Back ground: The prevalence of cerebral palsyin developing country is high. It is one of the most common causes of childhood physical disability. Purpose: To establish a registry of cerebral palsy in Port Said Governorate-Egypt. Subject and Methods: One hundred twenty children with cerebral palsy of both genders who were receiving physical therapy in Port Said Governorate participated in the study. Their ages ranged from one month to 18 years. They were recruited from three public hospitals and four private centers in Port Said Governorate. They were subjected to confidential modified Australian Registry Form.This study was conducted from December 2017 up to March 2018. Results: The findings revealed that the prevalence of CP children who received physicaltherapy services was 3/10000 live birth in Port Said Governorate. Boys represented 69.2% and girls represented 30.8% from total cases. The percentage of the types of cerebral palsy was about 91.6% spastic, 6.7% hypotonic and 1.7% dyskintic. According to Gross Motor Function Classification System; level V has the highest percentage. According to Manual Ability Classification Scale and Viking Speech Scale, level II has the highest percentage. Conclusion: Prevalence of cerebral palsy in Port Said Governorate is low. Spastic type of cerebral palsy has the highest frequency.