echnical consraints to marketing of eggs in mohale’s hoek district of lesotho

Nkaki, P. A. and Rantlo. A.M.

This study was designed to identify technical constraints to marketing of eggs in Mohale’s Hoek district of Lesotho. The primary data used were obtained through the use of semi-structured interview schedule from 30 egg producers in the study area. A range of technical factors in marketing were incorporated in a binary choice model to investigate the egg marketing with their previous year’s farming results. To avoid selection bias in the sample, a probit model was chosen, and the Stata-10 software was used to estimate probit coefficients.The results provided indications that storage, transportation and telecommunication are important technical constraints to marketing of eggs in Mohale’s Hoek. Recommendations made on these issues include re-establishment of the egg circle for farmers to store their eggs, the use of cell phones by the farmers for messages to be transferred faster. Also to be included is the issue of addressing the poor state of roads and for farmers to formulate cooperatives and marketing groups.

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