In the article review genre was learned with the examples of industry newspapers of Karakalpakstan. Analyzing its genre differences were looked through the problems related to the skills of national journalists. And also in the materials in the printed review genre “Karakalpak literature” in the polygraphy and in the newspaper “Nukus pedagogical institute” the peculiarity of the use of the language of journalists was checked. Intrinsic requirements and tasks of materials were talked in the review genre. The aim of this article is to analyze from a language point of view published materials in the printing industry and show the place of the genre that gives suitable ideas to readers and authors, and the task is to direct to evaluate disinterestedly every newspaper reader of a newspaper language through the language of the review genre. In Karakalpakstan printing, especially in the industry newspaper the review genre materials are often published shortly and insufficiently. Also, the problem in the specific industry, its decision or stages of development is covered. That’s why the study of this genre in the language aspect clarifies the relevance of the topic. A review genre, its theory were learned by national researchers. But among analytical genres, the language of the survey genre is considered a scientific novelty which is analyzed for the first time, the difference in the use of language units, the form of the story of other genres. In the article content, subjects and storytelling of the materials were analyzed mainly in the eight review genre. Their object research feature of the subject is shown. The most important review genre, which was considered one of the leading genres in printing, attracts the attention of every newspaper reader. Because newspaper printed materials are studied widely, are analyzed and are given important recommendations. Mainly, in the genre language we can see truthfulness and the conclusion of deep research.