Background: Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excessive body fat that causes damage to the individual's health and is associated with comorbidities such as Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension and vascular dysfunction. Common traditional treatments utilized for obesity include medications, surgicalinterference, exercises and diet programs. Few studies have investigated magnetic field treatments for obesity. Purpose: Toinvestigate the effect ofpulsed low frequency magnetic field on obese subjects. Material and Methods: Forty subjects from both genders having body mass index from 30 to 40, their ages ranged from 35 to 45 years oldwere selected. Results: Within 2 groups: There was a significant decrease in body mass index and triglyceride. In group A, there was a significant increase in total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and decrease in high density lipoprotein, In group B there was a significant decrease in T.CH, LDL and increased in HDL. Conclusion: The application of LF-PMF on obese subjects has apositive effect on BMI and serum TGs, but it has anegative effect on HDL, serum T.CH and LDL.
June 2015
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:162
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The wine industry is one of the most important in Cuyo. Considering the entire wine sector, it can be mentioned that there are associated risks with growing vine, secondly, the associated risks with the process of winemaking. This agro-industrial activity are marked by high transience of workers. At harvest time, the largest number of workers is concentrated, since the contracting meets the needs of growing grapes and special specified conditions for wine making. In addition, there are many production processes, depending on the oenological practices that are carried out at each of the wineries. On the other hand, currently all companies must implement obligatory prevention systems that are able to ensure the safety and health of workers as established in Argentine National Security and Health at Work Law, Number 19587. Industrial accidents are a major physical, psychological and social. Also occupational claims ratio is a social prejudice in the worker's environment, and in turn, economic decline, since in most cases involves the absence or incapacity to perform productive activity. Therefore, in this paper, despite the multiple processes of winemaking, unacceptable risks identification is performed, considering all the possibilities of winemaking. The identification and assessment of risks are fundamental to establish the necessary preventive measures in order to minimize the threat, which generate in the physical, mental and social integrity of the worker. Then, each risk was analyzed and evaluated. Mitigation measures implementation are proposed for identified risks in each stage of this industrial activity. In practice, these measures reduce the frequency and / or severity of a hazardous event. Subsequently different prevention measures, such as process control and organizational measures are proposed.
Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:245 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The process of urbanization, as a necessity for societal change, is always thought as a prerequisite for increasing the levels of national production and per capita GDP. But the recurring fact remains that in developing and least developed nations, poverty in terms of income, living conditions and the ever-growing demands to house these immigrants are not being met and is still a persistent feature in this 21st century (Kundu, 2003). The two main objectives of the study are to analyze/ ascertain the socio-economic conditions of pavement dwellers living in squatter settlements, focusing on their education, occupation, income, hygiene and sanitation issues; secondly, and studying the status of women pavement dwellers living in squatter settlements regarding their decision-making power, financial security and how they cope with the constraints they face during bearing and rearing children in their mundane lives. A study was conducted on a sample of 30 pavement dwellers (both men and women) living in squatter settlements in Kamarhati municipality area of Kolkata. The collected data and the available secondary literature were used for analysis. The data revealed that majority of the pavement dwellers, living in squatter settlements, have primary education, temporary labour work with average monthly income of Rs.1500 for men and job of maid servants with average monthly income of Rs.2000 for women. For drinking, bathing and washing clothes and utensils, they utilize road-side taps and/or nearby ponds; and for sanitary usage temporary make-shift toilets on top of high-drains were used. Moreover data highlighted that, most working females who work, contributed to the family, although most of the family decisions were taken by male members. Daily constraints which women face during pregnancy and socialization of children are helped out by other nearby women pavement dwellers living in squatter settlements and this was considered as normal condition for them.
Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:248 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Quadrature modulation systems are used in satellite communication. I and Q are two channels which are represented in modulated signals. One of the schemes of Quadrature modulation is offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying produces the phase ambiguity in carrier recovery process which can be eliminated with OQPSK.Also OQPSK ensures high speed transmission in optical Networks. Due to more requirements of the radio channels, spectral effective modulations are intended to diminish spectral overload of communication systems. One such methods of modulation is offset QPSK. Forward Error Correction (FEC) is proposed in this paper for the OQPSK transmitter. Convolutional encoders are used in FEC for the process of encoding. FEC is technique that introduces redundancy to allow correction of error. Forward error correction is achieved by using convolution method. FEC technique is used in audio and video applications.The convolutional encoder with half the rate of input data stream and constraint length k=3 & k=7 are designed and corresponding source codes are generated. The source codes for the two encoders are programmed using MATLAB and VHDL. The outputs of MATLAB source code is used for comparison analysis of VHDL source code outputs. MATLAB is mainly used to check the functionality of the encoder. The convolution encoders are generated using MATLAB and VHDL code and their outputs are verified.
Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:249 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Objective: To determine the risk factors that related to filariasis incidence and also to give mapping of distribution of filariasis incidence at Pasaman Barat2014. Methods: This research uses is case control study design. Samplesconsisted of 38 cases and 38 controls. The datawere analyzed by usingunivariate, bivariate by using McNemar test, and multivariate. Results: The result showed thata risk factor is use of mosquito nets (OR =2, 67, 95% CI: 1.04-6.81), the habit of dressing (OR =3.50, 95% CI: 1.15-10.63), the marshes (OR =11,95% CI: 1.42-85, 20), the ceiling of the house (OR =3.67, 95% CI: 1.02-13.14). Risk factor had no significant correlation is knowledge level, educationlevel, ethnicity, wire netting, the habit ofeveningout, anti mosquito, animal reservoirs, plantation, rice fields, river, beach and bush. The highest spatial distribution of filari asisincidence are in the Sungai Aur. Conclusion: Spatial distribution of filariasis incidence is in thearea of oil palm plantations, swamps, river sandrice fields. The most dominan trisk factor was ceiling of the house. It is recommended to peopleto use mosquitos nets during sleepingandwear clothing that protects the entire body from mosquito bites. Implemente dimprovement and extension of the filariasis vector controlprograms and the types of mosquitoesin an integratedenvironment.
Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:251 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The study investigated the anti-inflammatory activity of an Ayurvedicherbo-mineral formulation, Chandra prabhavati (CV) which consist of 37 ingredients, in order to justify its claimed anti- inflammatory action, and also its underlying main anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Acute anti-inflammatory activity of CV was assessed using rat carrageenan- induced paw oedema test (doses tested: 1000, 2000 and 4000mg/kg, day following oral administration) and chronic anti-inflammatory activity with rat formaldyhyde-induced paw oedema assay (doses tested: 1000, 2000 and 4000mg/kg/day for 7 consecutive days). The results revealed that CV possesses marked and significant (P<0.05) acute (interms of simultaneous suppression of initial, (by 43.7%) maintance (by 47.6%) and late (36-56%) phases of carrageenan- induced paw oedema test) and chronic (interms of inhibition of oedema in formaldyhyde test) anti-inflammatory activity. These anti-inflammatory activities were dose-dependent and comparable to reference drug, indomethecin. In addition, CV showed marked and significant (P<0.05) anti-histamine activity (as determined by wheel test) and prostaglandin inhibitory activity (when tested in mouseenteropool assay). Together, these findings overly justify, for the first time, the recommendation of CV for inflammatory conditions in Ayurvedic medicine.
Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:252 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Background: Tuberculosis has emerged as one of the most lethal diseases man has ever faced. India accounts for nearly one third of global burden of tuberculosis. Tubercular lymphadenitis is the most common type of extra pulmonary tuberculosis. This study was done to assess the diagnostic significance of serum adenosine deaminase levels in FNAC confirmed cases of tuberculous lymphadenitis and to determine its sensitivity and specificity; and to rule out early tuberculosis in cases reported by FNAC as reactive lymphadenitis. Methods: A two year prospective study of 35 cases presenting with lymphadenitis from October 2010 to October 2012 was done. The study subjects were first confirmed by fine needle aspiration cytology and AFB staining. This was followed by the measurement of serum adenosine deaminase levels. Results: The mean age of the patients in the present study was 28 years with no significant difference in the gender distribution. Under reactive lymphadenitis, abscess, and suppurative lymphadenitis groups, reactive lymphadenitis was more common with 60% of cases. Under granulomatous lymphadenitis group, granulomatous lymphadenitis was more common with 80% of cases. Numbers of granulomas/20 HPF were significantly more associated with Tubercular lymphadenitis with p=0.008**. Number of giant cells /20 HPF were statistically similar in two groups with P=1.000. The most common significant range of serum adenosine deaminase levels was 31 to 40 U/L. Conclusion: Serum adenosine deaminase levels are an adjunct to FNAC in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis. As the number of granulomas increase, the serum adenosine deaminase levels also increases.
Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:253 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
Emotions play an important role in our daily life. AntonioDamasiofamously stated: “We are not thinking machines that feel; rather we are feeling machines that think”. Human emotions can be recognized through facial expression, speech and gesture. The use of electroencephalograms (EEGs) to understand and recognize human emotion has been widely studied, where those recognition techniques greatly benefit in human-computer interaction (HCI). In this investigation, we study the use of EEGs to recognize emotions. Pleasant and unpleasant images are used as stimuli to elicit human pleasant and unpleasant emotions.The brainwaves are recorded using a 9-electrode medical grade wireless EEG headset from Advance Brain Monitoring (ABM), the B-alert X10. The features comprising alpha, beta, gamma, theta, and delta bands are then extracted from the recorded brainwaves using time-frequency analysis. Different channels and rhythms are used in support vector machine (SVM) and K-nearest neighbors (KNN) classifiers to train and classify pleasant vs. unpleasant mind states. The best accuracy obtained was 70.43% using SVM with alpha and beta rhythmsfromchannel F3 and Fz, and also with gamma rhythms from channel POz.
Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:255 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
In vitro assessment of human erythrocyte membrane stabilisation activity of water extracts of Clitoria ternatea (Family: Fabaceae) roots, stem bark extracts of Stereospermum Suaveolens (Family: Bignoniaceae) and Oroxylum indicum (Family: Bignoniaceae), whole plants of Bacopa monnieri (Family: Plantaginaceae) and Alysicarpus vaginalis (Family: Fabaceae). Five different water extracts (600, 300. 150, 75, and 37.5 µg/ml) of each plant material were tested for human erythrocyte membrane stabilisation activity. The membrane stability activity of each plant material at different concentrations was measured spectrophotometrically at 540nm. Aspirin was used as the positive control and saline was used as the negative control. There was no in vitro human erythrocyte membrane stabilisation activity in the aqueous extracts of the plant materials used while aspirin at a concentration of 37.5µg/ml showed marked membrane stabilisation activity (25.45 ± 3.05 % inhibition). It is unlikely that anti inflammatory activities of C.ternatea, O.indicum, S. Suaveolens, B.monnieri and A.vaginalis are mediated via membrane stabilisation activity.
Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:260 -
Journal Area:ABSTRACT:
The present study was carried out to assess the effect of semi-ripe fruit pulp extract of Carica papaya (seeded and seedless fruits) on male albino Wistar rats. The aim of the present investigation is to analyse the mechanism of action of aqueous extract of seeded papaya fruit pulp and seed extract administered as a combined dose and seedless variety papaya fruit pulp extract on testicular function in male albino rats.The experimental animals were divided into three groups, Group - I served as control, experimental Group - II received combined papaya pulp and seed extract from seeded fruits and experimental Group - III received papaya pulp extract from seedless fruits. Experimental groups were orally administered with the extract (1gm / kg / body weight) for 60 days. These results indicate that Carica papaya semi-ripe seeded and seedless fruit pulp extract possess antifertility effects.
Pub. Date: June 29, 2015Paper No:264