The review of the effectiveness of the reductionist approach in the treatment of oncological diseases shows insignificant progress in the treatment of oncological diseases. This is due to the use of a limited set of treatment methods mainly in the field of biochemistry and ignoring many scientific advances in biology and biophysics. Based on the accumulated clinical experience from the application of a systematic approach in the treatment of cancer and the achievements of modern biophysics, we created and introduced in our clinical practice the method IPT & BPT, which is a combined application of Insulin Potentiated Therapy and Biomagnetic Therapy with Magnetic Pairs. Our first results presented in two consecutive publications gave us confidence in the new opportunities in this direction. The experience gained so far has given us the opportunity to streamline the application of Biomagnetic therapy with magnetic pairs using Scalar information transfer for correction of magnetic depolarization. Subsequently, we created a protocol for Scalar IPT & BPT, replacing the intravenous administration of chemotherapeutics with scalar transfer of the same drugs. The first results of the modified IPT & BPT method will be presented in our next publication.