Majoon Aarad Khurma (MAK) is a famous traditional Unani medicine formula. It has been used in the treatment of diseases including Jeryan (Spermatorrhea), Muqawwiea Bah (Aphrodisiac) and Mughallize Mani. In present study an important Unani compound formulation Majoon Aarad Khurma has been modified into granular form using natural sweetening agent Stevia rebaudiana it is new dosage form. According to development of new dosage form there is need of safety profile. A new drug is always studied for its toxic effects so that its safety profile and therapeutic dose range can be determined. Not only new molecules/drugs but new combinations and new dosage forms are also screened for toxicity. Aim of the study: To provide information on the potential toxicity of GMAK, evaluated the acute toxicity in Swiss Mice. Materials and methods: In acute study, GMAK was administered orally at different dosage of 0.39 mg/kg b.wt, 5.73 mg/kg b.wt, 9.73 mg/kg b.wt, and 16.69 mg/kg b.wt respectively, the dose was calculated by Miller’s formula. In 24 hours observed behavioural and mortality., clinical signs, body weight changes, food and water consumption, were monitored during the study period. Results: The acute toxicity study was done on Swiss mice of either sex. The Hydro-Alcoholic extract of GMAK was administered orally at different dosage. In 24 hours observed behavioural and mortality, there was no mortality found. Conclusions: Hence the acute toxicity study shows that the drug GMAK did not possess any toxicity after inclusion of Stevia rebaudiana plant. Hence Stevia can be used as a safe sweetening agent in Unani formulations.