Health Sciences

Corporate civil liability and compensation regime for environmental pollution in the Niger delta

Petroleum activity has been highly instrumental in yielding economic rewards for resource producing countries and supplying a vital energy source, but it also has the potential to cause profound environmental impacts. Oil pollution forms part of the general malaise of environmental pollution. The disastrous effect of oil pollution is now beyond question. The restive situation in the Niger Delta can be blamed on heinous environmental crimes and breach of good environmental management by multinational oil companies.

Use of diagnostic tests for detection of malignant thyroid node and its concordance with the citopatological characteristics in patients of the high specialty naval general hospital

Introduction: Thyroid cancer is considered the most frequent endocrine neoplasm, the American Association for the Study of the Thyroid (ATA), projected that by 2019 it becomes the third non-fatal cancer in the order of prevalence in women. The thyroid nodule as its most frequent form of presentation, through the use of ultrasound with high spatial resolution, can be captured in 19-67% of healthy individuals. Among the large number of thyroid nodules detected, only 5% -15% are only 5% to 7% of cases.

Comparative analysis of salivary ferning versus cervical ferning test as a predictor of ovulation

Introduction: it is important for the women to know when they are ovulating. Being infertile is the biggest social stigma faced by Indian women. The ability to detect the period of potential monthly fertility is of great importance for women in their reproductive years, both in terms of contraception as well as conception. There is increasing demand of women for cheap self test to predict the fertile period in each menstrual cycle.

The study of shatavari ghrita akshi tarpana in dry eye syndrome

In the current scenario of ageing population and increased environmental factors the more prevalent eye disease is ‘Dry Eye Syndrome’. It is a tear film disorder caused by tear deficiency or excessive tears evaporation which results in ocular surface damage and there by irritation, discomfort and dimness of vision. The available modern treatment for dry eye has same lacunas like frequent instillation develops drug toxicity and costly regime. To overcome these lacunas and increased prevalence of the disease, it is necessary to look for alternative therapy.

Impact of intelligence on mental health of adolescents among selected government and aided schools

WHO (2001) identifies adolescence as the period in human growth and development that occurs after childhood and before adulthood, from ages 10 to 19 years. (WHO 2014) The main objective of the study was to assess the impact of intelligence on mental health of adolescent students. Survey method of research approach was used for the present study. The population selected for the present study comprised of adolescents studying in Government/Aided Hindi medium intermediate schools and a total of six schools were selected.

Lateral vaginal wall fibroid: A case report

Fibroids also known as leiomyoma most commonly occur in uterus and are of benign nature. Vaginal fibroids are rare in nature and approximately 300 have been reported previously. Vaginal fibroids usually occur as single, benign, very slow growing, intramural or pedunculated, solid or cystic, well-circumscribed mass arising from the midline anterior wall and less commonly, from the posterior and lateral walls. We are hereby reporting a case of lateral vaginal wall fibroid which could not be diagnosed till the time of surgery.

Role of zinc in oral health: a review

Nutrients are the substances present in food which helps in the nourishment of the body tissues and are essential for the growth and development of the body. Without sufficient nutrients the body may not function optimally and severe inadequacy of these nutrients can lead to many diseases. Oral health and nutrition have a synergistic multi directional relationship. Zinc is a trace element of valuable importance which is present naturally in oral cavity at various sites such as dental plaque, dental hard tissues and saliva.

Ectopic pancreas in the jejunum as a finding in a laparoscopic gastric bypass

The ectopic pancreas is defined as normal pancreatic tissue in a different anatomical structure or site, without vascular, neuronal or anatomical continuity with the pancreatic gland (Gaspar et al., 1973). It is rare and its finding is incidental, in most cases it is asymptomatic, the usual location is in the stomach and thirdly in the jejunum, the diagnosis of certainty is made after tumor resection and histopathological study.

Telescopic removal of bullet in a challenging case of gunshot injury

Introduction:- The incidence of gunshot wounds to the face have been on a rise but still are rare compared to firearm injuries to other regions of the body. Such injuries can be devastating due to the presence of vital structures in the vicinity. We describe a rare case of retained bullet in the infratemporal fossa which presented with delayed onset facial palsy and was meticulously removed with the help of 0 degree endoscope.

Thornwald's cyst -unusual cause of bilateral serous otitis media

Introduction: Thornwaldt's cyst is defined as “an inconstant blind sac located above the pharyngeal tonsil in the midline of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx .It is usually a developmental abnormality where communication between pharyngeal endoderm and notochordal remnants persist. Case Report: 32 yr old male, presented with bilateral decreased hearing since 2 and half years, with no other ear symptoms. Audiogram showed bilateral Conductive Hearing loss, with Impedence audiogram showing bilateral type B curve.