During the last years there has been a growing interest to care quality in developed countries and certain developing countries as well since patients have become active partners in medical care nowadays. The purpose of this work is to assess the satisfaction of the hospitalized patients at eleven (11) MCO departments of the University Hospital Center of ORAN (UHC). Materials and Methods: We have carried out a prospective study during 15 days of two samples (groups) of eleven (11) hospital depts. Picked at random during the periods of October-November 2017 and December-January 2018. A multidimensional anonymous questionnaire translated in Arabic and French was handed over to the participants by medical students from a different department. Solely leaving patients on the same survey day were included. The level of satisfaction has been assessed through thematic and overall scores by combining all satisfaction dimensions. Results: We have included 198 patients. The average age of patients ranged between 35.74 ±21.4 years and children <5 years represented 12.1% of cases. Fifty four percent of the patients had secondary level education and 8.6% university level education. The overall satisfaction score was 56.7%.it varied significantly according to the gender (p<0.03) and admission sections (p<0.001). Scores for reception and psychological support were respectively as follows: 69.3% and 67.2%. Conclusion: Satisfaction assessment is less frequent and not compulsory in our health facilities. The obtained satisfaction overall score which varied significantly depending on the admission section, can be improved if corrective measures are taken. The improvement of quality in hospitals depends on various aspects including satisfaction assessment of patients without neglecting caregivers.