Hereditary spherocytosis and gallstones formation

Dr. Salma AlDallal and Dr. Nasser AlDallal

Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is a heterogeneous group of hemolytic anemia caused by deficiency or dysfunction of red blood cell (RBC) cytoskeletal proteins. It is a common disorder located mostly in Caucasian population; most affected individuals have mild or only moderate hemolysis. In a few rare cases, the measurement of RBC membrane proteins is required to clarify the nature of the membrane disorder in absence of the family history. Patients with HS are at more risk of developing gallstones, whose prevention represents a major impetus for splenectomy in such patients. The main purpose of the study is to perform a mini review on the formation of gallstones in patients with hereditary spherocytosis. Hence, regular ultrasound and other diagnostic examinations are recommended for timely detection of any presence of gallstones in patients with HS.

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