June 2023

  1. Manjusha Mahajan, Pradnya Mahajan, Jayachander Reddy, N. and Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri
    Journal Area:

    Introduction: It is argued that there is science behind the idea of manifestation—that is, turning an idea into a real thing. Modern science of psychology has not accepted manifestation since it has not been investigated scientifically gathering adequate evidence. Yoga Prana Vidya System uses a set of rules, guidelines and practices of manifestation which have been applied successfully with desired results. This paper presents multiple cases showing evidence of successful manifestation results. Method: This study uses multiple case study method by collecting data on 35 cases of attempted manifestation and analysing the results. Results: Analysis of the 35 cases of sample data show that 32 cases achieved successful results of manifestation using Yoga Prana Vidya techniques, on goals related to employment and promotion, financial gains, health, relationship/marriage prospects, valuables lost and found, business related issues etc. There were 3 cases of unsuccessful manifestation results, in which cases the subjects did not adequately or properly practice the suggested YPV techniques. These results indicate 91.42% success rate achieved in the 35 cases of sample analysed. Conclusions: Sustained efforts to apply YPV manifestation techniques and methodology have greatly increased the probability of success rate in achieving manifestation of desired goals. It has demonstrated the power of this technique, and how one can manifest with the right know-how and intention. This article has shown the way on how intentional manifestation with proven techniques can be a powerful tool to bring in what one wants into life. At a wider scale the techniques can be used by an aligned Group/s to transform the world to address all the causes and bring Peace on earth!

    Pub. Date: June 20, 2023
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  2. Mario Sánchez Franco, Sebastian Mohar Menéndez-Aponte and Rodrigo Rubio Martínez
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    The use of peripheral blocks is increasing due to the advantages they have over general anesthesia, despite this, the use of general anesthesia is still very high in many parts of the world. The use of interscalene block is successfully employed for shoulder surgery and there is now evidence both for and against its use versus general anesthesia. This study seeks to compare hospital stay between patients undergoing shoulder arthroscopy under general anesthesia vs patients undergoing the same procedure with the use of an interscalene block. Our goal is to identify which group of patients have a longer hospital stay which can correlate with a higher number of complications. This study is a retrospective analysis of 70 subjects where we aimed to compare the number of days every patient stayed in the hospital after surgery. The resulta fo this study were that 14.30 % (n= 10) of the subjects presented some type of postanesthetic complication, where 80.00 % (n= 8) of the subjects underwent general anesthesia and 20.00 % (n= 2) underwent interscalene block, statistically significant distribution (p= 0.040) and when hospital stay was comparedthere was a statistically significant difference for a shorter in-hospital stay in subjects who underwent interscalene block (p < 0.001). These results suggest that interscalene blockade may provide adequate analgesic control as well as a shorter in-hospital stay compared to balanced general anesthesia alone and may be a better management option for the anesthesiologist if appropriately individualized for each patient.

    Pub. Date: June 23, 2023
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  3. Dr. Tanvi Sharma, Dr. Siddhi Tripathi and Dr. Akanksha Goel
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    Flabby and resorbed ridge is a common finding in edentulous patients. They adversely affect the support, retention and stability of complete dentures. Many impression techniques have been proposed to help overcome this difficulty. A careful consideration and application of the principles of complete denture construction for such condition can provide a palliative form of treatment. The present case report describes the prosthodontic management of a flabby and resorbed mandibular ridge with a combination of impression techniques.

    Pub. Date: June 23, 2023
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  4. Muhammad Thahir

    The article examines the necessity of investigating cross-cultural communication in Indonesia and its potential to facilitate comprehension of cultural heterogeneity, foster appreciation for diverse cultures, enhance cross-cultural communication, and cultivate efficacious communication tactics. The anticipated outcome of the article is to enhance comprehension of the obstacles and prospects associated with cross-cultural communication in Indonesia. This investigation aims to contribute insights into cultivating enduring and robust interpersonal connections with individuals, irrespective of their cultural origins. The research demonstrates that comprehending the cultural context and being willing to acknowledge differences are crucial elements for effective cross-cultural communication in Indonesia. To comprehensively comprehend the cultural context, engaging in cultural immersion and carefully observing the dynamics of communication is advisable.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2023
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  5. Roopa, N, Belavadi, S N. and Shetter, R V.
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    Post-COVID conditions are wide range of new, returning or ongoing health problems that people experience after being infected with the virus during epidemic [COVID-19]. Most people with COVID-19 presented with different health problems noted in different opd clinics. Anyone who as infected can experience post-COVID conditions. Most people with post-COVID conditions experience symptoms days after first learning they had COVID-19, but some people who later experienced post-COVID conditions didnot know when they got infected. People with post-COVID conditions can have wide range of symptoms that can last weeks, months or even years after infection. Sometimes the symptoms can even go away or come back. In Charaka Samhita Vimana sthana; Janapadhodwamasa adhyaya, mentioned about treating the condition with Panchakarma followed by Rasayana. Here in this case report, Mridu Kayashodhana followed by Rasayana is taken to see the changes in post-covid subjects. A 61year old female subject suffers from Breathlessness, depends on oxygen mask since 6months after discharge from the hospital due to COVID-19 followed by sever fatigue, cough, sleep disturbance, anorexia etc. Treated subject with only Bharangi Guda (Naimittika Rasayana) for 30 days as disease management and rejuvenative therapy to see the variations.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2023
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  6. Constanza Rivera-Ramos, Cilsa Valeria Contreras-Cadena, Bertha Leticia Velazquez-García and Félix Guillermo Márquez-Celedonio

    Introduction: The increase in abdominal fat is associated with cardiovascular, metabolic and neoplastic diseases and has an aesthetic interest especially in young women. Ultracavitation, which is a physical agent that applies the mechanical effects of ultrasound on adipocytes, is an option for its approach. Objective: To determine the effect of ultracavitation in the reduction abdominal adiposity in women aged 30 to 40 years. Methodology: Preexperimental study in healthy woman or with overweight or obese, aged 30 to 40 years who received 15 ultracavitation sessions of 15 minutes per flank with multifunctional equipment at 40 kHertz, 40 W / cm2 and 100% of work cycle, 10 cm2 on each flank. Measurements of weight, height, BMI, percentage of fat mass, waist circumference and pliometry were made. Analysis with descriptive statistics, chi-square and Student's t for repeated measurements. Results: We included 24 women aged 34.4 ± 3.7 years. The weight was 81.4 ± 26.7 kg at baseline and 80.2 ± 25.5 kg at the end (p=0.01), basal body fat percentage of 39.7 ± 6.3 and 37.0 ± 6.8 final (p = 0.001), abdominal circumference 96.7 ± 14.9 cm and 92.5 ± 15.6 initial and final respectively (p < 0.001) and abdominal pliometry 38.5 ± 9.5 mm at baseline and 34.6 ± 10.6 final (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The approach to abdominal adiposity with 15 sessions of ultracavitation significantly reduces weight, body fat percentage, abdominal circumference and abdominal skin fold.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2023
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  7. Dr. Rohit Narendra Rathod

    Distraction Osteogenesis (DO) represents a biologic process of new bone formation between the surfaces of bone segments that are gradually separated by incremental traction, and is also termed as callotasis, and osteodistraction. It is an advanced surgical procedure of regenerating new bone and associated soft tissues along with biological tissue adaptation and modification without the need of any grafting procedures. This article covers a wide range of applications and implications in the field of oral and maxillofacial trauma, pathology, reconstruction and orthognathic surgeries which are documented in the literature for distraction Osteogenesis.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2023
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  8. Nancy Katia Solis Castañeda, Victor Manuel Varela Rodriguez, Juan Carlos Michel Rendón and Yossune Adonají Cortes Hernández
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    The objective of this research was to analyze the situational motivation and academic satisfaction of the students of the Dental Surgeon career, once they return to face-to-face classes after the pandemic generated by COVID-19. The four dimensions that make up situational motivation are analyzed; in addition to academic satisfaction. For the above, a quantitative investigation was carried out with a quasi-experimental descriptive design. The participants of this study were 366 university students of both sexes to whom two instruments were applied. Finally, it was evidenced that the students of the Dental Surgeon career generally have a high situational motivation and are academically satisfied despite adapting to the normality established to resume the face-to-face modality after the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2023
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  9. Mario Sánchez Franco, Ricardo Acuña Razo and Monica Acosta Ramirez
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    Millions of people worldwide are afflicted by the complex chronic pain illness known as fibromyalgia. Despite its widespread occurrence, fibromyalgia is difficult to treat and has no known cure. In this review article, we look at the different fibromyalgia therapies that are now accessible, including traditional medical therapy, complementary and alternative therapies, and self-care techniques. The research reveals that the most successful treatment for fibromyalgia symptoms may involve a variety of methods, including both pharmaceutical and non-pharmacological approaches. Exercise, acupuncture, multimodal rehabilitation, mindfulness-based therapies, and yoga have all demonstrated promise in the management of pain, enhancement of general quality of life, and improvement of physical function.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2023
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  10. Christopher Orión Fernández Solís, Mariana González Gómez, Itzel Daniela Pérez López and Mónica Acosta Ramírez
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    Fragility syndrome is defined as a state of decreased physiological reserves and a limited ability to compensate and recover easily. (1) Due to an ageing population, the prevalence of fragility syndrome is increasing. This concept is used in anesthesia as a predictor of complications, transoperatives or post operatives and can guide better decision-making. Frailty is also associated with decreased quality of life, higher number of hospitalizations, increased hospital stay, increased risk of postoperative complications, and higher mortality. However, although several frailty assessment tools are available, routine evaluation is not commonly performed prior to elective surgery and there is also no standardized method of how it should be measured. This review aims to provide an overview of what is discussed in the literature regarding fragility syndrome and its impact on anesthesia.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2023
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  11. Suresh Kumar, Dr. Kusum Lata, Sanjeev Kumar, Parineeta Shabnam Thakur

    India is a country with unique populations in the world. There are many cultures and many religions; live in harmony. The unity in their diversity is appealing. Human rights abuses have not improved despite the differences between the country and human rights abroad. Generally, all people had to respect everyone. But, in the name of religion, caste, color, names etc. violations of human rights are continued. In fact, the state is a social construction and human rights are the legal outputs. The paper proposes an alternative remedy the human rights issues in Indian context that is Ambedkar’s thought which can be better qualified as Ambedkarism; a social medicine for caste-ridden sick Indian social order. The present paper explores Ambedkar’s perspective on human rights.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2023
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  12. Satyesh Chandra Roy
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    Ageing is a normal process in all living organisms including human. With the progress of ageing physiological functions of different organs of the body become slower leading to many age-related diseases that are responsible for shortening of longevity. But this reduction of ageing varies from individual to individual. This diversity of changes in ageing process has come to the mind of scientists to find out some factors that regulate ageing both at the cellular and genetic levels. All these improvements may be due to the advancement of medical research as well as the development of new drugs in relation to different types of diseases starting from infant mortality to age related ailments. Still demographic data of increase in longevity in different countries have opened new ideas to the scientists that the identification of factors or genes that regulate ageing is urgently needed. Demographic studies show that human life span has no sign of fixed limit imposed by biology or other factors. It has been noted that both the average and maximum life span have increased steadily over time for more than a century. Thus the research on Ageing , its genetics and the application of modern technique of Genetic engineering and other methods to reverse the ageing has gained its importance to enjoy healthy and active life even in old ages.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2023
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