Neck pain is very common in the general population. Every individual would have experienced neck pain at some point in their life. Some might have had acute and some with chronic. Chronic neck pain affects range of motion and limits the functional capacity of neck. Because of chronic neck pain, neck muscles undergo spasm and gets fatigue soon. This leads to altered head and neck posture. Hence there is a need to find what trait or feature in the chronic neck pain lead to altered posture. Study group consisted of 30 subjects with chronic neck pain and control group with 30 pain free persons in the age group between 20 to 30 years. Spearman correlation revealed that there was a high level of significance between ROM & pain with significance level of 0.05 and between posture & ROM with significance level of 0.01Findings from this study showed that there was a significant difference between chronic neck pain patients and pain free subjects in frontal plane alignment, upper and lower cervical angle. There was a correlation between ROM, posture and pain. Postural changes in the neck need to be considered during therapeutic intervention of patients with chronic neck pain.
November 2017
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1290
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Introduction: Any pregnancy which passed beyond the EDD is called prolonged pregnancy and when it crossed beyond 42 weeks is called postmaturity .There is significant increase in perinatal morbidity and mortality due to past date. Aim: To study the maternal and perinatal out come in cases of past dates. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted for one year in the department of OBG in ACSR Medical College & General hospital Nellore. During this period total of 100 cases were randomly selected. Cases who crossed 40 weeks of gestation were induced .30 patients came in spontaneous labour with greater than 41 weeks .A preformed proforma was used to collect data and which are analysed later. Results: Among 3680 cases of labour patients who attended AC Subba reddy medical college ,there were 380 cases of past dates.The incidence of past dates was 13.98% 100 cases were randomly selected.85% had regular antenatal check ups.60% cases are primiparous and 40% are multi- paras.70% cases were induced with oxytocin, misoprostol and by sweeping membranes.69% cases had vaginal delivery. 1 case had vacuum application and 30 % cases had LSCS.There was one perinantal mortality due to congenital anomalies of the baby and no maternal mortality. Conclusion: perinatal morbidity, mortality, and maternal morbidity can be significantly reduced by timely intervention with fetal assessment and inducton of labour at 41 weeks.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1309 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This research aims to contribute with the design optimization of multilayer absorber material applicable in stealth technologies. This study involves a pre-analysis of the electromagnetic properties of five individual plates (absorbing layers), considering the reflection and transmission coefficients. From these characteristics was established the best combinations of the individual layers in sets of three layers. For this, five plates based on styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) matrix loaded with carbon black (2-50 phr) were processed. Electrical conductivity, electric permittivity, and the reflection and transmission coefficients at NRL Arch of the five plates were measured. The results were correlated to obtain the best impedance matching of the sets of three layers looking for the lowest reflectivity. The proposed experimental data correlation was compared to computational simulations based on the model of Small reflections in stratified medium. Besides this, all possible arrangements of three layers were experimentally evaluated by NRL Arch in the range of 8 – 11 GHz. The top five arrays with three layers are shown. The experimental results present a good fit with the performed simulations. The good adjustment between the experimental measurements and theoretical predictions allow us to state a pre-analysis route to support the processing the multilayer microwave absorbers.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1457 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This study examined the term “‘umran” introduced by Ibn Khaldun in his Muqaddimah in the 14th Century A.D. with the aim to identify the real meaning of the term through different studies made by Muslim scholars. The discussion begins with the contants of the Muqaddimah as understood by the Muslim scholars, followed by an analysis and comparision between `umran, `asabiyyah, and dawlah, which of the three is the main focus of the Muqaddimah. The study clearly shows that Ibn Khaldun in Muqaddimah is none other than the ‘umran and its survival and not on ‘asabiyyah or dawlah.The concept of ‘umran is seen as the cornerstone throughout the research and study of Ibn Khaldun in Muqaddimah.The method used in the study is called “induction”, a method of logical reasoning that obtains and discovers general laws from particular facts. To justify thatthe method of induction is effective,we used a comparative method based on scientific and historical facts as its tool to reach a scientific result.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1470 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Ogi, a popular fermented cereal-based foods consumed as weaning foods by infants and as dietary staples for adults in west Africa is usually processed by natural fermentation, which takes up to 48h to produce. This is the first report of producing the maize gruel (ogi) in less than 5h, by pre-treatment of the maize grains before fermentation. Pre-treatment involved particle size reduction of the maize grains, hydrolysis of starch (steeping of maize grains) and addition of fermentation starter, with short term low heat exposure (at 45o to 60oC; for one to 3h) to encourage the growth of fermenting microbes (1o fermentation). The desired product was obtained after blending, sieving and stabilizing the fermented maize gruel for 1 to 2h at ambient temperature (2o fermentation). For consumption, the gruel was stirred with an appropriate quantity of boiling water into a consistent gel paste, ogi. The microbial load of the different combinations of pre-treated maize gruels increased appreciably, as the inoculum size of the fermentation starter increased and fermentation progressed. The incidence of different strains of Lactobacillus fermentum was very prominent in all the samples. Other species of the genus Lactobacillus, such as L. plantarum and L. lactis were also isolated from the maize gruel samples, even after the pre-treatment of the maize grains.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1531 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Treponema pallidum was discovered in 1905 as a causative organism of syphilis. Although discovered early, syphilis is still a major health problem in many developing countries.There are few studies available on congenital syphilis from gulf countries including Oman.We described a 5 cases of congenital syphilis seen in tertiary care center the Royal Hospital, Muscat, Oman. The aim of this case series is to high light the clinical and laboratory features of the baby who born to mothers with positive VDRL in order to help in directing efforts and plans toward appropriate management and better prevention measures in dealing with children with congenital syphilis or born of mothers with syphilis.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1558 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Land use in urban areas are to date being regulated within the frame work of a development plan. One of the key components of the development plan is a proposed land use plan for a target year. Zoning is now a major tool for regulation of land use in urban area. Urban structure of the city is meant to provide facilities to the people. So, either the people go to the facilities or the facilities come to the people. The former part deals with zoning concept and zoning based urban structure is transport oriented. In Indian situation, where the infrastructure is poor and the funds are scare, the concept of bringing facilities to the people sounds promising and should work. Mixed land use is one of the ways to bring in facilities to people. Rapid urbanization with increasing mixed land use character has led to various serious problems in different parts of the city. To fight these problems heavy investments have been done in research to provide basic infrastructure at a minimum cost and with minimum environmental damage with optimum level of mixed land use. This paper, analyses the mixed land use intensity with its physical, social as well as environmental impact based on studies of Cuttack city, Orissa. Different infrastructural factors influencing the mixing of land uses are also found out and the empirical relationship between them is also established by Multiple Regression Analysis Method.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1562 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Over the years, livestock breeding especially cattle ranching is considered as one of the major economic activity that has contributed to modernise and improve on the traditional system of breeding. Due to increasing demand of cattle and its by-products, there was absolute need to transform the sector in order to perk up the quality and quantity of cattle production. Thus, this paper seeks to examine how cattle ranching is percieved as a mechanism to boost livestock production. The Livestock Development Corporation (LDC) and its ranches (Dumbo/Jakiri, Ndokayo and Faro) in the North West, East and the Adamawa regions were created by Presidential Decree No.74/182 of 8th March 1974. This was intended to meet the aforementioned prerequisite in the livestock sector in Cameroon. Prior to its creation, cattle breeding was primarily carried out by the Fulani and the indigenous people who bred the local red mbororo, guadali and the Aku cattle species with the use of unscientific method. With this low expectation, the government of Cameroon in collaboration with both national and international institutions contributed in boosting the agro-pastoral sector.With time and circumstances, the different activities carried out in the various ranches as well as in the traditional sector have helped to improve cattle species even though it is plagued with a lot of challenges viewed from diverse perspectives. . Thus, the establishment of these ranches was intended not only to boost cattle production but also to bring socio-economic development within the areas hosting these units and beyond.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1585 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
There is a huge treasure of Compound drugs described in various pharmacopoeias that have developed as a result of painstaking and cumulative efforts of elite scholars of Unani medicine. However, there has always been scope for inclusion of new compound drugs whose safety and efficacy has been proved scientifically. Majoon Aarad Khurma which is widely used as an effective aphrodisiac is prepared with sugar as base. It is contraindicated in diabetic patients who are suffering from sexual dysfunctions. Preparation of medicines which are sugar free should be innovated or designed to meet the demand of the diabetic patients. Therefore the present study is aimed to develop granules of Majoon Aarad Khurma with natural sweetening agent Stevia rebaudiana. Granules are more convenient and comfortable in usage and dispensing. Granules uphold the same principles and maintain the same characteristics as traditional dosage forms, granules are safe, light, efficacious, stable and quality controlled. In present study an important Unani formulation i.e. Majoon Aarad Khurma has been modified into granules using Stevia rebaudiana as a sweetener and the safety and toxicity of the granules of Majoon Aarad Khurma has also been evaluated. Majoon Aarad Khurma and Granules of Majoon Aarad Khurma were prepared and subjected to Physico-Chemical evaluation with reference to the standards mentioned in Physicochemical Standards of Unani formulations by CCRUM.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1573 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The focus on this paper is to represent various schemes approved for development of agriculture by RB I and RRBs.Number of RRBs is running across India to fulfill this target. The scope of this paper is around RRB running in India especially in Himachal Pradesh (Himachal Pradesh Gramin bank). This paper includes the architecture of Credit system in India and performance charts of Himachal Pradesh Gramin bank during 2016-2017.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1603 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
In 2012, Turkish Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMBT) took the first step about increasing women’s participation on Turkish publicly traded company boards with a soft law. However, under the framework of the Corporate Governance Principles of CMBT, the regulation did not have the intended impact and had very limited application. In order to draw attention to the issue and extend the influence of the regulation, supportive projects were launched in Turkey. On the other hand, there are significant practices to appoint more women on corporate boards in the world with some impressive results. However, the current implementation in Turkey is not effective enough to keep up with the ongoing practices around the world. In this paper, a managerial perspective was suggested to design a system that Turkish publicly traded companies could adopt in order to promote gender equality in their boards and catch up with the global trend in increasing women’s participation.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1606 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Introduction: Cranioencephalic trauma is generally defined according to the World Health Organization (WHO) as any physical injury, or functional deterioration of the cranial content secondary to a sudden exchange of mechanical energy and includes mild Traumatic Brain Injury(mTBI) with a score between 15 and 13 on the Glasgow coma scale. It is estimated that 80% of patients with traumatic brain injury who enter the emergency room have a slight risk. The initial clinical approach is the fundamental basis for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions that lead to the adequate use of tools such as skull tomography. With the use of the Candian CT Head Rule (CCHR) in patients with mTIB, the first contact physician may prioritize the need for a neurosurgical approach, as well as simple skull tomography, which inherently implies adequate use of resources and avoids risk of exposure to unnecessary ionizing radiation. Objective: To determine the correlation of the presence of tomographic findings in patients with m TBI and the risk factors explored in the implementation of the CCHR protocol, attended at the Naval General Hospital of High Specialty (HOSGENAES). Material and Methods: An observational, transversal, analytical, prospective study was carried out to collect patients with mTBI who were admitted to the Emergency Department of the High Specialty Naval General Hospital and the initial clinical assessment was applied using Canadian CT Head Rule and subsequent imaging evaluation in a period from May 2016 to August 2017. Results: By correlation with Kendall's Tau-b, the degree of relationship between the variables included in the CCHR and the tomographic findings was obtained, being moderate (0.2441) for Glasgow, suspicion of skull fracture (0.2758), of the skull base (0.4387). and risk mechanism (0.2222), low relation with the presence of age over 65 years (0.1824), and with a very low relation vomiting (-0.0362) and presence of amnesia (-0.0322). The linearity between the number of factors and the findings increases as the number of positive items increases, with a high ratio of 0.5521 and a P value of <0.001. Conclusions: The sensitivity and positive predictive value of the Canadian CT Head Rule demonstrated that it captures 96.67% of patients with clinical relevance and lesions observed with computed tomography. It maintains a high specificity of 90% in terms of applicability, has a high percentage of exclusivity in the identification of healthy patients.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1608 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The measurement of countries’ human development levels goes beyond measuring gross domestic product in recent years. There is not a general concern about the structural expression of human development. United Nations Programme makes researches to measure development with human development index (HDI) based upon the perspective of “enlarging people’s choices”. On the other side, European Union (EU) analysis how to measure human development in European context. There is ahuge necessity of alternative data and methods for the analysis. In this study, it is aimed to develop an approach to measure the human development level with a different method from the United Nations’ human development index and rank the countries of European Union (EU) members, candidates and potential candidates according to their development levels. For this purpose, two of Multicriteria Decision Making Methods (MCDM): TOPSIS and WSA are used. These methods are applied by using three weighting techniques; equal weighted, point method and Saaty’s method separately. The results obtained are compared with the values of HDI.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1619 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Life without machines is impossible nowadays, may it be Air conditioners (AC),vehicles or mobiles.ACs are being commonly used in homes and offices. AC causes air to become cold and dry. This can adversely affect the health of the AC users, particularly respiratory system. The present study was done to compare the spirometric parameters of AC users with non users and to study the effect of duration of AC exposure on spirometric parameters.100 healthy, non smokers of age 25 – 50 yrs exposed to AC were selected as study group. Controls were age and sex matched healthy, non smoker 100 adults, not exposed to AC. Exclusion criteria were smoking, respiratory disorders, sportsmen & those doing pranayam. Spirometry parameters recorded were FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF25-75%, FEF25-75%/FVC and PEFR. Statistical analysis was done by applying students unpaired t test, Mann Whitney test , Pearson’s co relation and One way Annova tests.The PFT parameters, FEV1, FEF25-75% and FEF25-75%/FVC in AC users were significantly less than non AC users. There was no significant co relation between duration of AC exposure and spirometric parameters. The cool and dehumidified air of AC can cause increased airway resistance and changes in pulmonary function tests of AC users. AC users should be advised regular spirometry to prevent any complications.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1631 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Statistics is one of the major tools to study the quantitative aspects of Biological theories. In the literature about Biostatistics, many statisticians have applied basic biometric methods for medicinal applications where as a few statisticians have applied those for genetic applications. In the present study, an attempt has been made by estimating gene frequencies in ABO blood group system in human beings through the Maximum Likelihood method.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1637 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: Shoulder instability is the most common problem of shoulder joint.The ultrasound and elastic band exercise plays essential role in treating the shoulder instability. Objective: The study aims to determine the effect of ultrasound and elastic band Study Design: prospective case study. Method: The study is Prospective case study, the total subjects were thirty fivefor three weeks assessment of pain and ROM were taken in beginning of the study and after three weeks for both group, the patient will be randomly assigned for this study, assessment were taken on 0 day and 21 day of ROM, VAS and SPDAI. Result: The scores of VAS, SPADI and ROM are improved after intervention of elastic band exercises with ultrasound. Conclusion: the study concludes that the elastic band exercise are beneficial along with ultrasound therapy in patients of shoulder instability.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1639 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: Rotator cuff injury is a major problem for rural as well as urban population and the rehabilitation plays an important role in decreasing pain and improve disability in the shoulder joint. Purpose of Study: To know the efficacy of Ultrasound Therapy and LASER therapy in the pain and disability management of rotator cuff muscles injury of the shoulder joint. Methodology: 20 male patients (10 in each group) were randomly recruited for the study. Group A is Ultrasound therapy whereas group B is LASER therapy for 5 days in a weak for four weeks. The data were taken on baseline, 30 days and 90 days. Result: The result shows that the VAS and SPADI scores are improved significantly higher in LASER group compared to as ultrasound therapy group. Conclusion: Thus the study concludes that ultrasound therapy as well as LASER therapy is helpful modalities for management of rotator cuff injuries but LASER causes higher improvement. Therefore LASER is much better than the Ultrasound therapy for the management of grade 1 and 2 rotator cuff injury.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1640 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The increasing demand and use of IoT systems has no doubt made our lives very easy and comfortable. With day by day growth of technology, new kinds of attacks and threats are occurring each day. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the security of our networks and data. This paper tries to look at a variety of security problems that can be faced in the IoT Systems and their prospective solutions given by various authors. In the end, a comparative study of the problems addressed and the solutions given in each of the paper is done.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1641 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Software Configuration Management (or Software Change Management) is defined as the task of tracking and controlling changes in software. It is a part of a larger field of configuration management. It helps in identifying individual elements and configurations, tracking changes, and version selection, control, and baselining. Software products are very complex to develop and are even more difficult to maintain. There are various problems faced in SCM such as balancing the costs of productions with benefits from increased sales of software products. As a solution to these problems, SCMs have a key role in handling the complexities of software variability. More and more systems are developed using components. There is a move from monolithic to open and flexible systems. In such systems, components are upgraded and introduced at run-time, which affects the configuration of the complete system. Keeping up-to-date information about which components are installed is a problem. Updating a component also affects the compatibility of the system. It is therefore important to keep track of changes introduced in the system. In the product life cycle, CM is traditionally focused on the development phase, in particular on managing source code. Now when changes are introduced in systems at run-time and systems are component-based, a new discipline, component configuration management is required. The future holds many avenues for progress in addressing technology, such as new functionality; process, such as better process support involving semantics of data; management, such as improved recognition of the need for resources and politics and standards.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1643 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
In this paper, the sport of checkers has been selected to know the pattern of game development with comparison to alternative games like twitching Tac Toe, chess, four Queens and plenty of a lot of. Since there are numerous prospects to adapt the technique to play this game, we have a tendency to set to travel beside Alpha – Beta pruning. This approach is that the desired one since it saves time and provides house in doing therefore thatarea unit each nice benefits for any game. The objective of this project is to make one player v/s computer checkers game that's fun to play implementing the logic of checkers victimization Alpha – Beta pruning.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1645 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The Dynamic Proof of Storage is a very useful cryptographic scheme which enables a user to update the file or check for the integrity of the data in a cloud server. There exists dynamic schemes in the single user environment but for the multiuser environment, the algorithm is still not been analysed yet. For a multi user cloud storage system, a secure multi user deduplication technique is needed which would enable the user to skip the file upload and gain the instant automated ownership when the other owner of the file have uploaded the file on the server. This paper introduces the concept of deduplicatable dynamic proof of storage and also propose an efficient construction in order to achieve a dynamic and secure cross user deduplication simultaneously.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1646 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
A field experiment was carried out at the research farm of A. S. (PG) College, Lakhaoti, Bulandshahr, (U.P.) during winter 2009-10 and 2010-11. The soil of experimental field was sandy loam and slightly alkaline in reaction (pH 7.7). The treatments consisted of four irrigation schedules viz. I0- no irrigation, I1- one irrigation at pre-flowering, I2- one irrigation at pod filling, I3- two irrigations one each at pre-flowering and pod filling, three phosphorus levels viz. P0- control, P30- 30 kg P2O5 ha-1, P60- 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 and three sulphur levels viz. S0- control, S20- 20 kg S ha-1 and S40- 40 kg S ha-1. The treatments were laid out in split plot design and replicated thrice. The result revealed that plant height, dry matter, number of branches, siliquae plant-1, 1000-seed weight, seed yield and oil content was observed significant with the application of 60 kg P2O5, 40 kg S ha-1 and two irrigations one each pre–flowering and pod filling stage.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1653 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Anticholinergic side effects of medications often misdiagnosed as cognitive function decline in the elderly. The study aims to explore the effectiveness of home medication reviews on reducing anticholinergic burden caused by medications with anticholinergic properties in elderly patients in Australia. The study was a qualitative, prospective, observational case-control study. Interviews at baseline and six-month were performed. Medications changes were theoretically possible to reduce the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden score, but occasionally are impractical to implement. When it was safe to implement, recommendations were in most cases dismissed by doctors. The study could not draw a clear conclusion on pharmacist ability to improve older patients’ cognitive functions as the recommendations were not tested. The home medication review process is lacking the step that obligate the referring doctor to communicate the reason for not implementing the recommendations made by the pharmacist who needs to be addressed by Medicare. This will ensure that medication use is optimised.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1654 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Malignant Melanoma is a type of cancerous cell which occurs in the skin and it is known as the deadliest form of all skin cancers. They sometimes develop from a mole with increase in size, irregular edges,change in color, itchiness or skin breakdown. If detected early, malignant melanoma can be treated successfully. In this paper, detection of the malignant melanoma is done by artificial neural network trained with particle swarm optimization algorithm. The features of the image are extracted using SIFT (Scale invariant feature transform) and SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) techniques. Once the dominant characteristics are identified it is fed into the ANN(Artificial Neural Networks) for classification of the tumor images as malignant or benign. Simulation results indicate that the neural network trained with particle swarm optimization algorithm provides a good accuracy in the classification.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1655 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
All the educational information can be accessible through the Internet sites (e.g., Wikipedia, news administrations). Learning the information by searching through random website is difficult, one of the main difficulties is to frame the questions for famous people who have a Wikipedia page. Here, we address some portion of this test via mechanizing the formation of a particular kind of useful inquiries that can improve the learning background. In particular, we focused consequently producing true questions from the text or keywords provided. We have attempted to make a customised framework that can take as information a content from a site like Wikipedia and deliver as yield inquiries as questions for evaluating a person learning of the data in the content.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1658 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Garbage bins are found at all the places in a particular collage, school, hospital, bank, shopping malls etc. Every time it is not possible to check whether the bin is full or empty, so in this paper we come up with a solution to monitor the status of every bin inside the campus area of any school, collage or any other place. Here we actually use arduino board connected to an ultrasonic sensor and a Wi-Fi module and this entire system is connected to every single bin inside the campus area. The ultrasonic sensor is directed towards the face of the bin and whenever the bin is less than 5 cm empty the status of the bin will be shown as full, otherwise it will be shown as empty. We actually aim to implement the system inside the campus of the VIT University. There will be a webpage displaying the status of the bin. There will be a centralized server which will access the status of the bins at regular intervals and inform the sweepers accordingly. The WiFi module will actually send the data to the nearest router and it is expected to route through the routers and send the correct data to the server every time. This is an IOT-Based Garbage system, and as a part of future work we hope to implement the payment module in this system, where the users using the bin have to pay online maybe weekly or monthly.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1661 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
In computing, Scheduling refers to a set of policies which define the order of execution of processes. The scheduling for the processor is done to keep it as busy as possible. Parallel computing includes scheduling of multiple processors, and managing the resources for all the processors. The scheduling in multiprocessors is more difficult than scheduling in a single processor unit. In scheduling of multiple processors it should be ensured that any processor should not be overloaded and any processor should not be under loaded. So the overall system should be balanced. In parallel processing system, as there will be multiple processors as well as multiple queues, so there is need of scheduling multiple queues simultaneously. The scheduling algorithms for multiple processors should be capable of scheduling all the queues optimally. A descriptive study of different types of task scheduling algorithms along with concise analysis of different parameters is considered in this paper.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1670 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Silk industry in India presently provides gainful employment to an estimated five million persons in the downstream activities of mulberry and non-mulberry subsection. In this challenging scenario, more investment is required for seeding technology, building farmer level infrastructure and for empowering bivoltine sericulture industry. A large chunk of labour is employed in all the sericulture activities and the industry is a boon to the labour surplus countries like India. Sericulture also employs a sizable share of women labour. The women participation in sericulture ranges between 55 and 60 per cent. The year 1994 was observed as "The year of women in sericulture". Multistage sampling design was adopted for the selection of district, tehsils, villages and sericulture producers. Analytical techniques for first objective that is work out the extent of employment generated from sericulture farming were achieved by tabular analysis and second objective i.e. resource use efficiency was achieved by application of functional analysis. In functional analysis linear and Cobb Douglas production function were used. In regard to employment generation in sericulture is considered to be principle cash business in the study area, which generates employment throughout the year. Sericulture is female labour oriented economic activity in the rural areas. The sex ratio in labour participation in the sericulture was 01:01:80, through the sex ratio it is clear that female labour participation is much higher in sericulture than male labour participation, thus sericulture prove best among rural poverty irradiation in the rural areas of the region. Resource productivity marginal productivity with respect to and use of mulberry leaves was (2.575 kg) followed by marginal product of disinfecting material (0.794 kg), family human labour (0.511 kg) and diseased free lying (0.268 kg). It inferred that if use of mulberry leaves were increased by 1 at its geometric mean level, it would lead to increase production of 2.575 kg. In other words use of mulberry leaves, disease free layings, disinfecting material and family human labour, were found, under-utilization and hence there is need to increase these resources in cocoon production.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1672 -
Water demand in drought-prone areas of jalgaon district, Maharashtra State: Past, present and futureJournal Area:ABSTRACT:
Water demand projections (WDPs) are widely used for future water resource planning. Accurate WDPs can reduce waste or scarcity associated with over development or under development of water resources. Considering that the projection period of some WDPs have now passed, this paper examines how closely such past projected withdrawals match current water withdrawals to identify lessons that can be learned and strengthen future studies on WDPs. Six WDPs conducted before 1990 and seven conducted after 1990 are analyzed in detail. The review shows that the pre-1990 WDPs, which considered population as the main driver of change, over predicted current water use by 20 to 130%. In this paper analysis of water availability adopting Ministry of water resource, India methodology, Hargreaves Samani (1985) method for crop water and Hussain S. K. (1977) method for livestock water requirement based on climatic and population data for 9 drought- prone tahsils. Climate data for 31 years collected from IMD, Pune. Using this database and methodology find out tahsil and sector wise present status of water demand. The average per capita domestic water withdrawals at present already exceed projections. The accuracy of global WDPs could be increased, within areas, and influence of rapidly changing key exogenous and endogenous drivers of water demand in different sectors are taken into account. Present study shows that the per capita availability of utilizable water in the study region in 1981 was 1638 m3; in 2011 it came down to 1,096 m3. Also it is expected to decrease by 990 m3 & 894 m3 per person in 2021 & 2041 respectively.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1704 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Objective: Implementing Robson’s Ten Group classification system (RTGCS) to analyze the caesarean section rate. Material and Methods: All pregnant women were categorized according to Robson’s Ten Group classification system.Thegroups with high caesarean rateswere targeted and efforts made to reduce the rate wherever possible. Results: The contribution made by each group to overall CS rate in study 1 was maximum by group 1 (6.28%)group 3(3.09) and group 5 (5.26%), whereas it was 4.95%, 5.27%, 3.76% respectively in study 2.The overall caesarean section rate was 21.86%in study 1, which was reduced to 20.07% in study 2. Conclusion: Robson’s Ten Group classification system provides a framework for auditing and analyzing caesarean section rate, and if implemented successfully it will lead to acceptable caesarean section rate
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1758 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Immunization is one of the most important public health interventions and a cost effective strategy to control the infectious diseases especially in children. Advent of combination vaccines has facilitated incorporation of additional vaccines into immunization schedule. Pentavalent vaccine, against five killer diseases–diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B and Hemophilus influenza type B (Hib), has been introduced in almost all GAVI eligible countries by 2011 and it was launched in Punjab on 7thjan 2015. Material and Methods: Focused group discussion was conducted on mothers in urban area covered by urban health centre, rural area covered by rural health center and Community Health centre, Nathana attached with community medicine department, Adesh medical college. Framed questions were introduced to the participants by the moderator in the form of discussion. Results: Maximum number of mothers (88%) did not have any knowledge about the vaccine. Very less number of mothers had received information regarding pentavalent vaccine through Doctors, ANMs or Immunization cards (12%). Overhaul the health workers played a very poor role in imparting information regarding the vaccine. Conclusion: This study shows that not much is being done to disseminate the information to the community and to motivate them which needs to be done to bring maximum children under the ambit of vaccination.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1036 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Anticholinergic side effects of medications often misdiagnosed as cognitive function decline in the elderly. The study aims to explore the effectiveness of home medication reviews on reducing anticholinergic burden caused by medications with anticholinergic properties in elderly patients in Australia. The study was a qualitative, prospective, observational case-control study. Interviews at baseline and six-month were performed. Medications changes were theoretically possible to reduce the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden score, but occasionally are impractical to implement. When it was safe to implement, recommendations were in most cases dismissed by doctors. The study could not draw a clear conclusion on pharmacist ability to improve older patients’ cognitive functions as the recommendations were not tested. The home medication review process is lacking the step that obligate the referring doctor to communicate the reason for not implementing the recommendations made by the pharmacist who needs to be addressed by Medicare. This will ensure that medication use is optimised.
Pub. Date: November 30, 2017Paper No:1654