Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic relapsing and remitting inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that affects the large bowel. Currently, there is no single test that allows the diagnosis of UC with acceptable sensitivity and specificity. Clinical and laboratory parameters are helpful in monitoring disease activity. Aim of the work: Was to evaluate the validity of Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity (UCEIS) in the evaluation of Ulcerative Colitis. Patients and Methods: Eighty patients with ulcerative colitis, who were subjected tohistory taking, clinical examination, laboratory investigations including acute phase reactants and fecalcalprotectin, colonoscopy and mucosal biopsies. Results: There was a statistical significance betweenUCEIS final score and each of fecal calprotectin andhistopathological activity but not with Truelove and Witts activity index.There was no statistical significance between Mayo final score and each of fecal calprotectin, Truelove and Witts activity index andhistopathological activity index. Conclusions: UCEIS is an easy index to be used in the evaluation of disease activity of UCas itclearly excludesvariability and applies precise definitions and significantly correlates with clinical, laboratory and histopathological markers of activity of UC.KEYWORDS: Ulcerative Colitis, UCEIS, inflammatory bowel disease, colonoscopy.