Affection and ethical principles as factors of change in the personality traits of spouses in long-term relationships in the reality of cabinda women

Maria Pascoalina Faria de Oliveira, Maria do Rosário Sona Faria Simbo and Rosária de Fátima Beua Pau

Over the years, the woman'srole in society has stood out in the direction of upward progression. These highlights boosted his social, family and cultural position. On the other hand, the current situation presents spouses with ethical and moral challenges that interfere with their coexistence experiences and personality traits. This work aims to verify the implications of marital coexistence on affective changes, ethical principles and personality traits in a group of women in long-term relationships. The study was carried out from February to March 2023 on women in a relationship of 5 years or more, by filling out a questionnaire that assessed affectivity, ethical principles and personality traits taking into account the experiences of coexistence conjugal. Data were collected through conventional sampling and analyzed using SPSS statistical software. 110 womens from different social strata participated in this study, aged between 38 and 42, the majority of whom had been together for more than 20 years. The results demonstrate that variables such as affectivity, ethical principles and personality traits are among the factors with the greatest weight in the Component Matrix. It was also found that there is a statistically significant association between affection, ethical principles and personality traits of the spouses. Fidelity behavior is correlated with marital satisfaction. Changes in personality patterns are related to emotional expression and ethical principles. Most of the women interviewed state that in long-term relationships, ethical principles and affection can produce significant changes in the spouses' personality traits and increase marital satisfaction.

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