La recidiva de lesión es un problema de Salud Pública en México, alcanzando una incidencia de hasta 21.1% postratamineto. La sobreexpresión de inmunohistoquímica de p16/ki67 se da sobretodo en pacientes con lesiones de alto grado, las cuales son en las que tiene mayor riesgo de evolucionar a enfermedad maligna. Las lesiones de alto grado son aquellas junto a varios factores de riesgo los que tienen más probabilidad de recidivar. Es necesario estudiar las variables influyentes posiblemente influyentes en la aparición de recidivas de lesión postcono al no existir investigaciones respecto al tema para mejorar e implementar de mejor forma los recursos humanos y financieros. Objetivos: Determinar la asociación entre la recidiva de lesiones intraepiteliales de alto grado de acuerdo a la sobrexpresión de p16/ki67 por método de inmunohistoquímica en los pacientes del Centro Médico Naval- Clínica de Colposcopía en el periodo de 2015 a la fecha. Material y Métodos: se evaluaron las características sociodemográficas, del diagnóstico de recurrencia, y el perfil de expresión de ki67/p16 mediante X2 de Pearson y prueba exacta de Fisher, para variables cualitativas y prueba T de Student o U de Mann-Whitney para las variables cuantitativas. La asociación con recurrencia se realizó con técnica de Kaplan-Meier. Usando el programa SPSS 22. Diseño: casos y controles Población: pacientes postconizadas atendidas en el servicio de Colposcopía de CEMENAV. Resultados: Se realizo prueba de Exacta de Fisher para la asociacion de Expresion de P16/KI67 con la recidiva de las lesiones, encontrando una p significativa de 0.002, con un riesgo de 5.775 más de padecer recidiva de la lesión con la sobreexpresión de P16/KI67 y un Intervalo de Confianza del 95% de 2.496 a 16.98. Existe asociación entre la recidiva de lesiones intraepiteliales y la sobrexpresión de la tinción dual de p16/ki67 en los pacientes del Centro Médico Naval-Clínica de Colposcopía en el periodo de 2015-2020.
January 2022
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:3976
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Solubility is the significant component for medication adequacy, freedom of the course of administration Gigantic proportions of recently discovered medications are water-insoluble, and hence poorly bioavailable adding to forsook improvement efforts. These so‐known as Brickellia's competitors can now be conveyed through detailing them into Nanosuspension. Nanosuspension technological know-how solved the drawback of medications that are inadequately watery dissolvable and have less bioavailability. The steadiness and bioavailability of the medications can be expanded using Nanosuspension technology. Coaching of Nanosuspension is simple and relevant to all medicinal drugs which are fluid insoluble. Nanosuspensions are readied through utilizing a wet mill, high strain homogenizer, emulsion‐solvent evaporation, melt emulsification approach, and super significant fluid systems. Nanosuspension can be prepared with the aid of using stabilizers, natural and organic solvents, and different components such as buffers, salts, polyols, osmogent, and cry protectants. Nanosuspensions can likewise be delivered with the aid of oral, parenteral, aspiratory, and visual courses. Nanosuspensions can additionally be used for distinct drug supply when included in the ocular inserts and mucoadhesive hydrogels.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:3993 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The present paper deals with the issue of prisoners and their life in the Princely State of Tripura. With the advent of British power in India, the princely state had indirect relations with British power. Due to the contact with colonial power, the indigenous or native rule in India became modified and codification of law and orders, also regulations were introduced in the line of British pattern. It was under the Ministry of Umkanta Babu of Tripura State, for the first time recognized the jails after the British pattern. The primitive systems of jails and prisons confinement were revised accordance with the new light of reformation, and in India especially in the princely rules modified. However, in this content the main aim is to find out the condition of the prisoners in the jails and under the jail custody during the rule of Princely power in Tripura State, over all. To prepare this article primary and secondary sources like administration report are used and it lay in the State archives and library also. We find from this discussion that prisons and their life under the princely rule of Tripura was better than comparison to the other States in British India.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:3899 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: Perioperative shivering is one of the most common problems in parturients receiving regional anesthesia during cesarean section. Although shivering is a protective reflex to increase the core temperature by involuntary contraction of muscles, it also leads to adverse effects like increasing oxygen consumption and affecting wound healing. The aim of this work is to compare the efficacy of dexamethasone and dexmedetomidine in prevention of perioperative shivering when added to hyperbaric bupivacaine intrathecally in cesarean sections (CS) and their effect on the intraoperative hemodynamics, intensity of the block, sedation, and postoperative analgesic requirement. Results: Study included 60 obstetric patients who were randomized into 2 equal groups, each consisting of 30 patients, namely group A (dexmedetomidine group and B (dexamethasone group). Group A patients received 5 μg dexmedetomidine with 12.5 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% intrathecally. Group B patients received 8 mg dexamethasone then 12.5 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% intrathecally. The comparison included assessment of intra- and postoperative hemodynamics, duration of surgery, assessment of sensory and motor block, assessment for shivering and sedation, and assessment of adverse events. This study showed that there were a small number of patients complaining of shivering (five patients in group A and seven patients in group B) with no statistical difference between both groups in the incidence and intensity of shivering. Time to two segment regression (minutes) was longer in group B compared to group A, and also, time to first analgesic rescue was longer in group B compared to group A. For sedation intensity, there was statistical difference between both groups as all patients in group A were sedated compared to six patients only in group B. There was no statistical difference between both groups as regards incidence of adverse effects. Conclusion: We concluded that both drugs can be added safely to bupivacaine, and both decreased the incidence and the intensity of shivering. Dexamethas one was found to prolong the duration of sensory block and delay opioid requirements post-operatively, while dexmedetomidine is more effective in sedating the patients intra- and postoperatively.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:3996 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Sinus bradycardia is established as a heart rate less than 60 bpm. This can be normal in young, healthy adults or in patients taking blocking agents. It is considered pathological if it produces a decrease in cardiac output and presents symptoms. The conduction abnormality can occur at the level of the sinus node, atrioventricular node tissue, or the specialized His-Purkinje conduction system. 68-year-old female patient diagnosed with L2-L3 adjacent segment disease; L3-L4, who is scheduled to undergo a surgical procedure for transforaminal decompression and removal of instrumentation material under total intravenous general anesthesia in prone surgical position, with neurophysiological monitoring. During the decompression of the canal, sudden loss of motor and sensory evoked potentials is reported; followed by abrupt sinus bradycardia with a value of 23 beats per minute under a baseline of 50 bpm; With immediate recovery of evoked potentials and restoration of heart rate after a dose of 1mg intravenous atropine. It was decided to interrupt the surgical procedure and continue with the cardiovascular study protocol and surveillance in the intensive care unit. The objective of this case report is to describe the possible causes that led to the total loss of evoked potentials during surgery in correlation with drastically presented hemodynamic changes.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:4008 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Introduction: The objectives of neuroanesthesic management should focus on generating unconsciousness, amnesia and antinociception, maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure, control of intracranial pressure, avoiding secondary damage due to hypoxemia, hypo or hypercapnia, hyper or hypoglycemia, to thus being able to provide optimal surgical conditions, allowing in turn early neurological evaluation. Objectives: The present review aims to evaluate in a practical way the main pharmacokinetic models and correlate them with the changes that occur in neurosurgical patients. Methodology: PubMed, Science Direct was searched using intravenous anesthesia, spinal surgery, neurosurgery as search terms. Results: The articles reviewed show that anesthetic management plays a crucial role in providing optimal surgical conditions and at the same time being able to carry out intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring, while allowing early neurological evaluation. Conclusions: Total intravenous anesthesia in neurosurgery implies understanding the changes caused with each of the anesthetic agents and the modifications derived from the neurological pathology, in view of which it is essential to monitor the effect generating minimal impact on the systemic and cerebral hemodynamics in order to provide the same closer today to a "personalized anesthesia"
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:4016 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Introduction: Total intravenous anesthesia is used more and more in the neurosurgical patient, which has been considered a complex technique per se, which together with the changes that occur in the patient with neurological pathology make it even more complex. Objectives: The present review aims to evaluate in a practical way the main pharmacokinetic models and correlate them with the changes that occur in neurosurgical patients. Methodology: PubMed, Science Direct was searched using intravenous anesthesia, spinal surgery, neurosurgery as search terms. Results: The articles reviewed show that anesthetic management plays a crucial role in providing optimal surgical conditions and at the same time being able to carry out intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring, while allowing early neurological evaluation. Derived from the above, the use of total intravenous anesthesia is increasingly frequent, however, in the neurosurgical patient the use of enzyme-inducing drugs can modify metabolism like anticonvulsant drugs, in addition to hormonal function and mainly the state of Alerts the patient, modifies the concentration of the drug necessary to generate an adequate anesthetic state. Conclusions: Total intravenous anesthesia in neurosurgery implies understanding the changes caused with each of the anesthetic agents and the modifications derived from the neurological pathology, in view of which it is essential to monitor the effect generating minimal impact on the systemic and cerebral hemodynamics in order to provide the same closer today to a "personalized anesthesia"
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:4018 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Back ground: Coccydynia is a pain in the coccyx. It mainly affects females. Approximately 14% of coccydynia occurs due to delivery trauma. Muscle Energy Technique (MET) and stretching exercises are mainly used to treat the musculoskeletal disorders. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to compare between the effect of muscle energy technique and stretching exercise in the management of post-natal Coccydynia. Methods: Forty volunteers, multi-Parus femalesubjects suffering from Coccydynia after six weeks post-partum. Their age were ranged between 25-35 years and BMI were not exceed 30 Kg/m2. They were detected randomly assigned into two groups equal in number. group A (n=20) and group B (n=20). groupA received muscle energy technique exercise 3 times per week for 12 sessions. group B received stretching exercise3 times per week for 12 sessions. Results: There was a significant decrease in VAS and ODI post treatment in the group A and B compared with that pre treatment (p< 0.001). The percent of decrease in VAS and ODI in the group A was 58.46 and 61.09% while that of group B was 55.22 and 56.82%. There was no significant difference between groups pre-treatment (p > 0.05). Comparison between the group A and B post treatment revealed non significant difference in VAS and ODI between groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion: There was no significance difference between muscle energy technique and stretching exercise in managementof post-natal coccydynia.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:3814 -
Socio economic status and its impact among covid-19 affected patient in selected areas in PuducherryJournal Area:ABSTRACT:
COVID 19 COVID-19 has led to severe and acute losses in many economies around the world due to illness and government-mandated social distancing orders. The aim of this study was to assess the socio economic status and its impact among patient with COVID -19.The study was conducted among 300 COVID-19 affected patients in selected areas in Puducherry.Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used and the data was collected by using the structured questionnaire to assess the Socio Demographic Variables and its impact which was developed by the investigator.The collected data was computerized and analyzed using SPSS version 25.The results of the study showed that the majority of the COVID -19 affected patients had lower middle socioeconomic status and had low level of impact due to COVID pandemic. There was a significant association between the socio economic status with selected demographic variables such as age, religion, marital status, residence, education and occupation of head of the family, total monthly income, vaccinated status, type of house and number of family members.This study will further enhance the health care providers to identify the needs of COVID -19 affected patients and to take care of them in holistic approach.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:3969 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The objective of this study was to investigate the perceptions on the impact of green procurement on profitability among fuel retailers in Zimbabwe. The study also explored the green procurement practices implemented, the challenges faced in implementing green procurement and ways to develop positive perceptions towards the impact of green procurement on profitability among fuel retailers. The study was qualitative and confined to a sample of 12 participants. Interviews, observation and document analysis were utilised to collect data. The findings of the study were that: fuel retailers do not have established green procurement policies; with regard to transportation and delivery, there was a strong perception on the impact of green procurement on profitabilityin fuel retailing firms that green procurement is costly; one of the stronger perceptions regarding the impact of green procurement on profitability is that it weakens competitiveness and reduces sales volumes; a lack of executive support has been a significant challenge in the implementation of green procurement practices in fuel retailing firms; increased stakeholder lobbying is regarded as one of the potent ways with which positive perceptions regarding green procurement may be developed in fuel retailing firms. Some of the study’s recommendations were that: Fuel retailing firms must adopt green procurement as a written policy with clear guidelines and Fuel retailing firmsmust utilise suppliers of green products and services.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No: -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
This study was deliberate to evaluate the impact government schemes on development of weaker sections in Mysore district. This research article included the following objectives; to analyse the impact of government schemes on development of weaker sections in Mysore district. The questionnaire format was applied in order to collect data. Primary data source was used and data was analyzed using the chi square statistical tool at 1%, 5%, and 10% Level of significance which was presented in frequency tables and percentages. The respondents under the study were 470 in Mysore district. The study findings revealed that association between government schemes and development of weaker sections in Mysore district, Karnataka state.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:4000 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Equality is very crucial in ensuring a better working relationship between the employers and employees as well as enhancing the organizational performance. The negative effect of discrimination has crippled the development of many organizations especially in the developing countries. This study aims to determine the effect of inequality on organizational performance from Islamic point of view. Sample of this study comprises of senior and junior staff of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto, Nigeria. Survey questionnaire was administered to 350 employees through simple random sampling and only 201 were used for the analysis. Smart PLS 3 version was used for the analysis. The study found that there is significant relationship between equality and organizational performance. The study also established that equal treatment of employees by the managers increases the performance of the organization while injustice and discrimination negatively affects it. This research is intended to benefit the managers in ensuring equal treatment is given to all employees for the betterment of organizational performance. This research is significant as it complement the existing literature on Islamic approach linking equality to organizational performance. While this paper sets the stage, there is however, the need for future research.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:4002 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Freedom and equality are two substantial concepts that political thinkers have attempted to explore throughout history. Their responses have led to various philosophical and intellectual schools. No political system has been set up and reached stability without appropriately answering these two basic questions. As a modern lifestyle predominant in the majority of human societies, democracy addresses these two concepts not as questions but as two substantial assumptions. These two concepts, along with public sovereignty and liberalism, have become the critical points of democracy. Likewise, these concepts, particularly justice, have a long history in Islam, as long as the history of Islam itself. Thus, it is natural for Islam to have provided naturalistic responses. Now that democracy is attempting to find its way in Muslims' lives, it would be interesting to challenge Muslims' historical responses to freedom and equality or compare them with those of democracy. The main question in this paper is about the final position of democracy's most important characteristics in the different perceptions of Islam and democracy in Islamic countries, including Iran. This paper also tries to foresee the approaches of each Islamist group involving traditionalists or modernists to these characteristics. Since there are diverse intellectual denominations and views among Muslims on freedom and equality, this paper aims to concisely examine the approaches of Muslim traditionalists and modern intellectuals and discuss democracy in the Muslim world. We will hopefully examine the concept of public sovereignty as another cornerstone of democracy from the same perspective.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:3955 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
La spiruline est un complément alimentaire peu consommé au Niger. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la consommation et l’acceptabilité de la spiruline dans la ville de Niamey. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une étude descriptive transversale à viser analytiquea été réalisée dans les cinq (5) l’arrondissements communaux de la ville de Niamey. Aussi, l’étude a concerné un échantillon de 992 ménages. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que 4,9 % seulement des enquêtées connaissances la spiruline, parmi lesquels 37,5% l’ont une fois consommé. Aussi, 36%des enquêtés ont eu connaissance de cette algue à travers les amis. Les données enregistrées révèlent également que 61%s’approvisionnenten en spiruline au niveau des pharmacies. Par ailleurs, la spiruline en poudre est beaucoup plus prisée par les enquêtés (63,2%) dont la plupart (48,9%) la préconisent avec la sauce. En effet, les résultats issus du test organoleptique ont révélé que le goût, l’odeur, la saveur et la facilité d’emploi de la spiruline ont été jugés bons pour la majorité des personnes enquêtées. Ainsi, malgré ces potentialités, la spiruline est peu connue au Niger. Cependant, cette algue constitue une opportunité pour contribuer à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:3983 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
There is a vast time approach evolution in medication and there preparation methods which has brought into medicines which are even more effective and target the specific cells and not the entire body and produce more biological effect rather than producing adverse effects one of these is liposomal vesicles which has been evolve over time. Vesicular systems are highly ordered single or multiple assemblies Bilayer of concentrated lipids. Nonetheless, its physicochemical possessions such as sedimentation, hydrolysis, and oxidation, as well asstowingcircumstances have been restricted the consumption of liposomes. The soft gelatin-based capsules containing proliposomes of DCT were prepared using film deposition on carrier method.6 different formulations were prepared with varying concentrations of DCT and phospholipids. Particle Size, PDI and zeta potential of the formulations is given in table 2. The particle size was in the range of 212 ± 12 to 414 ± 18.3 nm following hydration of proliposomal formulations in 0.1 M HCl to obtained simulated conditions of gastric fluid. Liposomes usually have biphasic release pattern. A rapid release is observed in the first phase followed by a relatively slower and sluggish release that is usually sustained type for 12 h or more. The initial rapid release may be associated with the erosion of the outer surface due to presence of no entrapped drug there.
Pub. Date: January 30, 2022Paper No:3953