. The results of the study show that theCTE performance in the LET is over and above the national passing percentage and has seemingly shown an increasing trend from April 2010 until March 2022. The findings of the study signify to strengthen the existing tutorial sessions and articulate more enhancement activities imperative to improve students’ performance in the board examination.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4707 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Every single work is performed successfully through observance of discipline. Disciplined individual succeeds and reaches greater heights. Discipline is not learned overnight. It is a process that is learned and mastered from home to school. Schools established a set of rules for students to abide by and to create a safe and healthy environment. This descriptive quantitative research design reviews and assesses the common offenses committed by university students from SY 2016-2020.The results of the study showed a decreasing trend in both light and serious offenses committed by students over the years though it showed a little increase a year before the pandemic. None of the departments are spared of offenders. The number of excluded students from the university for the past four years is only .26% of the entire university population. Given the findings, school policies on students’ discipline stipulated are widely disseminated and known to Basic Education and university students.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4708 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Performance in board examinations is regarded as one of the indicators of the quality of education provided by the Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) in the country. Responding to the call for quality education, this correlational study is conducted to determine LET performance and its relationship to the academic performance of College of Teacher Education (CTE) students from 2018 to 2021. This research utilized a descriptive-correlational research design to determine the relationship between academic performance and LET performance of CTE students. Data revealed that the students’ academic performance in the university has a weak relationship with their LET performance.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4721 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Gemcitabine (pyrimidine analog 2′, 2′-difluorodeoxycytidine) is a nucleoside analog that has been used as a chemotherapeutic drug for more than 15 years. It was classified as an antimetabolite with many brand names including Gemzar. This drug cannot differentiate between normal cell and malignant cell, so it produces its toxic effect on both cells as the toxic impacts transfer from the tumor cells to the normal cells. Hepatotoxicity is the less well-known aspect of gemcitabine treatment, and there is little information about the underlying mechanism. In this broad context of interest in the potential hepatotoxicity of gemcitabine. Garlic (Allium sativum) has been used as a folk medicine and flavoring agent since ancient time. Accumulating evidences have demonstrated that garlic have numerous beneficial effects for healthy including anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation and anti-cancer. There is limited information on the possible protective effect of garlic extract on gemcitabine induced-hepatotoxicity. Therefore, aim of current study to demonstrate the effect of garlic extract (Allium Sativum) on hepatotoxicity induced by gemcitabine in rabbits. Twenty seven adult, healthy male and female local rabbits were used in this work, divided randomly into three equal groups; group (I), animals of control group received normal saline intraperitoneally injection once per week for six weeks; group (II), animals of treated group received 25 mg/kg body weight intraperitoneally injection of gemcitabine once per week for six successive weeks; group (III), served as protective group and was concomitantly treated with garlic extract by oral gavages in a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight and gemcitabine in a dose of 25 mg/kg body weight intraperitoneally injection once per week for six successive weeks. The results of the present investigation showed that gemcitabine toxicity produced significant disturbance in the normal architecture with evidence of structural changes in the liver of group II, gemcitabine treated group. The hepatotoxicity manifested by severely congested blood sinusoids, distortion of hepatocytes and focal necrosis. In addition, some hepatocytes were dissociated from hepatic cords, indicating liver injury. Presence of necrotic and hemorrhagic spots between the liver cells, vacuolation of the cytoplasm of pericentral hepatocytes had been also noticed. From the findings of our present study on domestic rabbits can be considered the liver as a target for gemcitabine, which expose to this compound can cause histological damage on hepatic tissue. Whereas, sections from the liver of animals received therapeutic dose of gemcitabine and treated with garlic extract, group (III), were showed that the severe hepatic lesions induced by gemcitabine were significantly decreased by the treatment with garlic extract. There were no obvious pathological changes, nearly normal liver histology was observed, except mild to moderate congestion and some hemorrhagic spots in central veins. The hepatocytes were appeared similar to normal. Based on our present study that indicated that the garlic extract possesses protective ability against - gemcitabine induced liver injury and might be an effective alternative medicine against acute oxidative liver toxicity. Therefore, the consumption of garlic may provide some kind of protection from cancer development.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4783 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This study primarily aimed to determine the utilization of reading materials as a basis for effective reading programs. With the recent challenges faced by the educational sectors because of the pandemic, there is a need for reconsideration as to how students can improve their reading comprehension. Considering the number of students in the university, there is a need for the university to revisit the utilization of SRA Reading Laboratory as well as the Power Book Builders after many years of using it. This is to cope with the standard of the society and meet the needs of industry. A descriptive quantitative research design was utilized in order to describe and assess the SRA Reading Program as well as the students' reading comprehension levels. Accessible documents about the Science Research Associate (SRA) Reading Program, specifically the available number of reading booklets per power builder kit, and data on reading comprehension of student takers from SY 2017-2018 to 2019-2020 were used to investigate students' reading booklet utilization and reading comprehension level. Results showed that there is a substantial change in the reading comprehension of students throughout the past three years.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4717 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as menstrual pain that is not associated with macroscopic pathology .It is typically occurs in the first few years after menarche and affects as many as 50% of post pubertal females .Purpose: of this study was to investigate the relationship between lumbopelvic alignment and severity of primary dysmenorrhea. Methods: Fifty adolescent female suffering from primary dysmenorrhea; their ages ranged from 15 to 25 years old and their BMI ranged from 19.5 to 27.9 Kg/m2 ,were selected from outpatient clinics of Gynecology in One Day Surgeries Hospital, Cairo, Egypt. They were assigned into 2groups equal in number according to severity of pain. Group (A);(n=25)suffered from mild primary dysmenorrhea and group (B);(n=25) suffered from severe primary dysmenorrhea. Evaluation of severity of primary dysmenorrhea was done for all participants in both groups (A&B) using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Verbal multidimensional scoring system (VMSS). Radiography and Surgimap software program were used to assess and analyze lumbopelvic alignment in the form of three angles (pelvic tilt , sacral slope ,lumbar lordosis).Measurement was done for one shot for participants in both groups (A&B). Results; showed that there was a statistical significant increase in the mean values of sacral slope in group (B) than group (A),and a statistical significant decrease in the mean values of pelvic tilt in group (B)than group (A) (P=0.018), (P=0.047) respectively while there was no statistical significant difference in mean values of lumbar lordotic angle between the two groups(A&B)(P=0.547).Also, there was a statistical significant inverse correlation between sacral slope and pelvic tilt in both groups (A&B) (p=0.010) . There was a statistical significant direct correlation between sacral slope and lumbar lordotic angle in both groups (A&B) (p=0.001). Conclusion: It could be concluded that lumbopelvic misalignment could increase intensification ofdysmenorrhic pain and might be associated with severe degree of primary dysmenorrhea.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4159 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The study explored the work experiences of the Barangay Public Safety Officers (BPSO) in Barangay Paknaan, Mandaue City. It specifically looked into the experiences and aspirations by the informants in the performance of their duties and responsibilities in the community. In order to answer the objective of this study, phenomenological is utilized in order to discover the problems encountered by the BPSO. This study utilized an interview guide with structured questions to stimulate discussion with the participants. The interview guide also had an informed consent to formally invite the subjects and for them to voluntarily and freely provide information needed to attain the objectives of this research. The first part of the questionnaire was composed of preliminary questions to know better the informant and to establish rapport. The second part was composed of questions that sought to determine the positive and negative experiences of the informants. The last part included questions about the aspirations of the informants. Total of ten informants and the interview will be classified into two sets. The first set is for the in-depth interview and for the focus group discussions. Each informant was afforded with an interview transcript. The reduced statement of the exhaustive description was presented to the study’s informants in order to have conclusions and development of the essence statement. There were six emergent themes had generated coming from the responses of the informants. The positive responses can be summarized in terms of serving others is happiness, responsibility is a joy helpful changes. However, they also experienced downside of being a BPSO. Sometimes they could not help but get frustrated because resources are limited and that they get disheartening backlash. Lastly for the aspiration of the informants, the researcher formulated emergent theme namely, hoping for the best.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4703 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This study explored the experiences of Lesbian Police Officers assigned in Cebu City Police Office (CCPO). Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: the experiences of the informants in the performance of their duties, the informants handling the challenges encountered in the performance of their duties and the impact of the informants’ sexual orientation in the performance of their duties. This study utilized the qualitative research method and employed a phenomenological approach through in-depth interviews. Using a validated interview guide with open-ended questions prepared by the researcher, six (6) informants were all interviewed individually, while four (4) were in a focused group discussion. Colaizzi’s thematic analysis was used to analyzed the data collected. The study was conducted in Cebu City. Three themes summarized the positive experiences of the informants. These were: Family Is the Biggest Support System, Acceptance Is the Road to Change, Unwavering Dedication Towards Job, Turning into A New Leaf. As to the negative experiences, the themes revealed were: Dominated by Rules, Homophobic Remarks, Facing Barriers. As to how do the informants handle the challenges encountered in the performance of their duties, the following themes are: No Prejudice and Discrimination, Turn A Blind Eye, Optimistic View of Life. Lastly, the Impact of the informant’s sexual orientation in the performance of their duties, the themes are the following: Wholehearted Commitment Towards Work, Triumph Over Fears, Organizational Diversity and Inclusion, Spirit of Camaraderie and Kindness. The study further revealed that lesbian police officers are a vital part of the police force and breaks down stereotypes about the members of the LGBTQIA+ who wants to be a part of law enforcement. Women, in general are as capable and efficient in Police work.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4706 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Awareness of the prevalence of high triglycerides in an spontaneous survey in all of Brazilian regions. More recently, attention has increased to triglycerides, in particular, especially for its possible relation with remanescent chylomicrons and even Familial Hyperchylomicronemia Syndrome. Although triglycerides not being a major risk factor, it does relate to pro atherosclerotic markers. As to Brazilians controlling triglycerides levels, either by treatment or not spontaneously, in all sexes, age groups and regions, the results in Means are too abnormal. This fact points to preventive interventions and awareness actions by all sanitary politicians, medical and all other health professionals.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4757 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain a leading global cause of morbidity and mortality. Timely identification of individuals at risk is paramount for effective interventions and prevention. This study endeavors to develop machine learning approaches for predicting the initial cardiovascular risk level analyzing the dataset encompassing patient demographics, medical history, lifestyle factors, and clinical indicators. Patient characteristics, including age, gender, diabetes or hypertension presence, smoking status, and physical activity level, along with medical indicators such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels, are considered. Diverse machine learning algorithms—logistic regression, decision tree classifier, random forests, linear SVC, naive bayes, and neural network—are employed to train and optimize predictive models. Evaluation metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and AUC-ROC) assess model performance. Accurate risk prediction models hold significance in aiding healthcare decisions, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing patient outcomes. Identifying high-risk individuals early enables preventive strategies and personalized interventions, reducing the CVD burden. Study objectives encompass dataset preprocessing, exploratory analysis, feature selection and engineering, model training and optimization, and performance evaluation. Findings contribute to cardiovascular risk prediction, presenting a robust model for accurate risk assessment and improved patient outcomes.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4750 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Overeating creates strain on your digestive system. One of the best ways to stop overeating is to get rid of your appetite and cravings. The way to do that is to get on the healthy and do intermittent fasting. Consuming high quality nutrient dense foods that satisfy the body, on the healthy version of the diet, you are also consuming low carbohydrate foods, which help reduce hunger in between meals. (Peitz D, Warschburger P., 2022) When you do intermittent fasting, your stomach changes because you’re not eating as frequently the amount of food you eat is going to be less, but it will be a lot more satisfying. Many different things can cause cravings. You never want to ask what you’re in the mood to eat. Instead, it’s important to be in tune with your body and ask yourself what you should eat to make your body healthier. There are also many different things that can lead to overeating (• Chamorro R, Kannenberg S, Wilms B, et al. Meal Timing and Macronutrient Composition Modulate Human Metabolism and Reward-Related Drive to Eat., 2022 Jan 27). For example, certain restaurants have portions that are way too big. We also have hunger hormones that increase appetite and are triggered by various things. Top triggers of hunger hormones: • Lack of sleep • Stress • Refined carbs • Large amounts of protein • Artificial sweeteners Top causes of overeating: • Bile deficiency • Low-fat diets • Junk foods • Lack of energy • Boredom • Pregnancy • Pain • Being overweight • Insulin resistance • Metabolic syndrome • Diabetes Leptin is a hormone that is supposed to keep your hunger satisfied. Here are the best ways to increase leptin: • get plenty of sleep • lower your stress • Get regular exercise or physical activity • Add more fiber to your diet • do fasting • consume omega-3 fatty acids • consume green tea • Consume probiotics and fermented foods • Consume nutrient-dense foods Tips to stop overeating: 1. Fallow the Healthy diet plan2. Do fasting 3. Eat your vegetables first 4. Before eating a meal, determine what you’re going to eat and how much you’re going to eat 5. Chew your food longer 6. Avoid restaurants.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4755 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
En los tiempos actuales, la educación científica, se ha convertido en uno de los pilares fundamentales en la formación de los individuos y la sociedad. En el contexto señalado, surge un enfoque que innova el proceso educativo, el cual, pretende combinar lo tradicional con lo disruptivo, este modelo es el STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas). La presente investigación pretende responder al cuestionamiento ¿Cómo asegurar la formación de los alumnos de termodinámica, mediante un experimento a través del uso de las tic? El objetivo que se persigue es contextualizar el aprendizaje para los alumnos de Ingeniería Mecánica del Instituto Tecnológico de Puebla con la aplicación de la metodología STEM en una práctica virtual utilizando aprendizaje a través de retos. La metodología se dividió 3 Ejes: la implementación de un enfoque de aula inversa, el alumno se preparó antes de la clase con los fundamentos teóricos necesarios en calorimetría, en clase el profesor desarrollo la práctica guiada de laboratorio, estableciendo los parámetros críticos para encontrar el calor específico de sustancias desconocidas, y finalmente se utilizó un reto de aprendizaje, para contextualizar y modelar matemáticamente lo visualizado en la práctica. Como resultados se tiene que debido a los altos costos que representaría hacer este tipo de prácticas en un laboratorio, por el material ocupado, instrumentos de medición y capacidad de reproducibilidad, se presenta una ventaja en el desarrollo práctico del aprendizaje en los alumnos. En conclusión, de este estudio se encontró que los alumnos tienen un aprendizaje más profundo, desarrollando además de conocimientos, la mejora de habilidades blandas como lo es: pensamiento crítico, liderazgo, trabajo colaborativo y contextualización.
Pub. Date: October 30, 2023Paper No:4761