An exploratory study was conducted among the housewives of Bahadarpur Jatt, Haridwar. A self structured knowledge questionnaire and skill checklist was used to collect data from subjects regarding hand hygiene. A total of 100 housewives participated in this study. According to the findings of the study, Majority 48% had average knowledge regarding hand hygiene. Housewives who wash their hands with soap and water after defecation (100%).before cooking food (89%), before eating food (94%), after touching animals (81%),after blowing nose (99%), after touching dustbin (95%), before serving food (77%) during/ after traveling (66%), after brooming (84%)and after dusting/moping(100%). This study shows that there is a high percentage of housewives who practiced hand hygiene with soap and water after the critical moment of hand hygiene. The findings indicate that there is a need for a health education program targeting the housewives for encouraging them and their sustainable hand hygiene practice is recommended.