November 2023

  1. Dossou Guy MITOKPE, Guy WOKOU, Gabain TCHAOU and Placide CLEDJO
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    Benin, agriculture is the main activity and provides food coverage for the majority of its population. This research analyzes the availability of agricultural land in the context of agro -ecology in the lower Ouémé valley. The data used relate to climatic and soil data, socio-economic information and demographic data. Field investigations are carried out based on the determination of sampling. In total, 260 people were interviewed as part of this research . These data were processed using SPSS IBM version 21 software. The analysis of the results was carried out using the SWOT model. The results showed that the availability of agricultural land in the BVO is another reality to which agro -ecological faces. The mode of access to land which presents more difficulty is the mode of access by inheritance (89.58%). Indeed, the other methods of access to land which present difficulties in the study area are borrowing (18.89%), rental (9.45%), donation (9.12%). and usufruct (0.98%) according to the population surveyed. For 42.35% and 49.84% of those questioned, the land in the Lower Ouémé Valley is very fertile. Several agro-ecological practices are listed in the BVO including the agro-ecological experiments on the Sain farm school of Pascal Gbenou in Kode ( Adjohoun ), the experiments on the farm Zanou. The limits of agroecological tourism in the BVO were also discussed.

    Pub. Date: November 20, 2023
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  2. OKEDO, Henrietta A. and NWANKWO, Philomena N.
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    Work-life balance can be defined as maintaining equilibrium between work and non-work activities. A great concern facing any organization regardless of its size or purpose is its ability to achieve the desired objectives. An imperative factor that has the power to enhance or hinder this ability is the performance of its employees. Human resource management faces a critical issue that deeply threatens the performance of employees and that is work life balance. Work life balance has become a popular term that describes the increased need to achieve equilibrium between all facets of life. The trend of combining a career, marriage and parenthood has become increasingly prevalent due to financial pressure on families. This multi-faceted life has given rise to the concept of work life balance and the significance it has on the performance of an individual. An individual’s inability to balance work and personal life domains has the potential to severely impede their performance at both work and personal lives (Poulose and Sudarsan, 2014). Although time is limited, healthcare workers are expected to perform various professional activities that are work related as well as non-work related, as such it is important to ensure that individuals have the ability to satisfy responsibilities from both domains and aspects. The individual’s inability to satisfy the responsibilities from both domains adversely affect the performance at work. The study investigated the impact of work life balance on healthcare professionals’ performance in selected primary healthcare facilities in Lagos State Nigeria. Three specific objectives were stated, and research hypotheses were constructed to guide the study. A cross-sectional research design, and a combination of convenience and snowball sampling was adopted for data collection. Hard copies and online questionnaires of structured questions were given out and mailed to healthcare professionals working in the six health care facilities in the State. Out of the 500 copies of questionnaire sent out, through random sampling technique. 462 (four hundred and sixty-two) questionnaires were returned. A response rate of 93% was obtained which was found adequate and used for the study. The study employed the use of primary data to examine the impact of work life balance on performance of the healthcare workers. Regression analysis using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) for windows and Microsoft excel computer program enabled data coding, editing and entry, plus data analysis and testing of hypotheses. Upon the successful analysis of the data collected for this study, the findings revealed that work flexibility, career development and long working hours are moderate predictors of healthcare workers’ performance (R = 0.500). A unit increase in these variables led to 50% increase in employee performance of workers and the relationship depicted in this study is significant at 95% confidence interval. In addition, the finding revealed that, career development is found to be the most dominant relational dimension (β = 0.445) in determining the variation in employee performance. The study recommended that the management of healthcare facilities should set up work-life policies and programs that would support their employees in fulfilling both their official duties at the workplace and their individual responsibilities outside the workplace as well. In addition, efforts to improve career development in workplaces can be put in place to promote, provide training, and evaluate work performance so that employees who have high potential and competence can develop their career.

    Pub. Date: November 20, 2023
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  3. Raj K. Gandhi, MD; FRCS
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    Spontaneous regression of malignant tumors occurs very rarely. Although this has been noted and described by many observers over the years, its cause and mechanism remain unknown. In my opinion the antigenic makeup of the malignant tumor changes from “self” to “foreign” as a result of exposure to a foreign biological agent due to a clinical or subclinical infection and that sets the stage for its rejection by the immune system. Based on this theory I have devised and introduced a new method of treating cancer that would provide customized therapy for each patient.

    Pub. Date: November 20, 2023
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  4. José Guilherme, Carla Martins, Cristina Nunes and Saúl Neves de Jesus

    Objective: to research scientific evidence on the association between physical fitness components and academic performance in adolescents. Method: survey of studies published between July 2016 and August 10, 2019, available in electronic databases (PsychInfo; Psychology and Behavioral Science; ERIC; Sport Discus; CINHAL and PubMed), which related the concepts of physical condition and academic performance in adolescents. Of the 54 studies chosen, fifteen were reviewed. Results: It was found that most of the studies consulted follow a cross-sectional study methodology. The independent extraction of articles was carried out by two authors, using pre-defined data fields. Conclusions: from the fifteen studies, seven report a positive association between the components of physical fitness and academic performance and seven do not find a statistically significant relationship between physical fitness and academic performance. One study is not clear on this approach.

    Pub. Date: November 20, 2023
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  5. Raut, U. A., Nagre, P K. and Bharad, S.G.
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    PDKV Pratap, is woodapple variety, developed at Department of Fruit Science, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra. This genotype is selection from seedling in origin plant population conserve at department and developed through selection and released specially for Maharashtra conditions. It is precocious and regular bearer, having semi dwarf to medium growing habit and spreading type with drooping branches. It start flowering from February, peak flowering in March and fruit mature in the month of October. It is high yielder with more number of fruits/tree i.e. 347, having bigger size about 489 g and high pulp content about 66 %. Plant and fruits are completely free from any disease and pest. The variety is also recommended for hot and dry onditions.

    Pub. Date: November 24, 2023
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  6. Christian Hald-Mortensen

    This academic paper investigates electrification in Europe, with a focus on heat pumps and electric vehicles (EVs), crucial to the transition towards net-zero. Amidst the Ukraine conflict, electrification emerges as a vital investment trend, essential for climate stabilization through the transformation of the building and transportation sectors. The research explores two questions: the trends and barriers in deploying heat pumps within European buildings, and the feasibility of the EU’s goal of adding 30 million heat pumps by 2030. This exploration reveals the market dynamics, technological advancements, policy, and economic factors influencing the adoption of heat pumps, crucial for the transition from fossil-based heating solutions. Secondly, the paper scrutinizes the dynamics, progress, and challenges in EV adoption in Europe, essential for understanding the expected acceleration in EV sales due to the 2035 ban on carbon-emitting vehicles. Through a review of literature, market reports, and policy documents, the paper extracts data on sales trends, technological advancements, policy incentives, barriers, and forecasts for both heat pumps and EVs in Europe. With accelerated sales of heat pumps, notably in Germany, and an uptick in EV sales bolstered by stringent policies, the paper integrates recent research efforts to understand the adoption barriers and drivers for heat pumps and EVs, crafting a narrative outlining their progress and challenges. The paper illuminates Europe's electrification path, offering insights for academia, policymakers, and industry participants navigating electrification's twin pillars.

    Pub. Date: November 24, 2023
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  7. Dr. José Víctor Flores Flores, M.C., Jaime A. Romero Sierra, Dra. María Patricia Torrijos Muñoz, Dr. José Oscar Laguna Cortés, Antonio Zaid Jaramillo Tepal and Luis Ángel Hernández Hernández

    As we approach a new era characterized by swift technological advancements, environmental concerns, and intricate global challenges, it becomes increasingly apparent that conventional approaches to engineering education are no longer sufficient. The well-trodden path of memorizing formulas and equations, while undoubtedly essential, is inadequate in preparing future engineers for the multifaceted issues facing our world. The objective of this study is to redefine the teaching process for engineering students through challenge-based learning and to achieve greater engagement in engineering subject learning. The methodology used was the flipped classroom, to allow students to learn at their own pace and in class, Challenge based learning was implemented, so that with the guidance of the teacher, students could develop their knowledge and skills for the solution of a contextualized problem. The main findings of this study showed a greater willingness of students to learn to use all their skills and knowledge, as students usually seek only to solve an exam and only accredit it. But with this methodology, the qualification was able to increase the approval rate by 30%. In conclusion, the utilization of challenges as a teaching method in an engineering vector calculus class offers significant advantages for students. Challenges provide a practical framework for the application of theoretical concepts and facilitate the development of crucial soft skills.

    Pub. Date: November 24, 2023
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  8. Dr. Jean-Pierre SALAMBERE

    It's hard to continue believing that women aren't competent, just as it's absurd to hold the argument that all women are eternally incapable or unconcerned about the need to get involved in order to contribute to political governance. So, it's not uncommon to hear it said that women's low presence and participation in decision-making bodies, including political ones, is due to their unwillingness to get involved. The main argument, as we know, is intrinsically linked to the conscious or unconscious desire of men to maintain their symbolic dominance over women, to preserve a balance of power that protects their interests. This permanent struggle is maintained on a daily basis by men and women alike, in a social environment that is quick to preserve the heavy social straitjacket that enables social reproduction in a relationship of intergenerational continuity. Through education, women also play a front-line role in the construction of inequalities in gender relations between girls and boys. This is why, in observing the unequal gender relations that persist in the political sphere in the G5 Sahel countries, we qualify this state of tolerance of the indecent gap.

    Pub. Date: November 24, 2023
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  9. Dr. Madhumita Sen, MBBS, PGDGM, MSc.
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    Previous studies using intermittent energy restriction in overweight and obese people have demonstrated it to be an effective intervention in achieving weight loss, when compared to continuous energy restriction. Objective: We anticipate that intermittent fasting (IF) in the Malaysian population may be an effective intervention for the management of diabetes. We describe a protocol for a randomized controlled trial of intermittent fasting in Primary Care Clinics in Malaysia of 18 months’ duration, comparing 3 and 5 days of IF to usual care. The objective is to determine the impact of IF on diabetes management over 18 months and to see what difference a 3 or 5 day IF makes. Methods and analysis: A protocol development to achieve improved clinical outcomes in a three-arm randomized controlled trial (3 and 5days IF groups and one control group) asking the question ‘does intermittent fasting in adults with T2DM in primary care improve HbA1c in the Malaysian population?’. Outcome measures: An absolute difference in HbA1c at 18months’ follow-up between the intervention arms and control arm. Our sample size (n=450) has the power to detect a difference of 0.5% in HbA1c. Secondary outcomes will measure the difference in waist circumference, BMI, blood pressure and biochemical parameters, and acceptability of the intervention between the 2 intervention arms and control arm of the study. Eligibility: Adults aged 18 to 70 years, diagnosed with T2DM for at least six months, and a minimum HbA1c of 7.5%.

    Pub. Date: November 26, 2023
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  10. Mrs. Jeejaranimol, V.L.
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    Preconception health care is the medical care a person receives from heath team members for better outcome in pregnancy. The objective of prenatal diagnosis and counselling is to reduce complications by identifying the risk factors early. Through proper prenatal diagnosis helps to reduce maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity rate. Prenatal diagnosis helps the couple to take prompt treatment to avoid complications in pregnancy. Couples have to be educate about the importance of antenatal visit and different measures for identify risk factors. Preconception care can significantly improve maternal and infant outcomes, and thus optimise intergenerational health. The aims of this scoping review are to (1) provide an up-to-date summary of preconception health and care strategies, policies, guidelines, frameworks and recommendations across the UK and Ireland and (2) explore preconception health and care services and interventions in Northern Ireland as a case study.1Preconception health and health care focus on things you can do before and between pregnancies to increase the chances of having a healthy baby. For some people, getting their bodies ready for pregnancy takes a few months.2. Some parents have increased risk of having a baby with a genetic disorder or other problem. They may want to consider one of these tests. Knowing about problems before the baby is born may help parents. They may be able to make better decisions about health care for their infant. Certain problems can be treated before the baby is born. Other problems may need special treatment right after delivery. In some cases, parents may even decide not to continue the pregnancy.4The main benefit of CVS is it can be done earlier in the pregnancy. It’s very accurate in detecting genetic abnormalities. But it does not detect some things that amniocentesis like Neural tube defects Birth defects incompatibility Amniocentesis might be the best option if previous history of a neural tube defect. The results of other tests during your pregnancy have been abnormal.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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  11. Ofir Rodríguez- Aguilera, Hugo Enrique Reyes- Devesa, Reyes Javier Cervantes- Ortiz, Verónica Torres- Medina, Amparo Saucedo- Amezcua and Francisco Javier Barrios- Pineda
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    Objective: To determine the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of severity in acute appendicitis. Methodology: An observational, cross-sectional, retrospective, and descriptive study was conducted on patients admitted for acute appendicitis to determine the predictive value of severity using the neutrophil-lymphocyte index (ratio of total neutrophils to total lymphocytes) with a cut-off point of 3. Other observed variables included sex, age, comorbidities, and surgical findings. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, diagnostic tests with a 95% confidence interval, and the SPSSv26.0 statistical package. Results: Sixty patients with a diagnosis of acute appendicitis were included, with an average age of 34.4 ± 14.2 years, 35 (58%) female, and an evolution of symptoms for 2.4 ± 2.1 days. Four (6.7%) had hypertension. No complications were observed in 30 cases (50%), while abscess and perforation occurred in 9 (15%). The predictive value of the neutrophil/lymphocyte index for the presence of severe complications showed a sensitivity of 100% (95% CI 84.5-100) and a negative predictive value of 100% (95% CI 67.6-100). Conclusion: The neutrophil/lymphocyte index has a sensitivity and negative predictive value of 100% for complicated acute appendicitis.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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  12. Dr. Jyothi Ramesh Pai

    Language is a powerful tool for information sharing, catalysing students to evolve into adept global communicators. Learning a new language helps us understand different cultures and ways of life in far-off places. English is a very important language because it's used a lot, and it's like a window that lets us see the whole world. If you're good at speaking English, you can also find more jobs. But sometimes, it's hard for students to take charge of their learning and work well with others. In the past, teachers used to do most of the teaching when it came to English. But now, some teachers are helping students learn on their own. This change was sped up by the pandemic, which brought new tools like ELSA, MePro, and BBC Learn English, as well as websites where you can learn by yourself. In light of these developments, this research paper endeavours to shed light on the realm of independent English language learning, offering valuable insights into this evolving landscape.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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  13. Joel Patomäki

    I will research John Searle’s (1) idea of a social causation as a collective intentionality and (according to my understanding) even more important notion of a background. Furthermore, I will compare Searle’s notions of the collective intentionality and the background of the social to Maurizio Ferraris’s (2) notions of a text as a replacement of the collective intentionality. The problems that Ferraris addresses are understood here in terms of practises. In this article I will look at more contemporary debates in social ontology and in a practise approach. Theodore Schatzki (3) is a pioneer in this approach. I will also look at economics as social theory and theneomaterialist basis for economics needed according to many debates now days. My viewpoint to Searle comes from two ordinary language philosophers: John Austin and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Performatives and speech acts are also economic tool. I will concentratein understanding ofthe background as the collective intentionality, of being a part of the practise in general. This is a neomaterialist intuition I argue could be against Searele’s ideas in constructive ways. There is Schatzkis positioning of neomaterialist ideas as competitor or part of practise approach I will look in here.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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  14. Kassimou Issaka

    This study estimates the technical, allocative and economic efficiency of maize-producing farms in Benin and identifies the determining factors of these efficiencies in a context of adaptation to climate change. To achieve this, data was collected from a sample of 402 corn farmers randomly selected from the municipalities most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and located within the Okpara watershed perimeters. The parametric stochastic frontier approach was adopted to estimate a seedling-log stochastic frontier and a dual cost function of corn farms using the Frontier program of Stata 13 software. The Tobit regression model was used in order to identify the factors determining the efficiency of producers. The results show that the operators are all technically efficient and have significant random effects. However, the results from the cost frontier show the presence of allocative inefficiency within production units. The estimated technical, allocative and economic efficiencies are respectively on average 0,94, 0,60 and 0,57. Finally, estimation of the determinants of efficiency has shown that, the supply of mineral manure, experience in maize production, crop rotation as well as the level of education are the main determinants of efficiency.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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  15. Shraddha Srivastava, Rakesh Bharatia and Nidhi Gupta
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    The term "Fatty Liver" or "Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease" refers to the presence of lobular inflammation and macro vesicular alterations without inflammation (steatosis) in the absence of heavy alcohol consumption. It can be further broken down into two subgroups: NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis) and NAFL (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver).Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) develops in people who drink little to no alcohol when too much fat builds up in the liver cells. Numerous metabolic risk factors, including diabetes and obesity, are linked to NAFLD. Although NAFLD is usually not harmful, in certain cases it can advance to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).Metabolic Syndrome, obesity, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia are all frequently linked to NAFLD. NAFLD is present in around 80% of people with metabolic syndrome.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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  16. Rambelani Khohomela, Kaunda Ibebuike and John Ouma
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    Aim: To determine the demographics and clinical presentation of patients with primary spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (PSICH) referred for neurosurgical management. Patients and Methods: Consecutive patients (45) with a Computed Tomography (CT) scan confirmed diagnosis of PSICH over a 6-month were recruited for the study. Results: The patients were 13 (28.89%) females and 32 (71.11%) males. The mean age was 52 ± 11.44 yrs. There were 32 (71.11%) black patients, 8 (17.78%) Whites, 4 (8.89%) Coloured and 1 (2.22%) Indian. Collapse [19 (42.22%)] and weakness [18 (40%)] were the most common symptoms. The Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) of patients was mild (GCS 13 – 15) in 19 (42.22%), severe (GCS 3 – 8) in 16 (35.56%) and moderate (GCS 9 – 12) in 10 (22.22%). The ICH Score of patients was 0 in 11 (24.44%), 1 in 12 (26.67%), 2 in 8 (17.78%), 3 in 6 (13.33%) and 4 in 8 (17.78%). No ICH Score of 5 or 6 were documented. Conclusion: Our study has shown that SICH presents a common clinical problem in our environment with a male preponderance. Our patients are younger than in studies in developed nations. Collapse and decreased GCS were the most common forms of presentation.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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  17. Rambelani Khohomela, Kaunda Ibebuike and John Ouma
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    Aim: To determine the radiological presentation, management and outcomes of patients with primary spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (PSICH) referred for neurosurgical management in Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH). Patients and Methods: This was a 6-month prospective study of 45 patients referred to the CMJAH Neurosurgical Unit with a Computed Tomography (CT) scan confirmed diagnosis of spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage. Patients who met the inclusion criteria were then assessed for relevant data such as demographic, clinical and radiological data. Management offered and outcome were then assessed. Results: There were 13 (28.89%) female patients and 32 (71.11%) male patients. The mean age was 52 ± 11.44 yrs. Supratentorial bleeds accounted for 35 (77.78%) patients while 10 (22.22%) patients suffered infratentorial bleeds. The anatomical location of the haemorrhages was: putamen 23 (51.11%), cortical 6 (13.33%), Pontine 5 (11.11%), thalamus 6 (13.33%), cerebellum 5 (11.11%). Craniotomy was performed in 3 (6.67%) patients and 4 (8.89%) patients had EVD inserted. There was poor outcome in 35(77.78%) patients with 22 (48.89%) dead, 1 (2.22%) vegetative and 12 (26.67%) severely disabled. Conclusion: Our study has shown that PSICH presents a common clinical problem in our environment. It has a predilection for the putaminal area and carries a significant morbidity and mortality.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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  18. Dr. Yael Arnon

    Designing the geographical landscape and transforming it into a place that makes a symbolic, religious, or political statement and connects between landscape, culture and politics is known as "landscape reading". Landscapes etched in a person's memory often take on meanings that go beyond the realistic depictions of the landscape itself. The memory experience depends on the age of the individual or on a particular event that communicates the landscape and is imprinted upon the artist’s individual or collective memory. Deciphering the symbols embodied in the description of a landscape may reflect the artist’s political or religious identity or both. In describing the landscapes of their childhood, Palestinian artists choose to depict both the utopia of the past and the reality of the present. Palestinian art is often preoccupied with the natural or urban landscape and the manner in which political factors determine how the landscape is treated, appropriated and broken down. Within the landscape, are cherished ideological concepts related to land, place, and homeland, as well as to memory, whether real or imagined. Dealing with the landscape is not always a free choice and is sometimes forced for political or social reasons. Geographical and cultural research studies in recent years have involved landscape reading. In this article, I discuss a number of works of art that reflect this theory.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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  19. Fabiola Gómez Hernández, Natalia Casales Castro, Diana Jazmín Estrada López and Félix Guillermo Márquez Celedonio

    Introduction: Parkinson's disease is a chronic and progressive condition with motor and non-motor clinical manifestations due to dopamine deficiency. The respiratory system is affected by alterations in respiratory mechanics and pulmonary ventilation that can be addressed with physiotherapeutic techniques. Objective: Toidentify the respiratory physiotherapy techniques used in Parkinson's disease, their clinical efficacy, and effects on lung function through a systematic review of the scientific literature. Material and methods: Systematic review of the scientific literature on physiotherapeutic techniques in Parkinson's disease. A strategic search of the information was carried out in the bibliographic databases PEDro, Pubmed, SciELO, Medline, Redalyc, Elsevier, Wiley, Dialnet and ResearchGate and the articles were selected according to the selection criteria established following the PRISMA methodology and a qualitative synthesis of the results and conclusions was made. Results: A total of 132 articles were identified, of which 66 were discarded in the first phase, 42 in the second, and of the remaining 24, 8 met the selection criteria and were included for analysis. The studies included muscle training techniques, deep breathing programmes, breath stacking, andBS and IS spirometer incentive that improved respiratory function compared to control groups. Conclusions: Physiotherapy techniques improve respiratory function, are useful in a comprehensive approach plan for Parkinson's disease and improve the patient's health-related quality of life.

    Pub. Date: November 30, 2023
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