Present study aimed to explore the approval motive, perceived family environment and career and family values as expressed by homemakers belonging to nuclear and joint families at Kolkata. A group of 100 young homemakers (50 from nuclear & 50 from joint families) between the ages 20 to 25 years were selected as sample following the random sampling technique. A General Information Schedule, Approval Motive Questionnaire, Perceived Family Environment Questionnaire and Career-family Values Questionnaire were used as tools. Findings revealed that homemakers belonging to nuclear families scored significantly higher in career values than that of joint families. On the other hand, approval motive, perceived family environment and family values were significantly higher among homemakers belonging to joint families than that of nuclear families. Furthermore, there existed significant positive association between approval motive and family values & perceived family environment and family values as well as a significant negative association between approval motive and career values andalso perceived family environment and career values of homemakers residing at Kolkata.