June 2021

  1. Olakunle G. W. and Fakayode, O.

    The detection result of acoustic monitoring was compared to visual observations in a 4-D seismic survey. Data was collected on board The MV Osprey Explorer (Seabird)cruising at the speed of 4.6 ±4 nautical miles. Dedicated Marine Mammal Observers (MMO) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Operators undertook visual observations for marine mammals and turtles, and acoustic observations for marine mammals respectively for a period of seventy (75) days.441 hours 29 minutes of visual watches and 433 hours 36 minutes of acoustic detection effort was logged by MMOs and PAMs respectively, covering approximately 583km2 in water depths ranging from 1200 m to 2000 m. 28 sightings of 58individual whales and dolphins were recorded by MMOs, while PAMs had 53 detections. Cetaceans recorded are Megaptera novaeangliae (the humpback whale), psueudo rcinus orca (false killer whales), Globicephalamacrorhynchus (short-finned pilot whale) Tursiops truncatus (Bottlenose dolphin), Delphinus delphis (Common dolphin), Sousa teuszii (Atlantic hump-backed dolphin), Stenella attenata (Stenella attenuate), some unidentified delpninids and the Green turtle (Chelonia mydas). While there were similarities in the detections by both methods there were also some noticeable contrast. There was no significant difference in the detection rate of animals.(p=0.05). However, there is a significant difference between the number of whales detected acoustically (p=0.05,) compared to those detected visually. These differences are likely, because most large whales often spend a greater part of their time under water and may exhibit avoidance behavior. The result demonstrates how the strengths and weaknesses of these two approaches complement each other.

    Pub. Date: June 29, 2021
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  2. Shradha Kulkarni, Nagaveni, D., Harshitha, H.R., Sandeep, K.V.

    The primary notion of gas leakage detection is the implementation of a protection framework for the detection of gas leakage in a closed environment. In the current situation, there are various criteria linked with gas leaks that have an influence on the lives and property of innocent people. This warning system, which can save people's lives, can be advantageous for businesses and homes. In this project, a SIM900 (GSM module) is utilised to complete the desired task by combining a gas sensor (MQ6), a buzzer, an Arduino UNO, a 5V stepper motor, and an LCD display. When there is a leak, the Gas sensor detects it using MQ6, and an automatic sound alert is generated, and the gas leakage is regulated. In addition, the GSM Module is used to set up an SMS-based system that sends three alerts (messages) to the chosen cell phone number. Not only is it required to identify gas leakage, but it is also vital to prevent leaking. This project is both cost-effective and dependable, as it not only detects gas leaks but also alerts people (through sound), shuts down main power and gas sources, and sends a warning message. The MQ-6 gas sensor was adopted because of its great precision, and it can be utilised in chemical and hazardous sectors where gas leaks are recorded sequentially.

    Pub. Date: June 29, 2021
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  3. Maricris C. Abamonga, Jepsy Bernadette M. Babia, Jeznin Angekyla P. Barroquillo, Retchel Medel and Bea Jane V. Serna

    Members of the youth sector play an essential role in the society. They are expected to participate in the development of the nation and aid in the alleviation of current social problems. One of the channels wherein one can partake in the community is social media. Therefore, the project is focused on identifying the impact of social media on forming the political opinions of the youth, as utilizing online platforms for discourse and discussions have been prevalent amid the pandemic. The initiative will administer the active participation of the youth in the current political situation of the country in social media platforms through articles, community threads, and webinars. To ensure the smooth implementation of the project, proponents of the team have collaborated with Gana Philippines, a youth-led organization that aspires to aid its members towards finding their own advocacies. Throughout the course of the study, the members have achieved an amazing feat in finishing the needed articles, community threads, publication materials, and webinars that were planned before the implementation. The project, all through the 2 months duration, has achieved the objectives that were initially set; although there were problems and obstacles along the way, the group has still managed to inform and impart knowledge to everyone through different social media platforms. By conducting the initiative in an online community, the team has raised awareness on the current events witnessed by society, informed the youth on its role in society and what members of the sector can do in the present political climate, and shared tips on fact-checking and the proper use of social media. With this, the group hopes that the learnings we have disseminated will be used by the community in their future endeavors.

    Pub. Date: June 29, 2021
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  4. Noel A. Domalogdog and Rinante L. Genuba

    The purpose of this study was to determine the best fit model of public image among police non-commissioned officers. Specifically, it explored the interrelationship among variables including management style, gender equality practices and social support to public image. This study utilized quantitative research design and structural equation modelling. Data were sourced from 400 respondents taken from the four provincial police office and two chartered city police office of Region XII through proportionate sampling with the number of stations per office as the reference point. The questionnaire was divided into four sections management style, gender equality practices and social support to public image. Results showed that the level of management styles among police non-commissioned officers is described as high. Furthermore, the level of Gender Equality Practices among Police Non-commissioned Officers is also described as high and described as high for social support. Consistently the level of public image of police non-commissioned officers is also high. Relative to the test of relationship among set of variables, Pearson product moment correlation confirmed that there is a significant relationship between level of management style, gender equality practices and social support to respondents’ level of public image. Consistently, Multiple Linear Regression also confirms that the influence of the three endogenous variables to level of public image among police non-commissioned officers are also significant. Among the three exogenous variables, social support has the highest influence followed by gender equality practices and management style. The best fit model is exemplified by influence of management style to social support to gender equality practices to public image and influence of management style to social support to public image and management style to gender equality practices to public image. Thus, result entails that best practices to ensure a higher level of management should always be sustained and strengthened by the police administration, the same in terms of the social support.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  5. Abigail Aguillón Pantoja y Tania Pilar Álvarez Domínguez
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    Background: Atypical Acinar Adenosis or Atypical Small Acinar Proliferation (ASAP) is defined as suspicious atypical foci that do not complete a diagnosis of malignancy. (1) These are lesions that are suspected to be malignant, but lack completely satisfactory findings to meet the criteria of malignancy established for prostate cancer. Atypical acinar adenosis (ASAP) is a valid diagnosis within a category that implies absolute uncertainty. It is diagnosed in 1.5 to 9% of prostate biopsies, and patients with this diagnosis have a 45 - 60% probability of developing malignancy in the lesions described in repeat biopsy. (3) (4) (5). The present investigation is carried out in order to create knowledge on the frequency of this diagnosis in our male population that seeks medical care at the Naval Medical Center. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of the diagnosis of Atypical Acinar Adenosis in the results of prostate trucut biopsies issued by the Department of Pathology of the Naval Medical Center during the years 2010 to 2020. In order to make a comparison with the prevalence described in the literature when determining the frequency of the diagnosis of Atypical Acinar Adenosis in the male population of the institution that is cared for at the Naval Medical Center. Material and methods: A retrospective, observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out; For this purpose, the surgical histological study registration books of the pathology department were reviewed, from 2010 to 2020. All reports of histological studies of prostate tissue were listed, mainly bilateral transrectal trucut biopsy studies of men with a suspected diagnosis of prostate carcinoma. Subsequently, the variables of interest of each record in the electronic medical record were reviewed and analyzed, and the information was downloaded to the database in Excel format and the total number of histopathological reports with a diagnosis of atypical acinar adenosis and other variables of interest that lead to this diagnosis were quantified. Results: From the analysis of a total of 1006 histological studies of prostate tissue, 33 cases (5.5%) were diagnosed with Atypical Acinar Adenosis, based on the main histological criteria. It was observed that the average age of presentation of ASAP was between 61 - 70 years, with an average age of 66.3 years. The distribution of the type of military rank of the cases of atypical acinar adenosis, was observed to occur more frequently (50%) in high-ranking patients, mainly admirals. There was no distinction between the anatomical laterality of the most frequently affected prostate, with 15 cases on the right side and 14 cases on the left side (46 and 42%).and 4 cases (12%) were presented in which both anatomical sides were affected, however, of the anatomical areas of the same, it was observed that the apex was affected more frequently, with a total of 8 cases (24%) in the right apex and 4 cases (12%) in the left apex. Conclusion: The prevalence of the diagnosis of Atypical Acinar Adenosis obtained (5.5%, 33 cases), is within the parameters reported in the international literature, which ranges from 1.5 to 9%. It can be concluded based on the results of the other variables analyzed, that the pathology staff of the Pathological Anatomy Department of the Naval Medical Center are adequately adhering to the criteria that are standardized to conclude in the diagnosis of ASAP.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  6. Prof. Dr. Baris KARA, Prof. Dr. Bulent DENIZ, Prof. Dr. Cigdem KILICASLAN and Prof. Dr. Zohre POLAT
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    Background: In this study, the safety of 54 public playgrounds in 12 neighborhoods in Aydın (Turkey) city was assessed in terms of 9 important risk factors that may cause injury, and a risk map was created. The simple random sampling method was used to determine the neighborhoods and public playgrounds included in the study. The Playground Safety Survey was prepared to assess safety of playgrounds. ArcMap 10.3 software was used to create the risk map of playgrounds and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 19 software was used for statistical analysis of research data. Among the important risk factors, playgrounds were evaluated as “Very safe” in terms of the fall/equipment height (4.90), dangerous equipment (4.77), protective surfaces (4.26) playground equipment surface material (4.25) factors, “safe” in terms of the head entrapment hazards (3.89), swings (3.67) and clothing entanglement hazards (3.57) factors, and “unsafe” in terms of the dangerous plant material (2.60) and fall (use) zones (1.88) factors. In terms of the safety score, 75.93% of the playgrounds in Aydın (41 playgrounds) were found to be “Safe” (3.75). While rubber tiles or unitary synthetic surface were used under 80.72% (134 playground equipment) of the investigated 166 playground equipment, concrete was used under 4.22% (7 playground equipment). The playgrounds in Ilicabasi and Osman Yozgatli neighborhoods with low socioeconomic status were found to be more unsafe than the playgrounds in Girne and Mimar Sinan neighborhoods with high socioeconomic status.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  7. Yash Joshi, Elise West, Rachel West, John Johnson, Peter Johnson and Austin Mardon
    Journal Area:

    Getting children involved in sports is a common practice around the world as many people believe that it is a great way for children and young adults to get their physical activity. Often, the negatives aspects of the sports world at a young age are overlooked because of how beneficial sports can be. It is important to note that a child involved in sports are at risk for conditions such as burnout and eating disorder, which can lead to serious detriments in their overall health. Additionally, adolescents in sports have increased exposure to substances like alcohol and drugs, which can induce significant mental health concerns in a young individual. Many athletes often have to deal with abuse from coaches and their peers, which results in many young individuals accepting abuse and having fewer social abilities. Parental pressures and overinvolvement in the sport cause fractured relationships between the child athlete and the parent. Overall, there are significant negative aspects associated with introducing an individual to sports at a young age, which parents should keep in mind while deciding for their child. This review compiles and investigates sources from literary research done regarding children and sports.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  8. Rachelle S. Garcia

    This descriptive correlational study investigated the influence of self-directed learning on academic adjustment among level I and II student nurses studying in a private university practicing a student-centered learning approach. Results revealed that student nurse respondents demonstrated stage 3 self-directed learning and need teacher facilitation for learning. Moreover, amidst generally poor internet connectivity, they have good adjustment academically in online education in the COVID 19 pandemic. Surprisingly, study results refute available literature that self-directed learning insignificant influences academic adjustment among level I and II student nurses.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  9. Yasmin A. EL Damacy, M.Sc., Azza B. Nashed, PhD, Diaa A. Abdelhalim PhD and Marwa E. Hasanin PhD

    Background: Control of preoperative anxiety especially before cesarean section, is one of the most important goals of nursing care around the world. Aim of study : To determine the effect of acupressure on preoperative cesarean section anxiety. Methods: Forty primiparae undergoing elective cesarean section surgery, were selected from El Galaa Teaching hospital, Cairo, Egypt , their age ranged from 20- 35 years, and BMI was less than 30 kg/m2. They were divided randomly into two groups equal in number, (group A) Study group, consisted of twenty women who received acupressure in two points (HE7 and Yintang) for 5 minutes each 30 minutes before surgery and (group B) control group, consisted of twenty women who received acupressure in two ineffective points (sham points) for 5 minutes each , 30 minutes before surgery. All women on both groups (A &B) were assessed pre and post treatment through assessing their vital signs: heart rate, and blood pressure to indicate the state of a patient's essential body functions Also, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (questionnaire) for measuring the circumstantial or temporary arousal of anxiety. Results : There was no statistical significant difference in heart rate between the pretreatment values compared to post treatment values in both groups (A&B) and there was no significant difference between both groups (A&B) when comparing heart rate post treatment values , while for systolic and diastolic blood pressure in group (A) there was a statistical significant decrease in post treatment values compared with pretreatment values, while there was no statistical significant difference between the pretreatment and post treatment values in group (B).When comparing the post treatment values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure of both groups there was a statistical significant decrease for favor of group (A) when compared to group (B), and for the Stait trait anxiety inventory questionnaire there was a statistical significant decrease between the pretreatment values compared to the post treatment values in both groups .When comparing the post treatment values of both groups there was a statistical significant decrease for favor of group (A) than group (B). Conclusion: Application of acupressure is effective in decreasing preoperative cesarean section anxiety.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  10. Samar Saeed Nagy Mohamed, Msc, Salwa FadlAbd El Majeed, PhD, HatemEl- Azizi, PhD and Hamed El Khozamy, PhD
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    Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is associated with various consequences all over the knee (e.g. meniscal tear and osteoarthritis). Spinal core stabilizers play an important role in stabilizing the knee and preventing injury, but with minimal supporting evidence. Objective: To identify the relationship between non-contact ACL injury and core muscles weakness. Methods: Sixty subjects with their ages ranged from 20 to 40 years old, allocated into two equal groups; Group A(ACL group): with non-contact ACL injury, and Group B (control group): Age matched healthy volunteer all are free from chronic or acute knee injuries. Each participant was assessed for Transversusabdominis (TrA) thickness (in static and dynamic situations) using rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) and endurance of TrA using pressure biofeedback. Results: There were a significant decrease in static and dynamic muscle thickness and TrA endurance in ACL group compared with that of normal group (p ≤0.01), weak positive significant correlations for TrA endurance with dynamic thickness (r = 0.27, p = 0.03) Conclusion: TrA strength and endurance can help in prevention and treatment of non- contact ACL injury.

    Pub. Date: June 26, 2021
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  11. Awny Foaad Rahmy, Emad Mohamed Ibrahim and Shokry Mahmoud Youssef
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    Aim: This Study aimed to compare the effect of interferential therapy versus aerobic exercise on the adult patient that suffer from chronic constipation. Subject and Methods: Thirty chronic constipation patients were participated in this study (16 female with percentage of 53% and 14 male with percentage of 47%). Their age ranged from 20-40.All patient were assessed by Abdominal Ultrasonic and constipation scoring system respectively. They were divided into two groups. Group A receive interferential therapy sessions three sessions per week for four weeks while group B receive aerobic exercise sessions in form of stationary bicycle three sessions per week for four weeks. Results: The analysis of the current study revealed a significant improvement in constipation scoring system for both Group A (interferential therapy Group) and also for Group B(Aerobic exercise Group) as follow: Increase frequency of bowel movement and decrease in (painful evacuation effort, feeling of incomplete evacuation, abdominal pain, minute in lavatory per attempt, type of assistance, Total constipation scoring system score and both group also show no significance difference in attempt for evacuation per 24 hours and duration of constipation (years).therefore no significance between the effect of interferential therapy versus aerobic exercise on chronic constipation patients. Conclusion: Both Interferential therapy and Aerobic exercise significantly affect constipation symptoms but no significance difference between the effect of interferential therapy versus aerobic exercise on chronic constipation patients.

    Pub. Date: June 26, 2021
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  12. Medina Cortez Luis Eduardo, Montoya Hernandez Dewi and Gomez Espindola Juan Carlos
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    Las fracturas de tobillo, pueden ocasionar lesiones con compromiso de las articulaciones tibioastragalina y tibioperonea, que requeriran ser manejadas dentro de una sala de quirófano para lograr una restitución funcional y anatómica que nos permita recuperar la movilidad de la extermidad y disminuir el dolor. Sin embargo, el tratamiento quirúrgico de estas fracturas no siempre se realiza de la mejor manera, y uno o varios factores, ya sean intrínsecos o extrinsecos, ocasionan un fallo en el tratamiento con una evolución tórpida y desarrollo de complicaciones que van desde la deformidad angular de la extremidad, el fallo o rechazo del material de osteosíntesis, persistencia del dolor, desarrollo de seudoartrosis o procesos infecciosos agregados por mencionar algunos. Dentro de la técnica quirúrgica para la reducción y fijación de las fracturas de tobillo, la restitución de la anatomía del peroné es imperativa para el exito del tratamiento, sin embargo, a pesar de realizar un manejo adecuado de la fractura, algunos pacientes presentan dolor y/o limitación funcionales que no mejoran después de la cirugìa, y pueden tener una relación con una restituciòn inadecuada de la longitud del peroné. Éste trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo realizar una descripción de los casos presentados del 2015 al 2020 de aquellos pacientes con un acortamiento del peroné después de haber sido sometidos a un tratamiento quirúrgico por una fractura de tobillo en el Centro Médico Naval a través de la revisión de los expedientes clínicos y radiográficos de los pacientes. De un total de 253 expedientes revisados, nos encontramos con 6 casos, que a pesar de la reducción quirúrgica de las fracturas, el acortamiento del peroné postoperatorio estuvo presente. La prevalencia de signos radiológicos de esta condición medica en nuestro estudio, ha demostrado ser más frecuente de lo esperado, y es un hallazgo que deberá buscarse de manera intencionada, ya que su presencia en nuestros pacientes se encontró por arriba de lo reportado en la literatura.

    Pub. Date: June 26, 2021
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  13. Dr. Umesh.K, Dr. Palanivel Pandian, R, Dr. Ravisankar, B, Dr. Subashree, T, Dr. Manoj Kumar.G and Dr. Fathima Parvin.S
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    Introduction: Oral health is a key indicator of overall health, wellbeing and quality of life. It is important for nurses to have adequate knowledge about oral health to be able to provide necessary care and to at least detect few abnormalities in the mouth in order to achieve an optimal health status. The aim of this study was to examine oral health knowledge regarding oral diseases and oral hygiene among nursing students at Madurai City. Materials and Methods: It is a cross sectional questionnaire study conducted among 370 nursing college students in Madurai city. The study samples were divided into categories according to the year of study and a questionnaire was given to them to check for the Oral health Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among them. It was a single visit survey in which the questionnaire was collected from them and the data were segregated for statistical analysis. Results: The results from the study shows that the knowledge practice and attitude towards oral health for nursing students is comparatively less. Only 72.6% students had knowledge on importance of oral health 52.9% students had the attitude of maintaining the oral health and only 48.2% of them practice a negligible oral hygiene practice. Conclusion: The study concludes that although most of the students had satisfactory basic knowledge about oral health, attitude among the nursing students which was considerably lower than what would be expected. Nursing students are in need to raise their awareness about the importance of oral health to be competent in giving oral health care advices to the public as a part of the primary healthcare team.

    Pub. Date: June 26, 2021
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  14. Aya T- Allah Mohamed Nabil Mohamed, Hala Mohamed Hanafy, Hossam Al-Din H. Kamel and Reham E. Hamoda
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    Background: Back pain is one of the most common problems that occur after pregnancy in postpartum period that affects quality of life. According to a lot of studies women's which complain of low back pain in postpartum period reporting disorders in the trunk. Objective: the main objective of the study was to find the correlation between low back pain and trunk proprioception in postpartum period. Methodology: 20 participants suffered from low back pain in postpartum period and 20 normal participants as a control group their ages ranged from 25 to 35 years old and their body mass index less than 30. Trunk proprioception at 30 degree and at 60 degree. Results: There was a significant effect of low back pain on trunk proprioception at 30 degree and 60 degree flexion (p = 0.0001) and (p= 0.0001)) respectively. There was a positive significant correlation between score of visual analogue scale and degree of angular error in 30 degree flexion and 60 degree flexion (p=0.002) and (p=0.003) respectively. Conclusion: There is a correlation between low back pain and trunk proprioception defect. The proportional between trunk proprioception angular error with VAS was direct.

    Pub. Date: June 26, 2021
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  15. Mujinga Ilunga Winnie, Philippe Donnen and MalongaKaj Françoise

    En République démocratique du Congo, un enfant sur deux est malnutri et cela constitue un problème de santé publique.Les projections internationales révèlent que sur un total de 52 millions d’enfants en malnutrition aiguë, 33 millions souffriraient de la malnutrition aiguë modérée. Objectif: déterminer les facteurs qui sont à la base de la malnutrition à Luwowoshi, en explorant: la prévalence de la malnutrition, le score de la sécurité alimentaire, le statut vaccinal, les connaissances et pratiques sur l’alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant. Méthodologie: notre étude est descriptive transversale à visée analytique, réalisée durant la période allant du 18 avril au 25avril 2016, sur un échantillon aléatoire simple constitué des 422 gardiens d’enfants âgés de 6 à 23 mois. Les variablesscrutés sont: Pour le gardien: niveau des études, niveau des connaissances et des pratiques sur l’ANJE (l’alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant). - Pour l’enfant: l’âge, le sexe, le statut vaccinal, l’indice poids sur taille, le rappel de 24h de la ration alimentaire, la durée de l’allaitement maternel exclusif, l’âge lors de la supplémentation à l’aliment de complément, et l’âge lors de l’admission au plat familial. - Pour le ménage: la sécurité alimentaire. La collecte des données a été faite par interview structurée,prise des mesures anthropométriques et observation des œdèmes. Les logiciels EPI info. 7. 2.6 et Anthroé l’analyse des données. Résultatssuivants ont été enregistrés: • Pour les mères: • 97,9% des gardiens étaient les mères biologiques des enfants, • 99 % avaient un âge compris entre 18 et 35 ans, • 89,6% avaient un niveau d’études inférieur à 4 ans post primaire, • 28 % ont répondu correctement au contrôle des connaissances sur l’ANJE ; • Pour les enfants: • 44,8% étaient de sexe masculin, • 35,8% avaient un âge inférieur à 12 mois, • 39,1% avaient un statut vaccinal non en ordre par rapport à leur âge, • 7,8 % avaient une émaciation globale (6,6% pour la MAM et 1,2% pour la MAS), • 82,5% recevaient une alimentation non diversifiée au rappel de 24h, • 11,8% ont été allaités exclusivement, • 85% ont eu un aliment de complément avant 6 mois, • et 92,8 % ont été admis au plat familial avant 12 mois ; • Pour des ménages: • 80,6% vivaient dans l’insécurité alimentaire. En associant les différentes variables à la malnutrition aiguë modérée, l’Odds ratio ajusté avec l’intervalle de confiance à 95% donne: l’âge de 6 à 11 mois est prédictif à 12,2% (P<0,001), le statut vaccinal non en ordre favorable à 9,9% (P=0,041) et l’insécurité alimentaire dans les ménages propice à 12,4 % (P<0,02) à la malnutrition aiguë modérée. La régression logistique dans le même cadre révélait que l’enfant de moins de 12 mois avait 3,3 fois plus de risques de faire la MAM (malnutrition aiguë modérée) (1,4 – 7,5), (p=0,005), que de même l’enfant dont le statut vaccinal était non à jour avait une probabilité 3,3 fois plus de faire la MAM (1,4 – 8,0), (p = 0,007) et que l’enfant qui vivait dans un ménage où il y avait l’insécurité alimentaire était 3,0 fois plus exposé à faire la MAM (1,2 – 7,7), (p = 0,02). En conclusion: le jeune âge de l’enfant, le statut vaccinal non en ordre avec l’âge de l’enfant et l’insécurité alimentaire dans le ménage sont des facteurs liés à la malnutrition aiguë modérée à LUWOWOSHI.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  16. Dr. Archana Arya, Dr. ZebaMalik and Dr. Sanjay Kumar Tripathi
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    Objective: In an autoimmune disease, there is a wrong action of our defense mechanism against the body's own tissue. Autoimmunity is group of illnesses that include almost every organ system. RASAYANA is a unique branch of Ayurveda. Rasayanchikitsa is also known as rejuvenation therapy. It promotes the inner healing power of an individual and helps him in over taking the pain and disease while promoting the immunity (SVASTHASYA ORJASKARAM).Method: References regarding Rasayanaand Autoimmunedisease were collected from various textbooks, published research papers, previous work done. Result: Rasayana is the method of management by which the excellent form of rasa is maintained in the body. The purpose of Rasayana is to obtain strength, immunity, ojus, and removal of toxins. One of the results of Rasayana is increasing Ojus, which is the factor responsible for Vyadhikshamtav (Immunity).Rasayana drugs probably reduce stress levels by affecting anti-oxidant levels. So these Rasayana drugs act as potent antioxidants and immunomodulators. Like Guduchi, Ashwagandha, Amalaki etc., have proven effects in autoimmune diseases. Conclusion: It can be concluded that Rasayana builds natural resistance against infection, increases immunity and have an immunomodulator effect, which prevents any kind of autoimmune disorders.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  17. Lawanya Pandey, Gayatri Sawale and Amisha Punmiya
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    Montelukast is a specific cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist, belonging to the quinoline series and therapeutic agent used for the treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. This review described the impurities, toxicity studies, adverse effects of drug montelukast. The presence of impurities affect the efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical products. Sulfoxide impurity was found to be having a major effect on efficacy. The common adverse effects found were headache, upper respiratory infection and Neuropsychiatric Events, which were not much different compared to placebo. Toxicities of montelukast impurities have to be carefully improved because it is chronically used in patients, particularly children. These studies implied its effectiveness and tolerance in children. It also has been associated with Churg-Strauss syndrome in a small number of adults. We have studied comparative action and side effects of Montelukast with other drugs along with some drug-drug interaction studies. The relation between neuropsychiatric events and montelukast's use is clarified in this review. Major concerns of montelukast-associated adverse drug reactions included the Churg-Strauss syndrome. This drug has some inhibitory effect on Cytochrome enzymes required in drug metabolism. In drug-interaction studies, the recommended dose of montelukast with effect on pharmacokinetics of various drugs are discussed. Our findings suggested that the toxicity of drug impurities can be monitored by measuring its level, safety profile and under good supervision.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  18. Dr. Danish Nouman and Dr. Kayinat Hassan

    Background: Neck pain is predictable among people of all ages, everyone faces trouble with neck pain because of thepoor posture and prolong use of electronic devices. College Students also experience neck pain as they spend most of the time in college. They work with faculty posture on computers, slouch on desk & carry backpacks on one shoulder etc; therefore, the study aims to find the prevalence of neck pain due to bad sitting posture in college students. Method: A cross-sectional study was used. Total number of participants were 100 (58 females & 42 males), aged between 19-24 years and a questionnaire consisting of two parts i.e. Part 1: Numeric pain rating scale and Part 2: standard administered Questionnaire was filled by them. Result: The prevalence of neck pain is more in females than in males. Out of 100 students 58 experiences mild pain, 37 moderate pain and 5 severe pain. Conclusion: Major etiology of neck pain was prolonged static sitting posture with the forward head Bend.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  19. Dr. Sunil Kumar Negi, Dr. D.K Verma, Dr. Bharat and Dr. Cliffin Mathai Kattoor
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    Accidentally swallowed dentures are one of most common foreign bodies of upper digestive tract in elderly people and it can lead to severe complications such as esophageal rupture , hematemesis and mediastinitis. Therefore an early detection and early intervention are important. We are reporting a case of accidentally swallowed denture. After failure of endoscopic retrieval, patient underwent surgery. This case highlights the importance of surgical intervention for patients with impacted dentures.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  20. Dr. Sunil Kumar Negi, Dr. R.S Jhobta, Dr. Vivek Kumar and Dr. Cliffin Mattai Kattor
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    A penetrating injury is caused by sharp-pointed objects like wooden piece, iron bar, knives, glass pieces, blade, spears and gun shots etc. These can cause injuries to solid organs and hollow viscera and major vessels of the body. This condition can lead to peritonitis, shock and even death if major vessels were injured. We report a case of penetrating injury to right side of thigh by sharp piece of iron and foreign body lying in retro-peritoneum sparing major vessels.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  21. Haytham M Elhafez, Alyaa MA Elgendy, Hayam M Hamza and Nabil M Ismaiel

    Open Chain Segmental Control, Closed Chain Segmental Control, Spinopelvic Angles, Asymptomatic Subjects. Purpose: This study aimed to measure of spinopelvic angles after application of open chain segmental control exercises versus closed chain segmental control exercises, pre and post application. Method: Twenty eight participants were randomly divided into two groups, groups A and B. Group A (n=15) received open chain segmental control exercises for four weeks. Group B (n=13) received closed chain segmental control exercises for four weeks. X-Ray and Corel draw software were used to evaluate participants' pelvic angles, pre and post-treatment. Methods: spinopelvic angles were measured before and after treatment in both groups. Spinopelvic angles were pelvic tilt (PT), pelvic incidence (PI), sacral slope (SS) and lumbar lordosis (LL). Results: There were changes in angles of spinopelvic parameters in both groups. The significant difference in pelvic tilt was shown in group "A" while there was a significant difference in pelvic incidence angle in group "B". Conclusion: Both open chain segmental control exercises and closed chain segmental control exercises showed a significance difference before and after application in spinopelvic angles.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  22. Christo Damyanov, MD, PhD, Aleksandar Todorov MD and Vladimir Pavlov MD
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    The review of the effectiveness of the reductionist approach in the treatment of oncological diseases shows insignificant progress in the treatment of oncological diseases. This is due to the use of a limited set of treatment methods mainly in the field of biochemistry and ignoring many scientific advances in biology and biophysics. Based on the accumulated clinical experience from the application of a systematic approach in the treatment of cancer and the achievements of modern biophysics, we created and introduced in our clinical practice the method IPT & BPT, which is a combined application of Insulin Potentiated Therapy and Biomagnetic Therapy with Magnetic Pairs. Our first results presented in two consecutive publications gave us confidence in the new opportunities in this direction. The experience gained so far has given us the opportunity to streamline the application of Biomagnetic therapy with magnetic pairs using Scalar information transfer for correction of magnetic depolarization. Subsequently, we created a protocol for Scalar IPT & BPT, replacing the intravenous administration of chemotherapeutics with scalar transfer of the same drugs. The first results of the modified IPT & BPT method will be presented in our next publication.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
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  23. Dr. Suryaprabha, V., Dr. Ram Chandra, Dr. Ram Kumar and Dr. Daisy Prabhu
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    A 44year reproductive age woman came to outpatient Department of Gynaecology, Anil Neerukonda Hospital with complaints of excessive bleeding (Menorrhagia) and abdominal pain. Evaluation and Treatment of Cystic lesions which are often encountered and rarely diagnosed in Urogynecological practice. This is a rare case and will be confused with other cysts like Retrorectal cyst12 ,Tailgut duplication cyst or Cyst arising from anterior wall of rectum and also Gynaecological cysts like Gartner’s cyst1,Paravaginal Dermoid cyst10 and Retention cysts like Epidermoid Cysts and Squamous inclusion cyst. Cystic lesion of vagina are benign. Mostly they may haveembryological origin, Ectopic tissue or Neurological abnormality .Awareness of these conditions is very important for diagnosis and treatment. While these lesions may be detected on ultrasound (US), Computed tomography (CT), or MRI. MRI has superior contrast resolution and allows for distinction between the various types of cysts, with location being the most important discriminating factor(Anuj Gupta, D.O., James E. Kovacs, D.O.). In females, the diverticula commonly extend from the posterolateral wall of the mid-portion of the short female urethra. During voiding cystourethrography (VCUG), they are best portrayed on post void images. On transrectal or transperineal US, a cystic mass with complex fluid in proximity to the urethra will be seen anterior to the vaginal wall. Trans perineal US may be useful as an initial diagnostic examination tool; however, transrectal US will have greater specificity for small diverticula. Advantages of US over CT include better localization, lack of radiation, and capacity to differentiate solid from cystic masses. CT will demonstrate a periurethral lesion with low attenuation. On MRI, urethral diverticula will contain T1 hypo intense and T2 hyperintense fluid signal intensity. Postcontrast imaging with Gadolinium can be used to evaluate for infection or inflammation. To differentiate and diagnose the origin of mass above investigations are necessary as mentioned in above articles .The main aim of presenting this case is of its size which occupying below from vulvar outlet to 1inch above the vault and laterally complete left lateral wall clinically. On clinical examination and examination under anaesthesia the upper border of the mass could not be felt causing clinical dilemma. The radiological imaging by Ultrasonography could not throw much light regarding type location and origin of mass. MRI was done to know the plane of mass. As patient had abnormal uterine bleeding and mass is very big up to vault planned for surgery by abdominal pelvic approach. Total abdominal hysterectomy was done, ovaries left behind as they are healthy. Cyst excised through vaginal route and sent for histopathology.

    Pub. Date: June 30, 2021
    Paper No: