Life style disorders an ayurvedic approach

Dr. Ashok Naikar, Dr. Ganapathi rao, Dr. Leena Nayak

There are a group of diseases that shore similar risk factors, which may be due to exposure over many years, unhealthy diets, smoking, lack of exercise and stress generally complex to cure and modern medical system with its approach is still struggling to keep the disease condition leads to one another. There is a definite need of an alternative approach to understand the psycho-somatic effect on the human body produces life style diseases. Definitely an answer to life style disease brightens with the Ayurvedic approach. The Ayurvedic system of medicine proves the functioning of human body as a whole and any disease is understand due to imbalance of Tridoshas, Saptadhatus, malas and Agni respectively. Ayurvedic therapies validates the physical, psychological and spiritual wellness of an individual. This system has same importance to the preventive as well as to the curative aspects. Ayurveda provides various types to manage life style disorders by – Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Ratricharya, Panchakarma, Trayopasthambha palana, Sadvrritha, Acharya rasayana, Dharma palana, Yogapalana etc. all these procedures are followed to achieve a swasthya laxana, which gives an answer to life style diseases.

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