Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease (KD) is a rare and self-limiting disease. It is characterized by benign necrotizing lymphadenitis, which is accompanied by fever and lymphadenopathy, with or without extension to other organs, such as skin, eyes and bone marrow. The histopathological characteristics of this disease are nuclear debris surrounded by a histiocytic infiltrate with different degrees of lymphocytes and immunoblast. Its etiology is unknown, it has been associated with systemic lupus erythematosus and infections by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), parvovirus B-19, HIV and humanos herpesvirus 6; although the nature of the relationship is unclear. The case of a girl with Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease is presented.
April 2020
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:Pub. Date: April 30, 2020Paper No:2854
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
La esterilización es un conjunto de operaciones destinadas a eliminar o matar todas las formas de seres vivientes, contenidos en un objeto o sustancia. Todo articulo crítico debe ser sometido a algún método de esterilización de acuerdo con su compatibilidad, este proceso es de suma importancia a nivel hospitalario especialmente en todo material y equipo para uso en diversos procedimientos para atención médica. El objetivodel presente estudio fue demostrar la efectividad del monitoreo de los procesos de esterilización a calor húmedo/vapor saturado a través de controles biológicos utilizados en el centro médico naval. Material Y Metodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y longitudinal, donde se incluyeron 70 cargas de esterilización a calor húmedo/vapor saturado mismas que contenían o no implantes quirúrgicos, ambas cargas fueron monitorizados con indicadores químicos y biológicos. se consultaron bitácoras de registro de cargas de esterilización, registros de hoja de cirugía segura, se observó el resultadodel indicador biológico en autolector una vez concluido el proceso de esterilización,asimismo de observaron los resultados de registro de indicadores químicos virados de cargas con implantes y sin implantes quirúrgicos posterior al proceso de esterilización. Resultados: Del número de cargas esterilizadas a calor húmedo/vapor saturado monitorizadas por controles físicos, indicadores químicos y biológicos, el 64.3% contenían implantes quirúrgicos y el 35.7% no tenían implantes quirúrgicos. El monitoreo empleado en las cargas 22.9% fue por medio de monitoreo fisicoquímico y 77.1% monitoreo físico, químico y biológico. Los resultados de los indicadores químicos fueron virados al 100% en todas las cargas, los resultados de los Indicadores biológicos todos fueron negativos. Se observa el número de cargas esterilizadas a vapor que contenían o no implantes quirúrgicos del 100% de los cuales el 64.3% si contenían implantes quirúrgicos y el 35.7% no tenían implantes quirúrgicos. Se observa que los indicadores químicos que contenían las cargas de esterilización el 100% fue virado. Se observa que del 100% de cargas que contenían IB rápidos o extrarapido de acuerdo con el resultado del autolector fueron negativo. Conclusiones: El Centro Médico Naval destina recursos para atenciones médicas con la finalidad de obtener material, equipo e instrumental quirúrgico seguro, mismo que es empleado en diversos procedimientos quirúrgicos, hospitalarios y en consulta externa. Los cuales se monitorizan mediante controles físicos, indicadores químicos y biológicos, estos controles son efectivos en conjunto, es por eso la importancia de contar con todos, para asegurarnos de un buen control, calidad y seguridad, no sería posible un monitoreo efectivo con el uso de un solo control.
Pub. Date: April 30, 2020Paper No:2955 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Introducción: La faringoamigdalitis recurrente en la actualidad constituye uno de los motivos más frecuentes en la consulta médica, siendo los niños menores de 5 años los más afectados con presentación del 37%,9 y en adultos del 5-15%, que según la Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM) 024 forma parte de la estadística como principal causa de consulta en nuestro país, el agente bacteriano causal más frecuente es el Streptococco B hemolítico del grupo A (SBHGA) ó S. Pyogenes,2 37% en niños y adultos 10%, lo cual contribuye a que la amigdalectomía sea la cirugía más realizada en Otorrinolaringología. Objetivo: Determinar si existe relación entre el agente etiológico bacteriano de la faringoamigdalitis recurrente y el índice de resistencia farmacológica, mediante el cultivo de exudado faríngeo con antibiograma, en nuestra población de derechohabientes sometida a amigdalectomía. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo y se obtuvieron datos del expediente clínico de 63 pacientes que fueron amigdalectomizados por causas infecciosas del año 2013 a 2015 en el Hospital Naval de Mazatlán, que en su expediente contaban con resultado de cultivo de exudado faríngeo con antibiograma. Para el análisis de datos se aplicarón diferentes pruebas estadísticas como Smirnov-Kolmogorov, Chi cuadrada, T de Student, ANOVA y Odds ratio. Resultados: Se obtuvieron resultados significativos, la mayoría de los pacientes presentó amigdalitis recurrente (58.7%), adenoamigdalitis (39.7%) y solo un paciente con absceso amigdalino unilateral (1.6%). Se encontró predominio del Estafilococcos Aureus (50%) como agente etiológico, respecto al SBHGA con 36.1%, asimismo se identificó con mayor frecuencia en individuos menores de 12 años y de 40 a 49 años; mientras que el Streptococco Beta hemolítico del grupo A fue más frecuente en pacientes de 19 a 39 años. Tambien se encontró que el 61.1% presentó resistencia a bacteriostáticos y bactericidas, y se identificó al S. Pyogenes con resistencia bacteriana del 38.9% a penicilina, mientras que el E. Aureus con 52.8% de resistencia. Conclusiones: A diferencia de lo reportado en la literatura, el Estafilococcos aureus fue el agente causal aislado con mayor frecuencia en los pacientes sometidos a amigdalectomía, lo que nos sugiere que el uso de antibióticos que se prescriben de forma convencional podría no ser el adecuado, favoreciendo la resistencia antimicrobiana y consecuentemente la recurrencia de los procesos infecciosos; otro hallazgo importante, fue que el Streptococco Beta Hemolítico del grupo A presentó un índice de resistencia a la penicilina.
Pub. Date: April 30, 2020Paper No:2960 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
In the article review genre was learned with the examples of industry newspapers of Karakalpakstan. Analyzing its genre differences were looked through the problems related to the skills of national journalists. And also in the materials in the printed review genre “Karakalpak literature” in the polygraphy and in the newspaper “Nukus pedagogical institute” the peculiarity of the use of the language of journalists was checked. Intrinsic requirements and tasks of materials were talked in the review genre. The aim of this article is to analyze from a language point of view published materials in the printing industry and show the place of the genre that gives suitable ideas to readers and authors, and the task is to direct to evaluate disinterestedly every newspaper reader of a newspaper language through the language of the review genre. In Karakalpakstan printing, especially in the industry newspaper the review genre materials are often published shortly and insufficiently. Also, the problem in the specific industry, its decision or stages of development is covered. That’s why the study of this genre in the language aspect clarifies the relevance of the topic. A review genre, its theory were learned by national researchers. But among analytical genres, the language of the survey genre is considered a scientific novelty which is analyzed for the first time, the difference in the use of language units, the form of the story of other genres. In the article content, subjects and storytelling of the materials were analyzed mainly in the eight review genre. Their object research feature of the subject is shown. The most important review genre, which was considered one of the leading genres in printing, attracts the attention of every newspaper reader. Because newspaper printed materials are studied widely, are analyzed and are given important recommendations. Mainly, in the genre language we can see truthfulness and the conclusion of deep research.
Pub. Date: April 30, 2020Paper No: -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: Flat foot deformity is frequently encountered in pediatric orthopedic and rehabilitation practices. The effects of footwear on the development of children's feet has been debated for many years and recent work from the developmental and biomechanical literature has challenged long-held views about footwear and the impact on foot development. This narrative review draws upon existing studies from developmental, biomechanical and clinical literature to explore the effects of footwear on the development of the foot. The emerging findings from this support the need for progress in [children's] footwear science and advance understanding of the interaction between the foot and shoe. Ensuring clear and credible messages inform practice requires a progressive evidence base but this remains big issue in children's footwear research. Aim of the study: the present study aimed to investigate and determine the role of footwear as a predictive factor for flatfoot in children of urban and rural communities. Material and methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out on 90 Egyptian preschoolers aged 5-7 years to find the role of footwear on flatfeet prediction , at New Cairo Hospital including both sexes data were collected by using foot print analysis using clark’s angle. Results: The mean ± SD Clarke angle of barefoot, closed shoes and sandals & slippers groups were 34.06 ± 4.47, 12.6 ± 3.79 and 26.03 ± 5.09degrees.Therewas a significant difference in Clarke angle between barefoot, closed shoes and sandals & slippers groups (p = 0.0001). The mean difference between barefoot and closed shoes groups was 21.46 degrees. There was a significant increase in Clarke angle of barefoot group compared with closed shoes group (p=0.0001). The mean difference between barefoot and sandals & slippers groups was 8.03 degrees. There was a significant increase in Clarke angle of barefoot group compared with sandals &slippers group (p = 0.0001). The mean difference between closed shoes and sandals & slippers groups was -13.43 degrees. There was a significant decrease in Clarke angle of closed shoes group compared with sandals & slippers group (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: It was demonstrated that positive significant correlation between wearing shoes at early age and the risk factor of flatfoot .As there is a positive obvious correlation between flatfoot and ligamentous laxity.
Pub. Date: April 30, 2020Paper No: -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines chronic pain as: “Persistent pain, which can be continuous or recurring, whose duration and intensity are sufficient to adversely affect the well-being of a patient, their level of functionality and quality of life”. Chronic pain is a global health problem, affecting between 15-25% of adult population, even increasing up to 50% for geriatric population over 65 years old. In the 1960s, the term “catastrophizing” was used to describe a mal-adaptive cognitive style employed by patients with anxiety and depressive disorders, for example, Beck (1967) described the catastrophe as a "cognitive distortion" that could contribute to the development or exacerbation of depression symptoms. Sullivan et al. in 1995developed the Pain catastrophizing Scale (PCS) in effort to obtain a comprehensive assessment instrument that would cover different perspectives. The catastrophizing is currently defined as: An irrational negative mental forecast of future events, during the actual or anticipated painful experience. Individuals vary the way to express or display experience of pain. When people express pain through multiple behaviors, they are likely to attract the attention of other people in their social environment. It is only through clear communication of distress that others in your social setting will be able to determine that assistance is necessary. Cognitive restructuring is the typical strategy to reduce dysfunctional thinking. This approach centers on identifying automatic and maladaptive cognitions and replacing them with more rational and realistic thoughts (Beck, 1995). As a result of catastrophic patients’ observation, it is noted that exaggerated signs of pain they express may result in an unstable, but sustainable balance between fulfill the support needs and the increasing in pain-related distress. Recent neuroimaging studies have shown that brain areas responsible for attention modulation are more likely to be activated in catastrophic pain experiences. Creating strategies and considering these aspects in the management of patients with chronic pain is responsibility of professionals in order to provide optimal treatment and understanding.
Pub. Date: April 30, 2020Paper No:2989