Effect Of Seeded And Seedless Carica Papaya Fruit Extracts On The Histoarchitecture Of Reproductive Structures In Male Albino Rats

Punitha, N., Saravanan, R. and Shettu, N.

The present study was carried out to assess the effect of semi-ripe fruit pulp extract of Carica papaya (seeded and seedless fruits) on male albino Wistar rats. The aim of the present investigation is to analyse the mechanism of action of aqueous extract of seeded papaya fruit pulp and seed extract administered as a combined dose and seedless variety papaya fruit pulp extract on testicular function in male albino rats.The experimental animals were divided into three groups, Group - I served as control, experimental Group - II received combined papaya pulp and seed extract from seeded fruits and experimental Group - III received papaya pulp extract from seedless fruits. Experimental groups were orally administered with the extract (1gm / kg / body weight) for 60 days. These results indicate that Carica papaya semi-ripe seeded and seedless fruit pulp extract possess antifertility effects.

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