Background: Bell's palsy is an acute facial paralysis with unclear etiology that results in weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the difference between the effect of Laser and (E.S) on facial nerve regeneration. Subjects and method:Thirty patients of both sexes with Bell's palsy were included in this study. The patients were assessed by nerve conduction study (NCV) and electromyography (EMG). The amplitude was recorded from frontalis muscle at affected and unaffected side. These assessments were measured two times, firstly before treatment and secondly after treatment. Results: there was statistically significant difference between both groups regarding electroneuromyography, latency, amplitude, duration area, motor unit, presence of positive sharp wave, presence of signs of regeneration. This difference was better in patients subjected to laser treatment. Conclusion: There is significant difference in favor of Laser than electrical stimulation on facial nerve regeneration in Bell's palsy patients. Therefore, Laser is more effective than electrical stimulation in electroneuromyography, latency, amplitude, Duration, area, motor unit, presence of positive sharp waveand presence of sign of regeneration