Health Sciences

Case report: central retinal vein occlusion in adult polycystic kidney disease

Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) is one of the major causes of severe vision impairment and blindness. The prevalence of retinal artery or vein occlusion in the general population increases with age. ADPKD patients are at risk for developing central retinal vascular occlusions at a younger age. Here we report a case of ADPKD with central retinal vein occlusion.

Analysisof microbialcommunityinpetroleum-contaminatedseawater and sedimentfrom xiuyingport, haikou

Changes of microbial community in the petroleum-contaminated area may have a critical effect on the process of bioremediation. In the study, high-throughput sequencing was used to study the stucture of microbial community in the petroleum-contaminated area of Xiuying port, Haikou. In results, there showed differences in microbial communities between seawater and sediment at the same site. Base on the metagemone analysis, both bacteria and archaea were frequentuly found in seawater, whereas bacteria was the dominant microorganism in sediment.

Impact of covid19 pandemic on work-related stress among university faculty: a longitudinal study

University faculty are “frontliners” too and vulnerable to feel stressed and overwhelmed this COVID19 pandemic. This study investigated on the impact of COVID19 pandemic on work-related stress of private university faculty. The study confirmed both negative and positive impact of COVID19 on work-related stress among faculty. On the adverse side, novel corona virus crisis resulted to extra burden on role overload, feeling of powerlessness and poor peer relations stress level of the faculty.

Carbamezapine induced severe asymptomatic hyponatremia: case report

Background: Severe hyponatremia is rare when carbamezapine is used as a monotherapy. It acts by inappropriate anti-diuretic secretion. Here we present a case of female with severe asymptomatic hyponatremia. Case report: A 61 year female which was a known case of trigeminal neuralgia and hypertension presented to opd for her routine checkup. She was taking tab carbamezapine 300mg TDS, temisartan 40 mg and amlodipine 5 mg once a day. Her blood pressure was 126/82 mm of Hg, pulse rate was 72 bpm. Her systemic investigation was normal.

Neumonía por mycoplasmapneumoniae asociado a hemorragia alveolar difusa, reporte de un caso centro médico naval, pediatría

Introduction: Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common causative agent of atypical pneumonia, the main characteristic of which is the discrepancy between clinical data and radiological findings. Diagnostic confirmation is achieved by detecting the organism through culture or PCR, or by detecting IgG and IgM antibodies. Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) is a clinical syndrome that generally manifests with hemoptysis, anemia, and the presence of infiltrates on chest x-ray.

Knowledge and practices of food workers before and after food safety training

Many food recovery agencies depend on donated food, and its safety is critical for the health of vulnerable populations. A food safety curriculum was developed for agency volunteers of the Munshigong, Gazaria District. Examples of topics in the curriculum included: personal hygiene, food storage, transporting food safely, and HACCP. Food Safety Knowledge Pre- and Posttests (20 questions) were identical, and validity and reliability were established prior to use. Paired t-tests were performed to determine the effectiveness of the curriculum (n=190).

Primary open-angle glaucoma in patients with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes

Background: The common mechanisms of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and glaucoma optic neuropathy (GON) in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) justify the need to study possible clinical variants of their combination. Objective: to study the clinical features of the combination of POAG and DR in diabetes mellitus2 and their mutual influence on the progression of diseases by stages.

Knowledge regarding breast cancer among women in Dhaka slum area

Breast cancer in woman is a major health burden of world wide. It is the most common cause of cancer death among women in high recourse and low recourse countries. Recent global cancer statistics indicate that breast cancer incidence is rising faster in populations of developing countries. The incidence of breast cancer in Bangladesh seems to be very high. As we do not have any cancer registry with relevant data about age, sex, marital status, different types of cancers, diagnostic & treatment status and survival & mortality rate of cancer patients.

Stability of the maxillary incisor after class iii surgery : systematic review

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to systematically reviewthe stability of maxillary incisors after class III malocclusion surgery. Objective: Our study aimed to evaluate the stability of maxillary incisors after class III malocclusion surgery through a systematic review. Materials and methods: An electronic search of databases retrieved 189 publications concerning our topic. Following the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, four studies remained.

Ring chromosome 20 syndrome with non-convulsive epileptic status phenotype.

The ring chromosome was described by Atkins in 1972, this chromosomal arrangement has an estimated frequency of 1 in 25,000-60,000 births, generally it is de novo with 1% being heritable. The clinical picture of this genetic condition is characterized mainly by the presence of refractory epilepsy, intellectual disability, and behavioral disorders.