October 2017

  1. Bhaugeerutty Vinod Sharma

    During the years school performance management has become an important issue in many countries. As performance measurement plays an important role in the management of secondary school. This document shows an understanding of how schools measure its performance, report it and use it for improvement purposes. In this way, performance management includes these elements, namely measurement that is a collection of information on organization performance, secondly incorporation that is reporting of organizational performance information to organizational stakeholders, and finally use, the utilization of organizational performance information for decision making. One of our main goals is to analyze the performance management practices of schools, in the relation to the above elements.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  2. Dr. Mohammed Israr Ul Khaliq, Dr. Syed Wakeel and Dr. Ajaz A. Shah
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    Aim: This study was carried out to assess the versatility of the retromandibular approach in the management of subcondylar fractures. This study also assessed the morbidity of the retromandibular approach in the management of condylar fractures. Materials and Methods: Twenty patients treated with open reduction and internal fixation of their condylar fractures using this technique. Results: Retromandinular vein was encountered in one case.Branches of the facial nerve were encountered in five cases (25%). Temporary weakness of the facial nerve occurred in five patients. One patient developed a parotid fistula that resolved with use of hypertonic saline solution.The literature regarding facial nerve morbidity in relation to the management of condylar fractures is reviewed. Conclusion: In conclusion, when open reduction and internal fixation of a condylar neck fracture is indicated, the retromandibular approach provides good access with low morbidity.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  3. Dr. Abirami, P. and Selvi, S.
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    Nested and Swaddle positioning among very low birth weight neonates can increase time in quiet sleep and decrease time spent crying or in active sleep. The Aim of our study were(i) To assess and compare the pre test and post test level of nested versus swaddled positioning on selected behavior among very low birth weight neonates in study group I and II and control group.(ii) Determine the effectiveness of the nested versus swaddled positioning on selected behavior among very low birth weight neonates in study group I and II and control group.(iii) To Associate post –test level of nested versus swaddled positioning on selected behavior among very low birth weight neonate with their demographic variables in study group I and II and control group. Quantitative approach and quasi-experimental to comparative group with wait list control group design used, 90 sample collected by Non- Probability Purposive sampling technique. The pretest and posttest done by using Brazelton (1982) Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale the reliability of the tool value was r=0.86.Nested versus swaddle positioning The analyzes depicted that the swaddle positioning effective on very low birth weight neonates with p=0.001 and association found in study group I and II for weight of the neonates, gestational weeks of the neonates in control group there is no association. The result of the study concluded that swaddle positioning was highly effective in improving the good behavior pattern among very low birth weight neonates. Therefore the investigator felt that knowledge gained can be achieved by nested versus swaddle positioning among very low birth weight neonates.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  4. Gloria Vergara and Hansol Cho

    In this article, we approach the concept ofimplied reader by Wolfgang Iser to converse with Kafka on the Shore by the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami and Lessons for a Dead Hareby the Peruvian-Mexican writer Mario Bellatin. We are interested in reflecting about the mechanisms that the empirical reader performs as soon as the roles of the implied reader are assumed in these indeterminate works, provoking multiple empty spaces.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  5. Sathvikalakshmi, B.R., Uma Reddy, CH., Kirthika, R., Chandrashekar, Sudarshan and Vigneshwari
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    Ectodermal dysplasia (ED) is a rare heterogeneous group of inherited disorder that share primary defects in the development and functioning of two or more tissues derived from ectoderm like skin, hair, nails, exocrine glands and teeth. This disorder is usually congenital, diffuse and non-progressive. Till date more than 192 distinct varieties in this disorder have been recorded and described. ED has 2 major types, on the basis of the number and functional abilityof the sweat glands namely X-linked anhidrotic and/or hypohidrotic, where sweat glands are either absent or significantly reduced in number (Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome);and the next one is hidrotic, where sweat glands are normal and the condition is inherited as autosomal dominant (Clouston’ssyndrome). The Hypohidrotic form exhibits the classical traid of hypohidrosis,hypotrichosis and hypodontia.It is most common type accounting for 80% of EDs, which is X-linked recessive. Most commonly affects males and is inherited through a female carrier. In the hidrotic form teeth, hair and nails are affected whereas the sweat glands are usually not affected. In this article we will be seeing a series of 3 cases of ectodermal dysplasia and their prominent features giving us an idea about the disorder.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  6. Rajani, M., Damodharan, S., Hussain Saheb and Dr. Subbarayudu, M.

    A statistical model is assumed for testing the structural change in agricultural data in different time periods (2000-2007 and 2008-2015) and in different regions (states) using G.C.Chow test (1960) and Damodar Gujarati dummy variable approach (1970) to analyze the data relating to India ,Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Chow test is general in nature, it merely tells whether the regressions are different or not without specifying whether the differences if any is due to difference in intercept terms or due to difference in the coefficients of particular explanatory variables. Dummy variable approach clearly explains the differences if any in intercept terms or in slope coefficients.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  7. Manpreet Kaur and Mrs. Harjinder Kaur

    The search for efficient image de-noising methods still is a valid challenge, at the crossing of functional analysis and statistics. In spite of the sophistication of the recently proposed methods, most algorithms have not yet attained a desirable level of applicability. All show an outstanding performance when the image model corresponds to the algorithm assumptions, but fail in general and create artifacts or remove image structures. The main focus of this dissertation is first to define an algorithm and based on that a non-linear adaptive filter is described which not only preserve the actual image structures in the presence of different types of noises (Salt & peppers &Zero-Mean Gaussian White Noise) as well as it provide better PSNR, MSE & MAE than other classic algorithms (Mean, Kaun, Fourth order differential) which will be clearly shown in result section.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  8. Manush Nandan, M. and Mythili, G.

    Wireless communication is the transfer of any information over some distance without the use of wires. Radio, or the use of radiated electromagnetic waves, is the only practical way of communicating with people or vehicles that move around on land, on the sea, in the air, or in outer space. It is the use of electromagnetic waves that permits the transmission and reception of information over a distance without the use of wires. Market demands for higher cellular density in urban areas, broadband internet wireless, and better data security, while using a minimum amount of frequency spectrum is driving wireless developments forward at an amazing speed. The evolution of wireless communications from analog to digital to broadband has taken longer and cost more money than most industry observers believed. At the same time WLAN “hotspots” are emerging rapidly. At present, the major applications of Wireless communication are Wi-Fi, WiMax and Zig-Bee. Li-Fi technology, proposed by the German physicist—Harald Haas, provides transmission of data through illumination by sending data through an LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow. Wi-Fi is great for general wireless coverage within buildings, whereas Li-Fi is ideal for high density wireless data coverage in confined area and for relieving radio interference issues. Li-Fi provides better bandwidth, efficiency, availability and security than Wi-Fi. Thispaper gives an overview of some of the current advancements in Wireless Communication technology.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  9. Habou Rabiou, Babou André Bationo, Abdou Laouali, KossiNovinyo Segla, Kossi Adjonou, Adzo Dzifa Kokutse, Ali Mahamane and Kouami Kokou
    Journal Area:

    Researches on the development of vegetative propagation techniques have been carried out on Pterocarpuserinaceus trees in Burkina Faso. The objective of the study is to develop low cost production techniques of plants by air layering. It is specifically to highlight the diameter of the branch, the positions of the layers on the branch and the frequencies of watering which optimize the rooting rate of the layers. Two trials were carried out in rainy seasons in Saria, Burkina Faso, on a 10-year-old P. erinaceus plantation, where the mean height was 10.7 ± 2.5 m. A device with two treatments has been set up. This involves making air layer at 3 different positions of the branch (apical, median and maximum) and for each position, to consider three (3) classes of diameter. The first trial, set up in 2013, consists of 126 air layers with 3 positions on the branches and 3 classes of diameter per position. The secondtrial, set up in 2014, is composed of 100 air layers with 3 positions on the branches and 2 classes of diameter per position. Air layers were watered every 20 days and weekly during the first and second trial respectively. After two months of monitoring, the air layers were unpacked and the appeared roots were measured. The results show that the rooting rate is higher in the proximal air layers with a diameter between 2 and 3 cm (76.4%), followed by the laying of the medial position with a diameter between 1 and 2 cm (52 , 9%). The supply of a quantity of water of 40 ml every week is the frequency of watering which optimizes the rate of rooting. Air layering is an alternative way for the production of P.erinaceus plants.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  10. Jean Florent Romaric GNAYORO

    En métamorphosant la réalité, l’écrivain, intervient dans la modification de la perception usuelle des choses au monde, au point de les présenter sous un aspect personnel. C’est ainsi que l’auteur a recours à des procédés pour s’exprimer avec un relent d’innovation. Cela étant, il advient que son écriture s’en ressent au niveau de l’expression, où un effort particulier est fait pour donner un cachet original à l’œuvre.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  11. Dr. Bang Nguyen Viet, Dr. Vu Nguyen Thanh, Nhan Vo Kim, Phu Phan Phung and Hung Nguyen Thanh

    The techniques of measuring service quality and its dimensions have become a major area in marketing. The purpose of this research paper has been to examine the impacts of quality service on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty which using internet broadband services in Viet Nam. This paper used qualitative research conducted through discussions with 30 consumers, and quantitative research conducted through direct interviews with 548 consumers. The results have indicated that reliability, responsiveness, assurance, tangibles, and empathy are influential factors on customer satisfaction, whereas, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and tangibles have insignificant impact on customer loyalty.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  12. Amar Nath Singh, Er. Abhisek Behera and Er. Binita barik

    Focusing on examples of knowledge systems and machine learning, this paper illustrates the transfer of AI technology from science to real-world applications. Decades of AI research precede a rather short but significant period, in which companies report the useful exploitation of AI technology. This paper illustrates the role played by science, and it argues that AI is just beginning to produce an ever increasingly variety of real world applications.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  13. Lalchand, Sahu Rekha, Gupta Rakshapal and Rout Om Prakash
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    Vatarakta is Vata pradhana Tridoshaja Vyadhi, Rakta is main dushya.It is characterized by Aakhudanshvat Pida (Piercing Pain like rat bite) in joints. There are two types of Vatrakta- Uttana and Gambhira. Symptoms of Vatarakta is very similar to Gout, So Vatarakta can be very well correlated with Gout. Goutis one of the most common articular disease, which is caused by Hyperurecemia. It is characterized by severe pain, inflammation, tenderness and burning sensation in affected joints especially small joints of hands and feet. Due to sedentary lifestyle many peoples are affecting day by day from this severe disease. Currently in modern science NSAID’S, Colchicine, Corticosteroids and Uricosuric drugs like Allopurinol are being used to treat Gout. But thesedrugs have certain limitations and many drawbacks.Therefore, it is necessary to find alternative treatments which should be more effective and fewer drawbacks. So plant based medicine can be better option for its treatment in present era. In different Ayurvedic literatures many medicinal plants have been mentioned for treatment of Vatarakta.Therefore, this review article aims to collect medicinal plants mentioned for treatment of Vatarakta in different Ayurvedic literatures. In this review article we have enlisted 71 medicinal plants from XXX number of literatures, which is used for its treatment. By using these plants treatment of Vatarakta can be done more effectively with fewer side effects.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  14. Abha Sharma and RajnishAvasthi
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    Hypertension is an important public health problem worldwide. Subjects with hypertension are known to have a two-fold higher risk of developing coronary artery disease (CAD), four times higher risk of congestive heart failure and seven times higher risk of cerebrovascular disease and stroke compared to normotensive subjects. Hypertension has been identified as one of the leading risk factors for mortality, and is ranked third as a cause of disability adjusted life-years. Statins are unequivocally useful for lowering cholesterol levels in patients with dyslipidemias characterized by elevations in total and/or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The beneficial effects of statins to lower serum cholesterol translate into significant reductions in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, statins have other biological effects relevant to cardiovascular homeostasis including anti-inflammatory actions and down regulation of angiotensin type 1 receptor expression that contribute to improvements in endothelial function and arterial compliance. Since endothelial dysfunction and reduced arterial compliance are important pathophysiological determinants of essential hypertension, these actions of statins raise the possibility that statin therapy may be useful for simultaneously treating dyslipidemias and hypertension1-4. The present study was done to evaluate antihypertensive effect of rosuvastatin in normocholesterolemic hypertensive patients and its association with endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress marker.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  15. Mateen Ahmad Khan, Danish Kamal Chishti, Roohi Zaman and Izharul Hasan

    Majoon Aarad Khurma (MAK) is a famous traditional Unani medicine formula. It has been used in the treatment of diseases including Jeryan (Spermatorrhea), Muqawwiea Bah (Aphrodisiac) and Mughallize Mani. In present study an important Unani compound formulation Majoon Aarad Khurma has been modified into granular form using natural sweetening agent Stevia rebaudiana it is new dosage form. According to development of new dosage form there is need of safety profile. A new drug is always studied for its toxic effects so that its safety profile and therapeutic dose range can be determined. Not only new molecules/drugs but new combinations and new dosage forms are also screened for toxicity. Aim of the study: To provide information on the potential toxicity of GMAK, evaluated the acute toxicity in Swiss Mice. Materials and methods: In acute study, GMAK was administered orally at different dosage of 0.39 mg/kg b.wt, 5.73 mg/kg b.wt, 9.73 mg/kg b.wt, and 16.69 mg/kg b.wt respectively, the dose was calculated by Miller’s formula. In 24 hours observed behavioural and mortality., clinical signs, body weight changes, food and water consumption, were monitored during the study period. Results: The acute toxicity study was done on Swiss mice of either sex. The Hydro-Alcoholic extract of GMAK was administered orally at different dosage. In 24 hours observed behavioural and mortality, there was no mortality found. Conclusions: Hence the acute toxicity study shows that the drug GMAK did not possess any toxicity after inclusion of Stevia rebaudiana plant. Hence Stevia can be used as a safe sweetening agent in Unani formulations.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  16. Ahmed Abdrabou, YousryMustafa, Khaled Amer and Amr Eldeep
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    Background: Bell's palsy is an acute facial paralysis with unclear etiology that results in weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the difference between the effect of Laser and (E.S) on facial nerve regeneration. Subjects and method:Thirty patients of both sexes with Bell's palsy were included in this study. The patients were assessed by nerve conduction study (NCV) and electromyography (EMG). The amplitude was recorded from frontalis muscle at affected and unaffected side. These assessments were measured two times, firstly before treatment and secondly after treatment. Results: there was statistically significant difference between both groups regarding electroneuromyography, latency, amplitude, duration area, motor unit, presence of positive sharp wave, presence of signs of regeneration. This difference was better in patients subjected to laser treatment. Conclusion: There is significant difference in favor of Laser than electrical stimulation on facial nerve regeneration in Bell's palsy patients. Therefore, Laser is more effective than electrical stimulation in electroneuromyography, latency, amplitude, Duration, area, motor unit, presence of positive sharp waveand presence of sign of regeneration

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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  17. Kristóf Máté Osbáth, Gergely Mészáros and János Ladvánszky

    Design steps of a 10 GHz diode mixer of a novel structure have been reported. In our earlier publication [1], the diode half H mixer was discovered at MHz frequencies (Fig. 1). In this paper, we show the 10 GHz realization of this mixer. First, diode modelling is detailed. A novel nonlinear DC model comprising of two ideal diodes in series with different parameters improves model accuracy compared to the case of one diode. High frequency linear diode model applies the same trick: the two diodes used for modelling are in series.Interconnection nodes of the package model are grounded by capacitors. Nonlinear DC and linear high frequency models are combined and remaining model parameters are identified using bias dependent S-parameters. Then the schematics of the low frequency mixer realization is transformed in order to be realizable at microwaves. We use a rat race hybrid as a transformer realization. Novelty is that a specific port of the rat race is used both as the LO and the IF ports, with LO to IF isolation provided by a low pass IF filter. In order to draw the mixer layout conveniently, we use an oval realization of the rat race hybrid. The mixer has been realized on Rogers’s 4003C type duroid.

    Pub. Date: October 30, 2017
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