Introduction: Any pregnancy which passed beyond the EDD is called prolonged pregnancy and when it crossed beyond 42 weeks is called postmaturity .There is significant increase in perinatal morbidity and mortality due to past date. Aim: To study the maternal and perinatal out come in cases of past dates. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted for one year in the department of OBG in ACSR Medical College & General hospital Nellore. During this period total of 100 cases were randomly selected. Cases who crossed 40 weeks of gestation were induced .30 patients came in spontaneous labour with greater than 41 weeks .A preformed proforma was used to collect data and which are analysed later. Results: Among 3680 cases of labour patients who attended AC Subba reddy medical college ,there were 380 cases of past dates.The incidence of past dates was 13.98% 100 cases were randomly selected.85% had regular antenatal check ups.60% cases are primiparous and 40% are multi- paras.70% cases were induced with oxytocin, misoprostol and by sweeping membranes.69% cases had vaginal delivery. 1 case had vacuum application and 30 % cases had LSCS.There was one perinantal mortality due to congenital anomalies of the baby and no maternal mortality. Conclusion: perinatal morbidity, mortality, and maternal morbidity can be significantly reduced by timely intervention with fetal assessment and inducton of labour at 41 weeks.