Mushrooms are macrofungi that exist everywhere around us. Theyhave significant roles in human life as source of nutrition and bioactive compounds. Many aquatic isolatedfungi and mushrooms have been reported as promising biotechnological tools for production of secondary metabolites of various biologically activities. Recently, Psathyrella aquatica has been discovered in Rogue River, Oregon, United States. Psathyrella aquatic represents a novel taxon within the family Psathyrellaceae in the large polyphyletic genus Psathyrella, and is considered asthe only reported aquatic gilled mushroom till now. Aquatic gilled mushrooms are especially interesting due to the rareness of Basidiomycetes that can grow underwater. In this review, the ecology, occurrence, of unique aquatic gilled mushroomsare described, and available information about the novel mushroom P. aquatica was highlighted.
May 2021
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:Pub. Date: May 21, 2021Paper No:3185
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Head & neck cancer in Nepal was increasing every year. Exact cancer incidence, death and relevant community based details of cancer in Nepal is unknown to address the need of community based epidemiological study was initiated community based cancer research in 15 districts of four state of Nepal. In this study we focus to determine the current status and trend of head & neck cancer. This was a descriptive epidemiological study with primary and secondary data analysis of new head & neck cancer that recorded and collected in different data source institution at 15 districts of four state of Nepal since 1st January to 31st December 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. The data analysis was carried out by using SPSS 19.0 Head & neck cancer was relatively increased for 2013 to 2014. Whereas, relatively decreased in 2015 and raised in 2016. The trend of head & neck cancer was seen to be fluctuating yearly during the study period. Though well organized awareness activities, and screening programs are still needed to prevent and control the incidence of head & neck cancer in our communities.
Pub. Date: May 21, 2021Paper No:3471 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
INTRODUCTION: Prostate Cancer (CaP) rarely produces symptoms at the beginning of disease progression since most tumors originate on the periphery of the gland. To improve early diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, the Prostate Imaging and Reporting and Data System, PI-RADS, was created. The system is beneficial in indicating probability and identifying where the biopsy will be directed if necessary, the increasing the chance that the sample will contain tissue with high suspicion of cancer. (4,5)JUSTIFICATION: Patients with suspected prostate cancer require an adequate strategy to diagnose the disease early. Multiparametric prostate MRI is a possible method of implementing as part of this screening in our population, and thus complementing the rest of the diagnostic tools. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An analytical, observational, transverse and retrospective study was conducted with patients at the Naval Hospital of High Specialty to whom t-tests were applied for independent samples and Mann-Whitney U-test for statistical analysis. Patients with suspected Prostate Cancer were selected who had psa levels, prostate MAGNETIC resonance imaging, and had histopathological reports of transrectal prostate biopsies. RESULTS: The sample for convenience was 59 patients, the average age of patients with adenocarcinoma was 65.0 years, without adenocarcinoma 64.4 years. The difference in mean values between the two groups is greater than would be expected by chance; there is a statistically significant difference (P x 0.006), in this case we can say that the occurrence of adenocarcinoma is related to the PI-RADS 5 classification, since the value of "P" is less than 0.05, indicating a significant difference. The average pre-MRI PSA value of patients with adenocarcinoma was 8.9 ng/ml, with no adenocarcinoma 4.6 ng/ml, with a value of P x 0.928, there is no statistically significant difference.DISCUSSION: The PI-RADS prostate imaging data reporting and recording system is a tool developed for the timely diagnosis of prostate cancer, however, results in intermediate scores (predictive values) make the diagnosis difficult, so describing the association between these population scores that already has histologically confirmed diagnosis are helpful in clarifying this debate. CONCLUSION: Establishing the association between the PI-RADS scale report and the histopathological result of biopsy samples is of great importance, presents benefits for the diagnosis of this disease if supplemented by clinical examination, together it will help to make the appropriate diagnosis.
Pub. Date: May 21, 2021Paper No:3576 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The aim of this study is to determine the potency of Diclofenac sodium tablet available in Port Harcourt metropolis, south-south Nigeria. Diclofenac Sodium is a potent Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) commonly used as an Over the Counter (OTC) drug. Potency determination was performed to evaluate and authenticate whether the marketed samples complies with the declared specification. In vitro dissolution study was, performed to verify the potency of the drug and its relative bioavailability. Hardness was checked to verify whether it interferes with the dissolution, which might ultimately affect the drug bioavailability. In this present study, a simple, cost effective, and spectrophotometric method for the potency determination of marketed diclofenac sodium tablets is used. Six samples were randomly collected from the market and coded as A, B, C, D, E and F, and the potency determined are 80%, 98.7%, 126.9%, 99.6%, 109.2% and 91.4% respectively. Hardness and in vitro dissolution of the six brands of diclofenac sodium tablet were studied and reported. After 1 h dissolution release of samples A, B, C, D,E, and F are 135%, 30%, 70%, 122%, 38%, and 40% respectively. From the various studies it seems that not all the samples analyzed complied with the BP and USP requirements.
Pub. Date: May 21, 2021Paper No:3585 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic began in in China in December 2019 and has spread around the world. The symptoms and routes of transmission are still poorly understood by the scientific community and the rest of the world. The Phase 1 of the COVID-19 epidemic in Cameroon was during the period from March-June 2020. Several rumors and ideas have emerged within the population regarding the different aspects of the pandemic. Materials and methods: An online survey of Cameroonian (volunteer) Internet users conducted from 23 March to 30 April 2020 described the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on COVID-19 using the Microsoft-Form Platform and highlights the use of online surveys in times of crisis for population assessment. Results: One hundred and thirty-seven participants (46.7% female; 53.2% male) aged 12-50 responded to the online survey. Almost 98.54% of respondents correctly reported all the symptoms observed in a suspected case of COVID-19. A minority thought that the infection cannot be cured (11.6%); 30.6% agreed that it was an invention to decimate the African black race, and 87.5% thought that it is a curse of the gods. Only 2.9% knew at least one infected person in their community, 54.0% thought their environment was a risk factor. Only 30.6% of people cited five correct and combined methods for prevention; 31.3% confirmed that they had observed at least six government-issued barrier measures. The major sources of information on COVID-19 were the internet (81.7%); television (73.7%) and social media (70.80%). Conclusion: The majority of Internet users were aware of the symptoms of COVID-19, some had unscientific beliefs about its origin. We observed a small proportion of prevention practices to COVID 19 among Internet users. A mass awareness campaign in all regions of the country on the need for barrier measures against COVID-19, to combat its stigma and encourage case reporting to limit the spread of the epidemic is essential.
Pub. Date: May 21, 2021Paper No:3618 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The ruminants are the most primitive animals to be domesticated by human being from the time unknown. They were not only domesticated by the ancient civilized man for the need of minimizing labor (in terms of tilling or pulling carts) but also for differential need of every day livelihood like meat, milk, skin and hair. The main reason behind goats’ popularity is the low rearing cost of this animal and their higher adaptability to a number of harsh and unfavorable conditions without any physiological complication. The main physiological process which has made the goats successful survivors under stressful condition is the management of immunity and reproduction under variable environmental conditions. The first is needed for survival of the animals and the latter is of extreme use for perpetuation of species. However, the modulation of immunity in goats is a huge process and a matter of another review. The present review encompasses the process and describes about various factors which modulate goat reproduction.
Pub. Date: May 21, 2021Paper No:3629 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This study examines the impact of music education through digital platforms, during the sanitary confinement provoked by COVID-19, the sample consists of two violin teachers and one cello teacher who give lessons at higher education institutions in the United States, Spain and Mexico. A narrative-phenomenological methodology was used to analyze the scope, aspects and essence of their teaching experience. The impressions and practices manifested and summarized through colloquial interviews show the advantages and disadvantages of online education in musical performance. This analysis helps us understand both the limitations and advantages of online music education for training expert performers. Based on the collected testimonies, this article aims to contribute to the development of the teaching-learning process in contingency stages in which face-to-face education is not recommended.
Pub. Date: May 21, 2021Paper No:3631 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The hydrocarbon rich Niger delta region of Nigeria is also home/breeding ground for some indigenous as well serve as calving grounds for some migratory marine mammal species. Exploration and production of this highly valuable resource often require seismic survey that generate sound that could negatively impact marine animals at close proximity. Hence, the need for a science based management to reduce risk of injury or fatality to these endangered species. This study aims at assessing and evaluating Scientific processes and procedure in place for minimising negative impact. Two Marine Mammal Observers (MMO) and One Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Operator undertook visual observations for marine mammals and turtles, and acoustic detections, in accordance with the JNCC (2017) and Department of Petroleum resources (DPR) guidelines for minimising the risk of injury and disturbance to marine mammals from seismic surveys. Cumulative effort was 1298hrs 38mins. MMO observation hours totalled 696hrs 34mins. 49.31% of MMO observation effort took place while the source was active and 50.69% with the source inactive. The total number of airguns starts was 104 while seismic source was tested on 24 occasions each preceded with soft start. PAM detection effort totalled 602hrs 11mins. 56.22% of effort took place while the source was active and 43.78% with the source inactive. The total number of airguns starts was 120 while seismic source was tested on 32 occasions each preceded with soft start. Pre-shoot watches of 30 minutes were carried out in accordance with the mitigation guidelines preceding all soft starts. There were 11 marine mammal sightings and 14 acoustic detection of marine. No compliance issues. mitigation actions were taken twice to minimise risk of injury to animals.
Pub. Date: May 21, 2021Paper No:3640 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Climate change impact had given rise to incessant flooding exacerbated by high tidal fluctuations, sea level rise and its accompanying negative impacts such as land degradation and seawater incursion into freshwater sources. Hence, the need to assess the hydrochemistry and anthropogenic pollutants in water, sediment and representative fish samples of Aiyetoro coastal waters. Thirteen sampling stations (including 2 groundwater stations and 3 control stations) were selected to determine the concentration and spatial distributions of hydro-chemical characteristics and heavy metals concentrations. The results of the ionic concentrations (e.g., Calcium Ca2+,Magnesium Mg2+,Sodium, Na+, Potassium K+, Nitrate NO3-, Phosphate PO43-, Sulphate SO42- and Chloride Cl-) further showed higher values that exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) standard, Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), and Federal Ministry of Environment (FEMENV) permissible limit for portable water and coastal water for marine life sustainability. The result further affirms the high impact of land degradation and saline water intrusion. Low pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) at some stations indicate increased anthropogenic activities. Heavy metal analysis further showed high Lead (Pb) concentrations in water, Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Chromium (Cr) in sediment and Cu, zinc (Zn), Pb, cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co) and Nickel (Ni) in representative fish samples. This study establishes that sea-level rise, land degradation, flooding and human-induced anthropogenic activities have negatively impacted Aiyetoro community, hence an urgent need for bioremediation.
Pub. Date: May 29, 2021Paper No:3641 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
INTRODUCTION: Prostate Cancer (CaP) rarely produces symptoms at the beginning of disease progression since most tumors originate on the periphery of the gland. To improve early diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, the Prostate Imaging and Reporting and Data System, PI-RADS, was created. The system is beneficial in indicating probability and identifying where the biopsy will be directed if necessary, the increasing the chance that the sample will contain tissue with high suspicion of cancer. (4,5) JUSTIFICATION: Patients with suspected prostate cancer require an adequate strategy to diagnose the disease early. Multiparametric prostate MRI is a possible method of implementing as part of this screening in our population, and thus complementing the rest of the diagnostic tools. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An analytical, observational, transverse and retrospective study was conducted with patients at the Naval Hospital of High Specialty to whom t-tests were applied for independent samples and Mann-Whitney U-test for statistical analysis. Patients with suspected Prostate Cancer were selected who had psa levels, prostate MAGNETIC resonance imaging, and had histopathological reports of transrectal prostate biopsies. RESULTS: The sample for convenience was 59 patients, the average age of patients with adenocarcinoma was 65.0 years, without adenocarcinoma 64.4 years. The difference in mean values between the two groups is greater than would be expected by chance; there is a statistically significant difference (P x 0.006), in this case we can say that the occurrence of adenocarcinoma is related to the PI-RADS 5 classification, since the value of "P" is less than 0.05, indicating a significant difference. The average pre-MRI PSA value of patients with adenocarcinoma was 8.9 ng/ml, with no adenocarcinoma 4.6 ng/ml, with a value of P x 0.928, there is no statistically significant difference. DISCUSSION: The PI-RADS prostate imaging data reporting and recording system is a tool developed for the timely diagnosis of prostate cancer, however, results in intermediate scores (predictive values) make the diagnosis difficult, so describing the association between these population scores that already has histologically confirmed diagnosis are helpful in clarifying this debate. CONCLUSION: Establishing the association between the PI-RADS scale report and the histopathological result of biopsy samples is of great importance, presents benefits for the diagnosis of this disease if supplemented by clinical examination, together it will help to make the appropriate diagnosis.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3609 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Enviornmentalism is a socio- political movement that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through changes to environmentally harmful human activities. At present environmental issues have grown in in a complexity manner day by day, threatening the survival of mankind on earth. Environment studies have become significant for the following reasons. It has been well recognised that environment issues like global warming and ozone depletion, acid rain, marine pollution and biodiversity are not merely national issues but are global issues and hence must be tackled with international efforts and cooperationJudicial activism in India has, in several key cases, found state-directed economic development ineffective and a failure, then interpreted laws and issued directives that encourage greater competition and free market to reduce environmental pollution. Over the past decades, environmental problems have attracted enormous attention and public concern. Scientific research has played, and will continue to play, an essential part in solving environmental problems.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3644 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a significant contributor of various gastrointestinal disorders and cancers all around the world. Its diagnosis is dependent on several qualitative and quantitative methods. The present study aims to compare the results of rapid cassette and micro ELISA test methods for diagnosis of H. pylori and determining associations with patient endoscopy reports. Methods: The study was performed using blood samples collected from 224 patients (142 (63%) females and 82 (37%) males) in various clinics between January 2018 and August 2019, which were sent to the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory of Training Hospital. Serum samples obtained after centrifugation of the blood samples were initially tested with rapid H. pylori IgG cassette method, and afterwards in the auto analyzer using ELISA assays specific for H. pylori. Results: Upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy was performed in 88 of these patients, and biopsy results confirmed definitive diagnosis of H. pylori infection in 63 of the patients. Rapid H. pylori cassette test results of the 224 patients were negative for 158 (70.5%) patients and positive for 66 (29.5%) patients, whereas micro ELISA IgA test results were negative for 110 (49.1%) patients and positive for 114 (50.9%) patients. Micro ELISA IgG test results were negative for 85 (37.9%) patients and positive for 139 (62.1%) patients. Conclusion: Invasive diagnostic methods for H. pylori infection may sometimes be inconvenient, and therefore the diagnosis may have to rely on non-invasive tests. Bases on the study results, we believe micro ELISA test results are more reliable with regard to avoidance of missed diagnosis.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3670 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF) impact on growth, development, cognition and eventually survival of the infant and young children. About 20 million children did not receive exclusive breastfeeding for first six months and 13 million did not get timely and appropriate complementary feeding, according to National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) data for the year 2016.WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Fund) endorses sufficient and safe complementary feeding starting after six months of life while continuing breastfeeding up to 2 years of age andbeyond.The high prevalence of malnutrition in countries like India is attributed to inappropriate complementary feeding practices such as not starting complementary foods at six months of age, inadequate macro - micronutrients intake from staple based complementary foods and failure to increase the amount and frequency of food with increasing age.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3679 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Introducción: El poco acoplamiento de las superficies articulares de la rodilla condicionan una buena movilidad que la expone a esguinces y luxaciones. La prevalencia de las lesiones multiligamentarias de la rodilla (LMLR) es de 0.02%2 a nivel mundial, sin embargo, su morbilidad es alta5. Objetivos: Valorar el grado funcional que presentan los pacientes con LMLR, posterior a dos años de que fueron sometido a tratamiento quirúrgico en el Centro Médico Naval. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, observacional analítico, transversal, se estudiaron 4 pacientes, los resultados funcionales se evaluaron con las escalas de IKDC y LKS. Resultados: La valoración funcional con IKDC se obtuvieron puntajes de 90, 88, 80 y 60, correspondiendo los dos puntajes más altos a los pacientes con lesión de LCA más LCLL. La evaluación clínica fue normal en los pacientes con lesión de LCA más LCLL. En la escala funcional de Lysholm las puntaciones fueron similares a las del IKDC. Conclusiones: Los datos obtenidos sugieren que los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico posterior a una lesión multiligamentaria de rodilla son buenos en cuestión de funcionalidad para el paciente, pero aun así no se logra una recuperación 100% para volver al servicio activo.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3654 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Naphthalimide has been widely used in probe research because of its unique structure. Therefore, using naphthalimide as matrix, a compound P was obtained by the reaction of pyridine-2-formaldehyde with naphthalimide derivative. Among the tested metal ions, the addition of Hg2+ to the solution of P in ethanol quenched the fluorescence of P at 525 nm, and a linear relationship between fluorescent intensity tothe concentration of Hg2+ in the range of 2.0×10-6-1.6×10-5 M was observed.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3671 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Solar energy is the radiative energy that comes from the sun. Solar radiation is electromagnetic in nature and its spectrum cover the ultraviolet (UV) through the visible (VIS) to the infrared (IR) part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The data used in this study was a 12 years average solar radiation data between year 2009 and 2021. Monthly mean daily data of the extraterrestrial solar radiation (H ̅_0), global solar insolation on horizontal surface (H ̅) and averaged surface albedo (ρg) data were obtained from the National Aeronautic and Space Authority (NASA) Surface Meteorology Solar Energy (NASA surface meteorology Solar Energy, 2021). The model used to compute the total radiation on tilted surfaces is the Liu & Jordan Model. The optimal tilt angle for maximum collection of the solar insolation for Ilaro town is 120 for fixed module. However, the result of higher annual insolation than that at a fixed 120 can be obtained using a seasonal tilt.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3680 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This article was developed in order to model the integration of computer systems, GeoGebra and MS-Excel, in the teaching-learning process of Analytical Geometry at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences in Cabinda, in order to reduce the difficulties that appear as, Lack of mastery of the basic concepts of Analytical Geometry, little motivation of students, limited understanding of the concepts of vectors, equations of lines, their representations and graphical interpretations in the plane and space, conic sections, quadric surfaces, poor preparation in the use of software mathematicians, non-compliance with Analytical Geometry programs, among others. For this purpose, a sample of 3 teachers and 154 students was interviewed, selected at random whose opinions processed with the SPSS software allowed the elaboration of a conceptual model and a methodological strategy to guide teachers in reducing these difficulties. The strategy was validated through its implementation with several practical activities developed in the classroom involving teachers Masters and Doctors in Mathematics who favorably rated it very good.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3638 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The education-training sector in Vavouawaspoorlyinvesteduntil the end of the rebel occupation (2002-2011). However, the end of thiscrisis has led to a proliferation of privateschools in the municipal landscape. The presentstudyfocuses on the determinants of theseprivateinvestments in the education-training sector in the commune of Vavoua as well as on the landscape changes thatthey have brought about. To this end, the data collection methodwasbased on documentaryresearch and fieldsurveys. The studyrevealsthat 91% of theseprivate initiatives werecarried out after 2011 and 60% of the operators are education and training personnel. The growingschool-age population, the decline in public investment, the availability of land and the profitability of theseprivate initiatives are the main factorsbehind the multiplicity of theseprivateschools. This contributes to a qualitative change in the communal landscape of Vavoua.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3666 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Although a scripture related to Hinduism, scholars have studied the Gita in relation to different pursuits of inquiry from various theoretical perspectives. In this regard, this study intends to explore the verses in the Gita from deconstructive perspective and identify the occurrence of differance in it. For this I have introduced deconstruction and differance, and reviewed some studies guided by deconstructive reading. Although the Gita has been studied in relation to other disciplines like education, psychology, politics, environment and interspirituality, I have found no study until now guided by deconstructive reading. So I have employed deconstructive reading of the Gita as a method of textual analysis to identify differance as its theme and relate it to deconstruction. Thus I have explored the verses in the Gita grounded on deconstructive reading and concluded that the Gita contains differance as its verses designate contradictory and multiple meanings allowing their free play in the text. As this study has established the interrelation between the Gita and deconstruction, this paper justifies the significance of the Gita in the present-day postmodern context. This suggests the potentials of the Gita for the study of postmodern spirituality.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3673 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
In this paper we present a java implementation of video telephony using the SIP protocol (Session Initiation Protocol). After a functional analysis of the SIP protocol and based on the work of researchers of the University Italian (University of parma-Italy) (University of parma-Italy)to acquire adequate libraries for the development of our communication tool. In order to optimize the code and improve the prototype we used, in an incremental approach, test techniques based on a static analysis based on the evaluation of the complexity of the software with the application of metrics and the number cyclomatic of Mccabe. The objective is to promote the emergence of local start-ups producing IP video in a well understood local context. We have arrived at the creation of a video telephony tool whose code is optimized.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3675 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Introducción: Gracias a los avances actuales en las técnicas quirúrgicas, así como la ampliación del conocimiento relacionado con los diversos patógenos causantes de diversas infecciones en los procedimientos quirúrgicos, aunado a las universales y cada vez más estrictas normas y estándares aplicados a la seguridad del paciente y los quirófanos, han contribuido enormemente a la disminución de tanto la prevalencia de infecciones, asícomolaincidencia de éstas.Es así como un manejo integral del paciente aumenta las posibilidades de éxito del procedimiento y repercute en la salud del paciente. Objetivo: Conocer la incidencia de infecciones postquirúrgicas en la cirugía de columna vertebral en el Centro Médico Naval. Material y Métodos: Observacional, transversal retrospectivo. Realizado en el servicio de Traumatología y Ortopedia consulta en el Centro Médico Naval. Población de estudio: pacientes entre 20 años y 80 años postoperados de cirugía de columna en el en el servicio de Cirugía de Columna delCentro Médico Naval. Descripción General del Estudio: Los pacientes se seleccionaron del expediente electrónico que acudieron a al servicio de Traumatología y Ortopedia del Centro Médico Naval. En la evaluación clínica y radiográfica se tomó peso, talla y se realizó la exploración física, así como la determinación de la intervención quirúrgica. Análisis Estadístico: Prueba estadística de t-Student para determinar la aceptación o rechazo de la hipótesis alterna comparando la distribución de la variable continua correspondiente a valor de diagrama de valoración de heridas. Resultados: En el presente trabajo se presenta de un total de 298 pacientes se presentó una incidencia de 2 pacientes con infecciones vertebrales. Esta serie estuvo conformada por 1 paciente de sexo masculino y 1 de sexo femenino. De los cuales en el género femenino se logró aislar el agente S. Aureus, en el paciente masculino no se logró establecer patógeno pues el paciente falleció. Ninguno de los pacientes presentó complicaciones ni transquirurgicas, ni postquirúrgicas inmediatas. Conclusiones: Con los resultados obtenidos encontramos una baja incidencia de infecciones postquirúrgicas asociadas a la cirugía de columna comparados con los obtenidos en los diferentes estudios considerados en el presente trabajo, donde la epidemiología de la patología abarca desde un 0.7% hasta un 12%, presentándose una predominancia por genero de 50% más de incidencia en hombres que en mujeres, comparada con el resultado obtenido donde esta incidencia significa 0.67%, sin embargo no se lograr asociar estos resultados a alguna etiología evidente, aunque si, supone una incidencia similar a la reportada en la literatura.
Pub. Date: May 30, 2021Paper No:3678