Social Sciences and Humanities

A comparative evaluation of aptitude of student teachers of language towards their profession

The study was conducted to examine the aptitude of student teachers of language group towards their profession in Burdwan district of West Bengal, India. Aptitude may be considered to be qualities which all individual posses in varying degrees. There can be various kinds of aptitude like the art aptitude, scientific aptitude, mechanical aptitude, clerical aptitude, scholarly aptitude, and musical aptitude which can be measured through various aptitude tests. Teaching aptitude can be categorized as aptitude for professional work.

Model of the relationship between internal factors to change the behavior of organic rice farmers in sragen district

This research examined the influence of internal factors on the behavior of organic rice farmers in Sragen. Research using quantitative methods. The results of this research are described qualitatively. Relationships model between variables are described in qualitative descriptive. Hypothesis test by using path analysis program employing methods Amos SEM.

Was it really standard-based? evaluating student teaching practices of a teacher preparation program based on the blue ribbon report design principles

In this research, with respect to the CAEP/NCATE’s Blue Ribbon ten design principles, a Middle-Eastern university that was undergoing accreditation process was evaluated for the aptness of its student teaching program based on the ten designated principles. Questionnaires were distributed to 13 college supervisors and 95 cooperating teachers. The results revealed consistent degrees of satisfaction towards the program implemented based on the principles. A major implication was the capability of current program to proceed towards transformation based on the respondents’ perceptions.

The concept of nationalism and national identity: A study of the different characters psychological and physical displacement due to colonization in the novel the english patient by michael ondaatje

The aim of this paper is to explore the identity crisis in Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient from the postcolonial perspectives. Actually this novel has been discussed through the concept of nationalism, therefore gave more concentration towards the cultural, psychological and physical displacement due to colonization, exploration and the shifting notion from one place to another place. This paper’s main focus has centered aroundthe issues of national identities, the streams of European explorers, scientists and spies.

Issues and challenges in the way of the people with disability regarding their participationn sport

In addition to physical, mental and social benefits of participation in sport, it also has the capacity to boost health and prevent some health deteriorating ailments. The benefits of sport are universal for all irrespective of age, class, section or gender including those with disabilities. Participation in sport on part of the people with disabilities promotes the spirit of inclusion, social poise, confidence and improves functional capacity of the different organs of the body.

Re-confirmation of validity of decision making ability as found by standardized cognitive ability test

Decision-making can be defined as problem-solving activity terminated by a solution deemed to be satisfactory. It is therefore a process which can be rational or irrational and can be based on explicit knowledge or tacit knowledge. The decision-making process is regarded as a continuous process integrated in the interaction with the environment. The in hand research was conducted to re-confirm and re-establish the concurrent validity of the numerical value of Decision Making Ability as assessed through the standardized Cognitive Ability Test.

Working capital management of micro enterprises: A case study of karbi anglong district

The basic assumption of the paper is that, a well designed and concise Working Capital Management ensure enterprises to move forward to attain their goal. However, many Micro enterprises in rural areas do not care about their working capital position and they only run business without the concept of working capital management. Base on this issue, this paper tries to analyse the management of working capital of micro enterprises of Karbi Anglong district of Assam.

Stress managaement for adolescents: A review

Academic stress is found to be the major stress among the student population, particularly for senior class students. Academic stress has been associated with poor academic performance and poor mental health. However, no intervention programs have been developed addressing the issues of academic stress. The present study aimed to develop and study the efficacy of the stress management module for 12th class students.

Interactivity in multimedia theatre performance

This article considers interactivity in an intermediate theatre performance. Interactivity is a common word we can associate with 'communication'. Effective communication must be an interactive communication. Today, this term is being used in different fields such as technology, theatre performance etc. Interactive theatre is not a new genre. Multimedia interactive performance gives a wide range of interactive opportunities for actors and spectators during the performance.

Inflation targeting in India: Current scenario

Inflation targeting (IT), since its inception, has been a topic of much debate for economists all around the world. In this paper, the suitability of inflation targeting for an emerging economy like India is explored, pitching it against the multi-variable approach currently being followed. One of the foremost challenges in the present context of global economic crisis is the debate whether priority should be accorded to IT or financial stability.