Inadequate supply of vitamin A is among the most pressing challenges facing developing countries including Nigeria. This study was undertaken to develop an acceptable chin-chin from orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) and red bambara groundnut (RBG) flours. Orange fleshed sweet potato contain beta carotene which is a precursor of vitamin A. Red bambara groundnut have potential to supply high protein to food products. The OFSP and RBG flours were blended in ratios 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, and 30:70, respectively. Established recipe was used to prepare chin-chin from the blends and 100% wheat flour (control). The chin-chin samples were analysed for sensory attributes, oiliness, proximate composition, anti-nutrients, minerals, vitamins and energy contents using standard methods. Data were analyzed using ANOVA at α0.05. There were no significant differences among 50:50, 60:40 and 100% wheat chin-chin in overall acceptability. The values of the oiliness ranged between 1.37±0.10 % and 3.92±0.86%. The breaking energy ranged between 0.035±0.007 N.m and 0.167±0.022 N.m. Crude protein contents for chin-chin were 13.78±0.03% (30:70), 12.87±0.01% (40:60), 11.79±0.07% (50:50), 10.71±0.05% (60:40) and 10.79±0.29% (control). Alkaloids contents were 0.02%, 0.03%, 0.06%, 0.04%, and 0.03% for 60:40, 50:50, 30:70, 40:60, and control, respectively. Trypsin inhibitors were not detected in the chin-chin. Calcium contents of all the samples ranged between 23.14±0.15% and 24.83±0.07% and iron between 1.01±0.03 and 1.65±0.04 mg/100g. The beta carotene contents ranged between 0.85±0.06mg/100g and 5.27±0.09mg/100g. Metabolizable energy for the chin-chin ranged between 100.07±0.48 and 101.25±0.43 KJ. Chin-chin produced from blends of orange fleshed sweet potato and red Bambara groundnuts are rich in protein and pro-vitamin A and are low in anti-nutrients.